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Silber Reflash $500 Really!



Dec 4, 2012
Just purchased a Silber turbo Demo from a local dealer. Was super stoked! Dealer said Silber would flash my ECU for free. Great. I sent it to Silber and followed up with a call to let them know it was on its way. Justin said they could not Flash it for free and it would be $200. OK then a couple of days later James calls and ask how to I want to pay for it.
I said to use my credit card to pay the $200. He then said it was $500. Really!! He asked Justin about it and he did not remember. I was stuck so I paid it. Not real Pleased with their customer service.
I sure hope it runs a lot better than the service I received. I,m planning on buying a second one for my son next month, we will see.

Lesson learned. Double check everything.
Rant over.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 20, 2009
So yes, a reflash for a new customer is $500. When you purchase a new Silber kit the flash is included and any updates are free as well to the original owner. Each additional VIN license has a cost associated to it.

A good dealer could have given you a better cost for sure..


Nov 16, 2009
Your dealer needed to communicate with you better. I'd bring the bill to them.

You can't expect Silber to do anything for free with respect to a second hand kit. They are a small operation. Supporting product that has been passed around is one of the *hardest* things for an aftermarket company to do.


Well-known member
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Jul 8, 2011
Greenville, WI
Sounds like more of a problem with your dealer telling you something that wasn't accurate and they should sort it for you.

While I agree to a point, that only applies to the first problem imo. Problem 2 was quoting someone 200 then charging 500. That isn't right in my eyes. I'm sure if the OP knew it was $500, that would've put the kit close to the same cost as new and would've given the used kit a second thought.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 27, 2008
Yes, 500.00 for a reflash is way to high!!

I was looking at a very slightly used Silber turbo that wasn't priced to bad but once I found out it was another 500.00, the deal really wasn't that good anymore.

So, remember if your buying a used Silber Turbo, add 500.00 to whatever the price is.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 25, 2002
This is not a "loaded question"....rather, a sincere inquiry .

What is the breakdown of $500.00 reflash?


I'm wondering the same thing. We reflash vehicles all the time and its never more then 100.00 and we have to pay subscription fees to the manufactures for the info. 500.00 sounds WAY out of line for something that only only takes a few minutes to do. Eric

Sage Crusher

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 30, 2010
Rock Springs,Wyoming
The cost of the re-flash is in line with if you sent a ECU to a
company when you just want their flash
I have had many Arctic cats sent in to EVO and it's $400 for their flash

I would convey the dissatisfaction to the quoted price and the final.
When you buy used- all parameters are not included- but being quoted and actual - Ya I would continue to press since you checked before you bought.(SMART) $200.00 is a great price !!

Being a dealer for them - it has always been $500.00 for a used system flash
and I make nothing from it !!
If you would have matched injector colors you would have been good to go
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 21, 2002
Kamloops BC
Ya that's ridiculous. I understand R&D and such, but man, I barely paid that to tune my AMG, fairly certain there's about 1,000 x more lines of code keeping a hand built, 500+ hp V8 worth $40k usd tuned and safe vs. a 2 cyl two stroke..


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
i have to agree $500 seems steep i can see $200
i realize your getting all the R/D and software
but still

i would call them back and ask Justin to refund the $300
since he quoted that (you should have demanded that at the time of payment)

if he does refund you i hope you will add that to this thread

MacDawg productions

Well-known member
Sep 5, 2008
Van Isle, British Columbia
Just purchased a Silber turbo Demo from a local dealer. Was super stoked! Dealer said Silber would flash my ECU for free. Great. I sent it to Silber and followed up with a call to let them know it was on its way. Justin said they could not Flash it for free and it would be $200. OK then a couple of days later James calls and ask how to I want to pay for it.
I said to use my credit card to pay the $200. He then said it was $500. Really!! He asked Justin about it and he did not remember. I was stuck so I paid it. Not real Pleased with their customer service.
I sure hope it runs a lot better than the service I received. I,m planning on buying a second one for my son next month, we will see.

Lesson learned. Double check everything.
Rant over.

I too picked up a 14 used silber kit with only 100 miles on it.
And had to pay 500 bux for reflash. Its a bit silly!


Well-known member
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Apr 21, 2011
Valdez, AK
The more I hear, the more I'm glad I never pulled the trigger on any turbo kit

What does it cost to get the ECU un-flashed (and back to stock) once the kit is removed?

It would be Far cheaper to swap both the ECU's and injectors if they were the wrong color?

Or Just buy the correct color injectors.

IMO they are effectively (maybe intentionally?) killing their own Used Turbo sales and trying to force you into buying a new kit.

Who in the right mind would pay 1/5-1/6 of the new Turbo kit price to get their ECU flashed? I surely would not!

IMO, It is like selling a used "complete" electric start kit without the ES-clutch, USELESS unless you pony up another $500+ for the ES-clutch. In which case the used (and incomplete kit) will cost you more than buying the new complete kit from the dealer.


I feel your pain!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Feb 19, 2009
hanging out in a tree well at the top.
Just purchased a Silber turbo Demo from a local dealer. Was super stoked! Dealer said Silber would flash my ECU for free. Great. I sent it to Silber and followed up with a call to let them know it was on its way. Justin said they could not Flash it for free and it would be $200. OK then a couple of days later James calls and ask how to I want to pay for it.
I said to use my credit card to pay the $200. He then said it was $500. Really!! He asked Justin about it and he did not remember. I was stuck so I paid it. Not real Pleased with their customer service.
I sure hope it runs a lot better than the service I received. I,m planning on buying a second one for my son next month, we will see.

Lesson learned. Double check everything.
Rant over.

It is my understanding if you are the original purchaser and need it flashed back to stock it is part of the original purchase price. Warranty work or sell the kit. One would think if someone sold the kit to another person with the same sled an ECU swap would be done. I would go back to the dealer and explain to them the additional costs you endured. As this dealer sold you a incomplete kit. Did they know of the $500 charge and just not tell you? After all this how much is it less than a new kit? Probably not worth the hassle.


Nov 16, 2009
Here is the reason...(again - right from Silber when I asked - I'm paraphrasing)

Silber does not want to support product (for free) that has been taken off a sled and sold again. They make $0.00 off this transaction but it costs them more than "just" the reflash R&D. Here is how...

When a second hand buyer buys a kit, they often reach out to Silber with a number of questions.These questions take time and tie up customer service resources in a big way. All on a transaction that yielded Silber no money.

Silber is fine answering all these questions with respect to a new kit (something they've really pushed hard to work on is Customer Service - which I think most would agree is awesome these days).

If you do buy a take off kit, and have all the same questions the orignal buyer likely had, well, they not only need to recoup some mapping/dev R&D costs, but they need to recoup the costs associated with all the questions they get as again, according to the company second hand buyers often have the most lengthy and time consuming CS requests. (most questions revolve around initial setup...so you've got double the "initial setup" questions)

Its their business decision. The same way you usually can't warranty a part even if its within the time window if its second hand in other industries.business decision.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 8, 2014
Lots of good points JJ. What's the cost of unlocking a tuner on your vehicle to put it on a new vehicle perhaps you just bought. Last time I looked into Diablo it wasn't cheap either. All for similar reasons as to what JJ just posted up.
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