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History of the forum......

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Sep 3, 2002
Ah I remember the 4M Ride at Steamboat Springs. We get on the trolley to go up to the mountain for dinner and Mike (aka Duke1N) was on there. I walked up to to him and say,"Hi, you must be Dukey." He says, "yeah." And I say,"I'm Disco Dan!"

Fear immediately sat in as I think he bent the support bar to which he was holding onto. For those that don't know/remember, Disco and Dukie were in the mist of a good ole SW war of words. I immediately followed up with, no, just kidding, I'm CADman. WHEW! Dodge a fist there. All was good after that.

Oh and Farmer getting highmarked in a bar. That was pretty good too!:beer;:beer;:beer;
Sep 3, 2002
Good times.

Whatever happened to Rhea. I remember when she went to work for Boss seats...never talked to her shortly after that. She disappear?

It may have been a couple years back, but ran into her at a Vikes game here in Minneapolis. She had lost quite a bit of weight and looked really good. I hardly recongized her.

Haven't heard from her since though.


Well-known member
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May 3, 2004
Kotlik, AK
Days go by where I remember how a bunch of us used to try to lounge in fouled plug and the thread would get deleted after a few posts. And we were the same bunch everytime, lol. But we used to piss off a bunch of folks because we'd all hang out together and post in a bunch of the same posts, haha, and have the same point of view at times.
Sep 3, 2002
It would be great to find some of the early posts. . .me writing to the Polaris CEO "Stue P Dass". . .

Dear Polaris Boneheads,

I am writing you as a concerned and severly addicted sledhead. I am very concerned about your attempt of
manufacturing a mountain sled that will complete with the competion. I know that you spent $33,000,000 on
designing the 900 RMK. Judging from the product, you might consider investigating whether the $32,999,800 of
the $33M was spent by the top exec's on expensive liquid refreshments and cheap women. I would like to offer
you a proposal. You pay me a small fee of $15,000,000 and I will produce a mountain sled that would take the
competion a decade to catch up with. This offer will be good for 30 days. Call my secretary, Ineeda Enema at



The Polaris Poem
By 383

Oh how great the anticipation, yes. . .the talk of the day,
The much awaited arrival of the Polaris 900. . .RMK,

The hype was plenty, oh yes stacked deep,
I had to wear waders to walk through the heep,

With visions of highmarking dancing in their heads,
Sheep herds of riders lay'd down 10 grand for these sleds,

Oh yes, look out the King Kat and the Doo,
The RMK will spank you silly and will look good to,

The day finally came when their was some snow,
Everybody loaded up and was on the go,

To move it around on the trailer, I gave it a yank,
Wholly butt pucker, this thing is a tank,

If you get this thing stuck, you'll have to be stout,
You'll need Hose A and Hose B to help get it out,

Then I noticed the sticker that caused my spirits to dive,
This sled will self distruct if run over 45,

I squoze the throttle with much anticipation,
It felt like I was on a train just leaving the station,

I waited this long to enjoy much riding splender,
But it rides like a mule and sounds like a blender,

All summer I've been pump'in weights to be a big enough man,
To only find out it runs like a 340 fan,

So slow was the ride, next time I have a hunch,
To get to the mountian, I'll have to bring a lunch,

Now off to the mod shop we haul the heep,
Please sir, bolt on anything that will make it run in the deep,

The news comes back that there is just no hope,
To enjoy this ride. . .simply smoke some dope,

The trees will look smaller and the hill will look steeper,
It will be easier than mods and a whole lot cheaper,

Now its the little sled that couldn't. . . yes, the talk of the day,
The famous Polaris 900. . .RMK!

If you would like copies of this poem for your personal use. . .please contact my agent Phil Mieshorts at

That poem is priceless!! :beer;:beer;:D


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Nov 26, 2007
Alot has changed around here since the days of IP with JEFFC and Hilly; making up the ASSHAT with an old work lid I had laying around the shop and a black magic marker; spending entirely too much money on an old windsheild that said "DOOOO WHAAAP" on it of all things; thinking to myself that white skies on a purple sled was gayer than two men humping; and hearing my own thoughts reflected back to me in a telephone conversation just hours before making the first trip west with toyz "ok see you in a few hours... you better not be some kind of dork or something." LMAO!!

But even with all this change (most not for the good, sorry to say), some things will never change. So here's to all the good friends I've made by being a complete smart a$$ on this forum, you know who you are. And here's to many more years of making marks, getting stuck, greasy fingernails, laughing at you idiots and getting laughed at in return.

HD06 036 (Large).jpg HD06 062 (Large).jpg HD06 023 (Large).jpg


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
A few more, looking at these old pics is putting me on a serious snow jones, see all you asshats soon!!

HD06 090 (Large).jpg HD06 093 (Large).jpg HDs 016 (Large).jpg nypics 106 (Large).jpg EVILmonkey copy (Large).jpg nypics 105 (Large).jpg TTCrew (Large).jpg


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
What's with him and that damned pinky? It's always sticking out when he's holding a beverage. IT's like he's trolling or something.



Nov 28, 2007
Rathdrum, ID
Good post Scott. Ya, I was member 118. Been here since 2000 but I dont even know where to start when I get on here anymore thats why Im not on here much. Loved the days where it was just 3-4 sections. They just dont need all the crap they have on here now. The KISS principle worked just great and Tetonice was the household name on here between him and 383 lb 800 we had more than enough entertainment. I dont recognize many names on here anymore but yours will always be a household name and one that I can put a face and voice with along with some crazy riding on June 13th of 2002 in the Hoodoos.


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
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Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
HAHA, Steve.
That ride will never be forgotten. LOL
On June 10th, 2002, I told my wife I was going sledding that weekend.

She laughed. "Yeah? Where?"

"HooDoo. Lot'sa snow."

"Ok, who ya going with?"

"Some dudes from the internet."

"Have you met THESE guys before?"


"So how many strangers from the internet are you going to go riding with?"

Still going strong today...HAHA.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 26, 2004
NW Montana
I just want to point out the fact that cat woman gave AR a infraction or warning for using the same type of spelling method to change a word not allowed by this site. can you say Hypocrite??:rolleyes:

Since I see this quoted, I'll reply to this. It was NOT I that gave AR an infraction, you don't have your facts straight on this.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.......

Here are some pics I've pulled from the 4M in past years. :)

4-23 group shot.jpg Pigboy.jpg Sarah-Pigtail-Powder.jpg UM2DAnimalTheMan.jpg TS100_3386TSstandoff.jpg


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 26, 2004
NW Montana
Some more.......dang, I sure have a ton of pics I've downloaded over the years! :face-icon-small-sho I haven't been back through these in a long time.

First 3 random......not sure who they are?

4_3Stuckoftheyear.jpg 4982.jpg 727.jpg Animal Kitchen1.jpg Animal towing Julio.jpg


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
HAHA, Steve.
That ride will never be forgotten. LOL
On June 10th, 2002, I told my wife I was going sledding that weekend.

She laughed. "Yeah? Where?"

"HooDoo. Lot'sa snow."

"Ok, who ya going with?"

"Some dudes from the internet."

"Have you met THESE guys before?"


"How many strangers from the internet are you going to go riding?"

Still going strong today...HAHA.

Man that brings back some memories! Similar story:

Wife "I think you like all those VIRTUAL(this woman could twist a word around a turd like no other) friends more than me!!"

Me "Virtual? You mean the guys that I trust with my life and they trust me with theirs everytime we enter the back country? THOSE "virtual" friends?"

Long story short, I'm divorced but still hanging with my all my "virtual" friends. I wonder if she blames my virtual friends for the divorce? Cause she'd be right and I'd be forever grateful!! LMAO!


Oct 28, 2009
How about the sled that the forum built. Sledjunky and others put a lot of time in on that project. Cat donated a motor and other forum members donated parts to build a sled. What ever become of the sled?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jan 26, 2004
NW Montana
There are some pics of it I posted above (American flag one side, Canadian on the other). plumr won it......I think I read that he later sold it.....who has it now?
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