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Mike Wiegele Heliskiing Blue River

Ban sledding

I was watching Global BC news this morning and heard that Mike Wiegele from Blue River was recommending that snowmobiling should be banned due to the amount of deaths this year.He owns and runs Mike Wiegele Heliskiing.That #**hole has been trying for years to get rid of us.I sure would like to have a face to face chat with him one day!:mad:
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I was watching it too, I almost come unglued. What a piece of work this guy is, he has been making a fortune from BC's back country for years. And now that people can get into these areas and enjoy them without forking over thousands to Mike Wiegele, he is all concerned about our safety.:rolleyes:

How many people died this year back country skiing???? Once Mike Wiegele eliminates all skiing fatalities in the back country then has a right to criticize Snowmobilers, but until then, Mike should keep his mouth shut.
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We sometimes ride where he does his heliskiing.We ALWAYS stay off of his drop zones and ski areas.I am looking forward to tearing up every run that I can find now!Maybe I will get lucky and he will land near us and try to say something like he has in the past.Jerk off thinks he owns all of the backcountry out here.
Just did a search. Here's his website if anyone would like to send him a little note. Not usually one to stir the pot, and by not actually seeing the news broadcast do not think it's in my court to send him a letter. If I had I would probably send him a short letter stating that 99% of backcountry riders are more than happy to SHARE public land, give him the link to the avalanch tally page, and ask if we can send out propoganda that shows Mike Wiegele Heliskiing as a advocate of multi-user public lands access.


It would be interesting to know the size of his carbon footprint. Buses, copters, lodge. It's also hard for him to claim a pristine environment with those Bell 212 whirly birds thumping overhead and spewing JP4 out the exhaust.

Weren't there some avy deaths in HIS 1,200,000 acres?

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Burn the bastards lodge down. He was not born in Canada, snowmobiling is part of our traditions.

come on dude, sledders are on the sh*tlist already. More redneck comments are just gonna give Wiggly more amunition.

sledders created this sh*t storm by not listening to all the warnings.

sledders will need to fix the problem or someone else will do it for us.
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come on dude, sledders are on the sh*tlist already. More redneck comments are just gonna give Wiggly more amunition.

sledders created this sh*t storm by not listening to all the warnings.

sledders will need to fix the problem or someone else will do it for us.

pano-dude,you obviously have not met Mike Wiegele.Though I do not think burning his lodge down would be a good idea,I do think that Wiegele is way out of line with his suggestion of banning us.I have met him before,and he was a total prick when I talked to him.He acted like he owned all of the land around Blue River.He did not know I was a sledder at the time,as I was skiing with his company,and he talked nothing but smack about us,and that he would love to shut us down.
How stupid is Mike Wiegele, his business is guiding people into potentially life threatening situations. He should be scrutinized, he is responsible for peoples lives, his clients. Unlike us sledders that take that risk on ourselves. It's blatantly obvious that Mike Wiegele is motivated not by our safety, but his greed for money.

Go back to Austria Mike!

"Born in Feiztritz, Austria in 1938, Mike Wiegele grew up in Lading Kärnten, Austria and moved to Canada in 1959. In 1960/1961 he worked with the legendary Ernie McCulloch at the Mont Tremblant Ski School, Quebec. From Mont Tremblant he moved to Sugar Bowl Ski Area, Lake Tahoe, California where he worked for another skiing legend, Junior Bounous."
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I hope that he doesnt have much pull. Anybody know anybody at the TV station that someone could send the above link to???
if he was born in 1938, maybe he'll die of old age soon! i heard he also lost a skier in a tree well, better ban tree wells!
Write the BC minister of public safety. John VanDngen was until last week. Wiggly does business on CRA's (Controlled Recreation Access). His tenure is not carved in stone. I ride (sled) with one of his guides quite often. All outdoor recreation is on thin ice right now because of POS' like John Ferry at the province paper. The uber greenies and city dwelling morons are convinced we all have a death wish. The Govt can make laws but really how do they enforce them? Where I ride you can go for hundreds of miles without seeing another human. Remind people that 74% of SAR callouts are in non winter conditions. Close the woods to everyone or go away. The provincial govt is trying to quiet critics and all this crap will be swept under the carpet after the election. Do Not vote NDP they are in bed with all the enviro's and will forever be! After next weeks election the whining will stop. Then next year we will hear from all the Goobers again. With the forests and mining shut down the govt knows how much dough we put into the coffers and they want all the money they can get!

We sometimes ride where he does his heliskiing.We ALWAYS stay off of his drop zones and ski areas.I am looking forward to tearing up every run that I can find now!Maybe I will get lucky and he will land near us and try to say something like he has in the past.Jerk off thinks he owns all of the backcountry out here.

this would be a very bad idea, I hope you are kidding. And I hope some newbie doesnt read this and think its a good idea.

he competes with snowmobilers for area tenure on a level we cant compete with. Lobbyists, free ski weekends for gov't officials and on and on.

the best we can do is be on our best behavior and get involved where we can to fight. giving evidence of tracking his area up would be more for him to use against us.
Here's what I emailed Mike...

Mike Wiegle,

I read a newspaper article today that had you calling for a ban on snowmobiling in BC’s mountains. You have a highly suspect point of view considering how you make your living. While the number of accidents is too high, there are a number of things we can do to help reduce this. Why don’t you lobby for more avalanche awareness and education instead of just calling to close it all down? Its one-sided attitudes like yours coupled with selfish ideas that led to irresponsible actions by misinformed groups. You get snowmobiling closed down and your business will be next. It’s a slippery slope Mike.

Darren McRae
Calgary, AB
just sent this to his comments box.

just saw your bit on the news about snowmobile deaths and your request to ban snowmobilers. Its very crafty of you trying to manipulate the public with your one sided opinions. Ask the town how they would feel with no sled money coming to town. God knows your business does nothing to support the town. Fact is, we try to be responsible and learn safety and all the while respect your areas. We want to share with you, not run you out.
However its obvious you dont feel the same about the snowmobilers.
While there have been almost twice as many snowmobile deaths since mid dec 2008 as ski and snowboard deaths, its obvious that there are risks to both sports. Its both selfish and greedy of you to try and capitalize on the deaths of people enjoying the backcountry the same way your customers do.

Blair Metrunec
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