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Thought on paying for memberships.

I agree with most that Snowest going to paysite is a bum deal.

Instead of going to paying members only, why not go to a donation format? Say for 10 dollars a year, members get decals of some kind. Maybe for 20 dollars a B-ball hat. With each progression in membership amount paid the member gets a nicer gift pack in return. So instead of a paysite, it would be more of a donating member kind of program.

I realize we would still be paying but at least members would get something back for the donation.

This is something that seems to work on other sites.

If we come up with ideas to give to Christopher, maybe we can change Christophers mind on his new paying member rule.
i've been to many other forums and snowest has the most useful info. its only 10 bucks so i'm going to give it a year and see how it is. if they keep having problems i'm going to be pi**ed off. just my 2 cents
i've been to many other forums and snowest has the most useful info. its only 10 bucks so i'm going to give it a year and see how it is. if they keep having problems i'm going to be pi**ed off. just my 2 cents

I felt the same way until I saw/heard about what SnoWest admin is doing to anyone that types in BxCxR (w/o the x's). What is so bad about that? SnoWest admin and the moderation on this site is straight f'd up.
I like the idea of a hat & maybe some decals , But in reality it's only $10 for some of us that have numerous sled's & dollar's into them what's $10. The info we find on this site is priceless for what we get.
They say were in a recession , but when it come to mod's for your sled you have no problem dishing out 4-7 k for a turbo or any thing else

Just my .02
I'd pay $15 to put it back like it was 2 years ago and another $15 if they canned Christopher for fragmenting our community. I don't want to live here. I just want to catch up, contribute when I can, and snicker at some of the shenanigans that go on and on that everyone chimes in on because it's not hidden in the shenanigan section (subsection of fouled plug). Now it's like a maze with 4-5 people stuck in 50 different corners. $15 isn't the deal breaker, buying into a heavy handed new admin. that seems to want to fix things that aren't broken and ignore or spin our feedback chaps my hide.
I'd pay $15 to put it back like it was 2 years ago and another $15 if they canned Christopher for fragmenting our community. I don't want to live here. I just want to catch up, contribute when I can, and snicker at some of the shenanigans that go on and on that everyone chimes in on because it's not hidden in the shenanigan section (subsection of fouled plug). Now it's like a maze with 4-5 people stuck in 50 different corners. $15 isn't the deal breaker, buying into a heavy handed new admin. that seems to want to fix things that aren't broken and ignore or spin our feedback chaps my hide.

ditto brotha!
I'd pay $15 to put it back like it was 2 years ago and another $15 if they canned Christopher for fragmenting our community. I don't want to live here. I just want to catch up, contribute when I can, and snicker at some of the shenanigans that go on and on that everyone chimes in on because it's not hidden in the shenanigan section (subsection of fouled plug). Now it's like a maze with 4-5 people stuck in 50 different corners. $15 isn't the deal breaker, buying into a heavy handed new admin. that seems to want to fix things that aren't broken and ignore or spin our feedback chaps my hide.

completly agree

i get the feeling that he thinks he's better then us type vibe:(
a lot of people on here dont mind paying a rediculess price for after market parts they here about on this forum, but are whine'ing about paying a few bucks to use it, as for donations, just a guess but i think 99% of the people that have a chance to help do something about keeping our areas open do nothing, not even an e mail, so why would they donate to snowest
I just want to catch up, contribute when I can, and snicker at some of the shenanigans that go on and on that everyone chimes in on because it's not hidden in the shenanigan section (subsection of fouled plug). Now it's like a maze with 4-5 people stuck in 50 different corners.

Hang tight...this is getting fixed! I know things are crazy but there are good things on the horizon. Its constuctive critisism that helps move things the right direction and all these comments are read. I hope you guys dont think the mods dont listen because we do. You guys know who we are and we share the same views. We want good things and are trying to represent the forum members and there views as well, try not to beat us up.
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I'd pay $15 to put it back like it was 2 years ago and another $15 if they canned Christopher for fragmenting our community. I don't want to live here. I just want to catch up, contribute when I can, and snicker at some of the shenanigans that go on and on that everyone chimes in on because it's not hidden in the shenanigan section (subsection of fouled plug). Now it's like a maze with 4-5 people stuck in 50 different corners. $15 isn't the deal breaker, buying into a heavy handed new admin. that seems to want to fix things that aren't broken and ignore or spin our feedback chaps my hide.

Exactly. To me its not about the money. Not at all. Its a severe degradation of what I have come to love about SW. Sadly I am moving on.
Hang tight...this is getting fixed! I know things are crazy but there are good things on the horizon. Its constuctive critisism that helps move things the right direction and all these comments are read. I hope you guys dont think the mods dont listen because we do. You guys know who we are and we share the same views. We want good things and are trying to represent the forum members and there views as well, try not to beat us up.

The problem is good things may be coming but with a pay system like is now going to be in place you are going to lose a lot of valuable information with the exit of people and the less info the more people you will lose. Eventually it will be nothing and that is too bad. I am sure there are other options, but it seems that there is no one to listen. I have read lots of ideas about this subject and I think several would work great, but I don't think the ideas are getting through to christopher. I am not in his shoes, but I honestly believe this site will suffer from this paid system.

Just my thoughts.
have been told from many mods and other people chris is very bull headed on what he wants

is he a snowmobile owner yet?
Hang tight...this is getting fixed! I know things are crazy but there are good things on the horizon. Its constuctive critisism that helps move things the right direction and all these comments are read. I hope you guys dont think the mods dont listen because we do. You guys know who we are and we share the same views. We want good things and are trying to represent the forum members and there views as well, try not to beat us up.

Himak...as of now..I am taking a wait and see attitude....but I would hope that harris publishing...christopher, big darrin, and all of our mods on here would hear what so many on here are saying...1..its not the money....2.. most....far more then I think snowest wants to admit...dont like the new toys or the new layout on here...3... We want mods with self control.... and fairness.........Humor those on here..do an official poll service of all members...allowing polls for everything from layout, content, modules, to acceptable and non aceptable mods...let the majority of members have a real say in this forum....If snowest really want this forum to grow..to be the best sled site on the planet....listen to what the majority of the members want.........do it just as christopher is doing the open letter...except do it as a set of polls, listing every conceivable complaint that has been brought to light recently.. one thing I think that may help is for mods to have to have 2 in agreement before a post/thread can be deleted/censored/or modified..this way no one allows either personal or business interest to affect post/threads..it would require 2 mods to disturb a thread/post other then for moving it to its proper place in the forum....some of the current toys that have been added I doubt many members even use..but it does sound like some very good ones are coming... why cant we have a subforum for the next 6 months that is nothing but polls on everything to do with snowest forum..bring out the changes, new toys , new ideas and allow members to use and experience them and vote..on what they want..at the end of the 6 months..tally the results..majority wins..the majority of the members will have spoken...and overall it should do more to bring peace and contentment then anything else will...........I dont know...just an idea.......:beer;
RE: Paying again, and again, and again

Well here we are again having to pay for something that is so useful, is it never gonna end? I know it is only under $20.00, but where does it stop? I think this is kind of crap, cause there are other sites, i.e. Doo talk, Snow and Mud, for snowmobile information sites, that you don't have to pay for and they have really good information too. And then for sites that everybody knows and gets all kinds of information from, example MSN, Google, Yahoo, which are not paid for sites that make SnoWest look so small in the scheme of things, and they don't make you pay for memberships, and they survived since the web has been around. I think it is just a way for SnoWest to make a few bucks and put it in someone's pocket. Regrettably I think it is the beginning of the end for SnoWest Forums. SnoWest Forums R.I.P.
Here's a post from another area

For those of you who don't like snowest, why are you still here?

If you owned a business and had a customer come into your place of business and tell you how much it sucked, and proceeded to tell other customers coming in that there was a better place to go, would you allow him to stay?

I wouldn't, give me a break. If you like it, stay, if you don't, go. I think the moderaters put up with too much snowest bashing. Constructive criticism is one thing, bashing is another.


I don't like it as much, too many subcategories. In that past, when there was only about 6 categories, I came along a lot of useful posts that I otherwise wouldn't have come across jsut surfing. Too many categories means I don't see alot of posts. Even some posts in the "wrong" sections I felt were okay.

But who cares, it's their site, if you don't like, don't come!

Seems like there are a lot of whiners here anymore, and more posts about how much it sucks than useful info. Too bad, I use to get alot out of these forums. BUT, I'll stick around, I pretty much have been checking this site for the last 8 years several times a day, it's a part of my life!!! LOL:eek::beer;

But,I can't believe people are whining and complaining about 10-15bucks a year......3-4 cents a day?????? Give me a break, if everyone spent as much time on this forum complaining and writing their opinions to the government of our rights to use publec land, we'd all be better off.

This place is getting worse, but it's not the forum, its all the baby whiners!!! Enough already!:mad:
$11,000.00 for a new sled? Hellz yeah! Lesssride!
$900.00 for the most common mods? Braaap!!
$150.00 for a decent helmet? Gotsta keep my nugget snug
$800.00 for clothes, a pack and survival/avy stuff? Uh, hello...
$1800.00 for a season's worth of gas for the sled & truck? No shizzle Holmes

$10 for a Snowest membership? What? What? What? Are you F#@%ing S#!++ing Me???? Oh my God that's robbery! We're getting screwed.

This is bulls#!+

That's it, I'm F#@%ing quitting.
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