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How about our great President!!!

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Aug 30, 2011
Gotta love when Dems flip on border policy.
Does it make you feel like you are on the side of a used car salesperson?

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I personally think both sides are ridiculous, though I do agree that a president shouldn't be able to shut down the government to get his way, regardless of what side it is. It sets a bad precedent & its bad leadership. As would be declaring a national emergency to get your way. The amount of things that have become de facto law due to Exective Order is absurd. 9/11 gave W a ridiculous amount of power & none of it has been reclaimed from the executive branch since. W Abused it. Obama abused it. Trump has & will continue to.

As far as the shutdown went - They had to start up the government again because if it had gone on much longer we all might have figured out how well we do without them. I'm pretty sure the amount of political capital that has been spent isn't winning love from many voters for either side. I guess we'll see come February 15th who wants to be re-elected.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Thoughts on Schultz anyone? Will he go for it?

I hope so, just for the sake of something other than the 2 party system crap we've been in for my whole lifetime. I know next to nothing about him, but if 2016 taught anyone anything, its that anything goes at this point. There are an absurd amount of democrats who are considering running. Maybe if they had considered it in 16 they might have had a better chance than they did with Hillary. I have no idea why they were so enamored with her. I tend to be libertarian, but lean centrist and even left in some ways. I got why folks elected Obama the first time (I didn't vote for the guy, but I got it - not the second time though). I lost any faith I had in his being something different when he appointed her as Secretary of State.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
What a patriotic fella we've got for Pres

Way to go, our supreme Commander in Chief, for ripping on the American Intelligence community again, including many hired by the commander himself. When people do their jobs, people who have dedicated their lives to serving our country & he proceeds to tweet about how they should go back to school after he doesn't like what their reports say, it confirms my opinion of him again, and again, and again.

Why trust Americans who have spent their lives in our service, when instead you can take a Russian intelligence oligarch turned president at his word, or a North Korean dictator who will stroke your ego just enough to keep you from using "fire & fury" rhetoric again, and instead go have tea with him & kick the nuclear can a little further down the road. (Nevermind the fact that the Commander in Chief is now BUILDING our arsenal of nukes again. If you don't want your kids playing with firecrackers, don't go stockpiling them in your closet).
This President does not listen to what any of the professionals who have been in their field for decades have to say to him, nor does he even consider seriously it seems the opinions & ideas of the very people he puts in his cabinet & top positions. He has turned the Presidency into essentially the pulpit "for DJT, of DJT, and by DJT," and is doing all he can to extend that to the rest of the nation in policy and law. He has the biggest megaphone on the planet & is doing all he can to drown out all other voices. It floors me that his "base" so blindly follows him, because "He Gets Results." Because, of course he says so.

So Isis is "Defeated."
North Korea is "no longer a threat."
Saudi Arabia is such a valuable ally that we can't risk offending their king. (FACT - ALL 18 Pilots from 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia - And Wahhabism - THE SOURCE FROM WHICH OSAMA BIN LADEN & ISLAMIC EXTREMISM SPRANG - Has its roots DEEP in the Saudi Regime [which the US Put in power long ago & has stood by through ANYTHING], which has killed more Muslims than any other power, period.)
Immigrants and refugees are the "BIGGEST threat to us"
There was obviously no Collusion with Russia (Because Putin said so, remember)
Those who want to investigate Trump in any way are obviously part of a leftist Witch hunt.
If you don't get your way, shut down the government.
If that doesn't work, use executive order & "national emergencies" to get your way. Just wait until the other side is in power again to see how bad it can come back to bite you.

And on, and on, and on.

And remind me again just HOW he's actually making America Great Again?

My rant for today. Enjoy.


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
You alway have good rants ol’boy but it would help to lay off the cnn, msnbc, huff post, etc. Don Lemon has infultrated your brain! :face-icon-small-hap
This President does not listen to what any of the professionals who have been in their field for decades have to say to him, nor does he even consider seriously it seems the opinions & ideas of the very people he puts in his cabinet & top positions.
Dont worry obama didnt listen to any of them either, part of being the boss allows this i guess.

Those who want to investigate Trump in any way are obviously part of a leftist Witch hunt.
My rant for today. Enjoy.
It is a witch hunt. When you watch the news you can see the hate towards trump these supposed news reporters ooze out. Look how they jumped on the covington kids wearing maga hats, “white little nazi racists that trump created” they all yelled! No due diligence to investigate the whole story and they ate alot of crow. Still not witch hunters?
Another example; white house press briefings are for giving info to the press and they report it. But what happens is the press are witch hunters trying to catch and hang them on anything they can.


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
Immigrants and refugees are the "BIGGEST threat to us"
If you don't get your way, shut down the government.
If that doesn't work, use executive order & "national emergencies" to get your way. Just wait until the other side is in power again to see how bad it can come back to bite you.
In lies the showdown-standoff, dems won’t build the wall as they need the future voters and will never do anything to help the US since it was trumps idea.
But if trump uses the exec order it will open the door for them to do the same when they get in power next. :juggle:

Side note: I could see the next dem-left side president using an executive order to ban all fossil fuels to curb climate change since we now only have 12 years to live! :eyebrows::eyebrows:


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Aug 30, 2011

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I have not watched CNN since I was a bout 12, not that I watched it then, I just saw it then. I have never read the Huffington Post, Nor do I read/watch/listen to MSNBC. I do listen to NPR. I also realize their reporting is slanted & turn it off when it becomes completely unobjective. My opinions about Trump & his behavior are formed primarily by my own observations, studying history, the constitution, etc. I DO believe in debate, and in considering what the other viewpoints are and where they're coming from.

I think one of the biggest problems are that things are so polarized, which DJT is nothing if not polarizing. When its "us vs. them" and "if you're not for us/with us, you're against us," leaves those who are willing to reason & consider things from opposing viewpoints & may even be willing to change our viewpoints out in the cold. And THAT is the camp where I place my flag. I have changed my views on many things. Gun control - I used to not see what the big deal was. Now, I'm of the opinion that if the military or law enforcement can be allowed to wield a weapon, why should the government have the right to restrict a law abiding citizen from wielding the same weapon in their own defense. Others, I'm still in a gray area on - Death penalty, Marijuana use & legalization, border security, gay marriage, and so forth - I have views, but they're a little more fluid.

Don't assume because someone dislikes Trump that they believe anything repeated by democrats, CNN, or MSNBC.
I'll try not to assume you get all your news & believe everything you hear from Breitbart, Foxnews, & DJT.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Truth be told, my favorite news Program is "The World" which is a co-production of WGBH in Boston & the BBC. If you want a more objective views of the US government, it helps to see it a little more from the outside. Also, their news is a lot less petty & a lot less USA-Centric than about any other source. They report on the Major happenings in the US, but they don't devote hour after hour beating a dead horse & getting reactions from this senator to what Trump said, or tearing apart every tweet & democratic rebuttal to it.

Is it still slanted? Sure. The key to understanding news, whatever source it comes from, is partially in being able to perceive the filter through which it arrives to you. For some sources, that filter is little more than cheesecloth, for others, that filter is some kind of carbon-fiber-tungsten wall with a tiny pinhole through which their information is funneled.


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
I DO believe in debate, and in considering what the other viewpoints are and where they're coming from.
I think one of the biggest problems are that things are so polarized, which DJT is nothing if not polarizing. When its "us vs. them" and "if you're not for us/with us, you're against us," leaves those who are willing to reason & consider things from opposing viewpoints & may even be willing to change our viewpoints out in the cold.
DJT image/personality portrayed is of winning & confidence. This has been the key to his succes for all these years. This “polarizes” the left and makes them explode, these are the people that never heard of the old saying “sticks & stones.”
This is IMO and is welcomed for debate.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
It still just amazes me the amount of people that simply don't get it.
The Donald's policies have been tremendously successful, yet because he tells it like it is without filtering his verbiage, some people are unwilling to acknowledge these successes.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I understand the arguments against being "politically correct," and agree with many of them. What I think is important is civility. What I don't appreciate about Trump is, beyond not caring if he is Politically correct, he I think often tries to offend & succeeds in doing so. That being said, one of my favorite things to tell my kids is "Someone who gets offended when it is not intended is a fool, and someone who gets offended when it is intended is a bigger fool."

And contending that his policies are tremendously successful is highly biased at best. Truth be told, to really evaluate someones decisions & policies they implemented in the presidency, it needs to be in retrospect. Probably more than 10 years retrospect for the best idea. (IMO)
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