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QUESTION: Would you be WILLING to lose 10% of your body weight ??

Jan 21, 2016
Dillon, CO
if you want to drop weight put down the fork... You don't need a scam like this to drop weight ... A simple google search will show you how ... If you need to commit at a "program" to figure it out you are ****ed anyway. Pretty sad that junk like this is making its way on the forum.


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Oct 31, 2012
I went from 213 lbs in July to 190 now. It's not rocket science. Just eat less.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
if you want to drop weight put down the fork... You don't need a scam like this to drop weight ... A simple google search will show you how ... If you need to commit at a "program" to figure it out you are ****ed anyway. Pretty sad that junk like this is making its way on the forum.

Considering it's neither a "Scam" nor is it "Junk", it is sad that people who know nothing at all about the program I am offering are so quick to blindly rush in and label it as something it's not, even when our own members come forward to attest that it worked.

Why is it that no good deed goes unpunished on this forum??


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Rigby, Idaho
I want each of you to know that what Christopher and Brian have been talking about really works. I am a good friend of Christopher and he challenged me to join Weightix back In June this year.

I was sick and tired of being overweight and decided it was time to get in shape for the upcoming sledding season.
I am now down almost 50 pounds in less than 6 months and feel great!
This program is not just another diet! It is a way to correct your bad eating habits and make changes for life.

The program truly works if you are willing to make the effort to make changes in your life. I am so excited to wear my new Klim gear and be almost 50 lbs lighter this season than last year! I would highly encourage you to check out www.weightix.com to learn more and find out for yourself how to lose weight the safe and correct way. Good luck guys!

Thanks for your comments my friend.
The change Weightix has made in you over the last several months has been AMAZING to watch!
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Trail Coordinator
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Nov 26, 2007
Ham Lake / Lake of the Woods, MN
Figured I would chime in too.

I have been part of the Weightix program for a couple months now. I'm down about 27 lbs so far with still a long ways to go. Like others have said losing weight is easy, just eat right and exercise. For me personally I got into the program as I wanted to know more about the "eat right" side of things. I wanted more food knowledge and being friends with Christopher and Brian and seeing their results I never doubted the science behind what they were doing. Now I will be honest. I’m terrible at the program, I would guess that I’m only putting about 60% effort into this. At this point in life I don’t have all the time required to really dedicate myself to the program. To really hit everything 100% you need some time to prep meals and a bit more time to exercise. Being in the middle of a house remodel, a buy-in at work and a couple family medical issues I knew a couple months ago was not the best time to start the program. However with the knowledge I have gained I’m still losing weight and working towards my goal. I know some people get into a program like this to meet a certain goal by a certain date. Maybe a wedding, or summer or whatever. For myself it was just a goal to get in better health. My results may take a bit longer then the people who are 100% in but that’s OK with me.

And to those who talk about hidden costs. There are none. I have not purchased or paid for anything else in the Weightix program. I buy my food at the same grocery store I have been shopping at all my life. I order my protein powder on Amazon. I can still log in online and look at all the information. I still can sit in on the podcasts when I want to or watch them later. And I can still ask Christopher or Brian for help if I get stumped on something. There is no upgraded membership or anything else you can purchase as far as I know.

Anyway, I know the program works as I have seen it firsthand. And I will continue in the program to hit my goals and then move into a more “maintenance” level once I hit my goals.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Figured I would chime in too.

I have been part of the Weightix program for a couple months now.
I'm down about 27 lbs so far with still a long ways to go.
Like others have said losing weight is easy, just eat right and exercise.

For me personally I got into the program as I wanted to know more about the "eat right" side of things. I wanted more food knowledge and being friends with Christopher and Brian and seeing their results I never doubted the science behind what they were doing.

Now I will be honest. I’m terrible at the program, I would guess that I’m only putting about 60% effort into this. At this point in life I don’t have all the time required to really dedicate myself to the program. To really hit everything 100% you need some time to prep meals and a bit more time to exercise. Being in the middle of a house remodel, a buy-in at work and a couple family medical issues I knew a couple months ago was not the best time to start the program. However with the knowledge I have gained I’m still losing weight and working towards my goal. I know some people get into a program like this to meet a certain goal by a certain date. Maybe a wedding, or summer or whatever. For myself it was just a goal to get in better health. My results may take a bit longer then the people who are 100% in but that’s OK with me.

And to those who talk about hidden costs. There are none.
I have not purchased or paid for anything else in the Weightix program. I buy my food at the same grocery store I have been shopping at all my life. I order my protein powder on Amazon. I can still log in online and look at all the information. I still can sit in on the podcasts when I want to or watch them later. And I can still ask Christopher or Brian for help if I get stumped on something.

There is no upgraded membership or anything else you can purchase as far as I know.

Anyway, I know the program works as I have seen it firsthand. And I will continue in the program to hit my goals and then move into a more “maintenance” level once I hit my goals.

Thanks for your honest comments about Weightix.
Hopefully comments like this will help to calm the waters and assuage the fears of our fellow sledders.

Weightix is not a Scam.
Weightix has NO hidden costs.
Weightix has NOTHING to sell you.
Weightix IS free of charge to anyone on SnoWest.

Weightix is in BETA TESTING and needs hundreds of willing participants who want to LOSE WEIGHT and GET IN SHAPE to help us validate our weight-loss models and develop the Artificial Intelligence that will run the system in 2018.
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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
So to be clear this is free for a lifetime correct?
I have never had anyone ask that.
Our goal is to offer this as a commercial business in 2018.
But to be perfectly honest I have never considered what we would do with pre-existing members...

Let me chat with Brian and ask him his thoughts on this.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
So to be clear this is free for a lifetime correct?

Yes, with ONE stipulation.
Any member of the Beta-Test group will be Grandfathered into the Commercial version of Weightix provided he or she has SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED at least one of the 90 Day Challenges.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Hey guys, I just completed the weightix challenge and was down 11% over the last 90 days. I have included my fitpal tracking and my before and after shot. I dropped 25.4 lbs total, and it's had some amazing impacts on my riding!

I got my payment for $137.50 this weekend and used it on my honeymoon this weekend haha.

I'm not sure how to show anyone it's not a scam other than to show that it worked for me. It's a macro planning tool based entirely on science and weightloss.



And just think where you will be at the end of the January challenge when you have taken ANOTHER 10% OFF! The 2nd 10% is really going to show!!

black z

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Feb 2, 2014
Losing weight is very simple math. Burn more calories than you consume. This **** isn't rocket science, people.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Losing weight is very simple math. Burn more calories than you consume. This **** isn't rocket science, people.
Thats a fact.
But for most people they NEVER learned how to do the math and tend to be AMAZED at just how many calories they actually consume each day.

By teaching our members how to use programs such as MY FITNESS PAL, and developing the habbit of LOGGING every single thing that goes in their mouth, they quickly come to grips with why they are fat.

Then we build them a custom path to follow to get them back into shape and support them on that journey, be it 3 months or 6 months or even a year or more to get there.


But an awful lot of people need a little friendly help to get them where they want to go.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho

of the 250 slots are now taken.

Just a passing note.
You are more than welcome to invite other members of your family to join you on the Weightix Challenge. Your chances of success go WAY UP when you have other family members participating.

Same goes for personal friends. Feel free to extend an invite to a friend who you think would benefit from the program.
Nov 27, 2007
Grand Lake
Oh s-!t people!!! Halfway there of Christopher using Snowest as his personal spam machine!! Better get signed up!! Once in a lifetime offer. Wait!!... we'll give you this amazing offer for half off!!

Why not pay for actual legit advertising for what you and Brian hope to make a ton of money on? Nah, we ain't gonna do that when we have a couple thousand people we have free access to.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Oh s-!t people!!! Halfway there of Christopher using Snowest as his personal spam machine!! Better get signed up!! Once in a lifetime offer. Wait!!... we'll give you this amazing offer for half off!!
Its completely FREE.
We won't even charge YOU anything for it.
And thats saying a lot..:face-icon-small-hap


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
Thanks man, but I think I'll pass on this two-bit offer. Even if YOU are giving it to me for free :face-icon-small-con
If you are in shape and don't need to lose the weight, then the offer is of NO VALUE to you at all.

Hopefully most of the guys on SnoWest are not in need of this.
But I know we have quite a few who could benefit from it in a big way.
So I extended the offer.

Sorry that there were a handful that took such deep offense to the offer.

As I have said before in this thread, NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED here on SnoWest...
Nov 27, 2007
Grand Lake
Sorry that there were a handful that took such deep offense to the offer.

As I have said before in this thread, NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED here on SnoWest...

It's fine by me for you to play the victim here. I think I have been pretty clear with my beef: you as an admin spammed my inbox with something I don't want and if it were any other it wouldn't have happened. You play it off as if you are being altruistic in giving people a great opportunity to lose weight yet I imagine you and Brian are hoping to cash in on this program once you are able to gather enough data to support your claims. If you were being truly altruistic, Brian and you would offer those people who gave you their data some stock in the company. But that ain't so and neither is your "good deed." Again, Christopher makes the rules, some drink his kool aid, and everyone else just has to play along.


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
It's fine by me for you to play the victim here. I think I have been pretty clear with my beef: you as an admin spammed my inbox with something I don't want and if it were any other it wouldn't have happened. You play it off as if you are being altruistic in giving people a great opportunity to lose weight yet I imagine you and Brian are hoping to cash in on this program once you are able to gather enough data to support your claims. If you were being truly altruistic, Brian and you would offer those people who gave you their data some stock in the company. But that ain't so and neither is your "good deed." Again, Christopher makes the rules, some drink his kool aid, and everyone else just has to play along.

In fact we are doing two things.

Anyone who participates in the BETA gets a LIFETIME FREE MEMBERSHIP in the business.

We will maintain a FREE OPTION for the Macro Generation in the company. Anyone that wants a full set of Weight Loss Macros will be offered them at no cost for the duration.

As for your claim of victimhood on my part.
I am no victim here.
But when a genuinely good offer is made and the reply is that it is a SCAM, a Pyramid Scheme, a Bait & Switch, ect ect ect, and all of that is total 100% BS, then I can honestly make the statement I did.

The Logic on SnoWest goes..Because it seems too good to be true, then it MUST be total bull.
The sad fact of the matter is that its not.
For every person that has gone through the program (and that amounts to about 350 in 2016) and has lost some significant weight or gained control over their body once again, the program has been a huge overwhelming success.

They have not been charged a penny.
It really has been totally free of charge.
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