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Looking for someone to ride the backcountry with - central & south central MT


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Jan 16, 2022
Lewistown, MT
I'm looking for people to ride with & learn from as I'm generally riding with the family at Kings Hill and haven't had much opportunity to get too far off-trail since I'd effectively be solo. Mostly interested in learning technical tree riding and exploring in general. Not into overly risky stuff but not afraid of a challenge either - would maybe try some small drops and learning to ride wheelies, etc. Nothing too crazy. I started riding last season and have an '07 M8 162, all the avy gear/comms & some armor. I'm 37 (if I can still math correctly), former military, and have been into driving & modding sports cars, trucks, and motorcycles for a number of years so I'm hoping sledding won't be too much of a learning curve, though it's already proven to be very humbling! Hoping to not hold people up too much but honestly, it's bound to happen for a little while until I can get some backcountry experience.

I live in Lewistown but wouldn't mind traveling a couple hours or doing multi-day trips and can generally take time off during the week for much of the winter. There's plenty of country to explore in the Little Belts, but I'd also be down to ride as far as the West Yellowstone / Island Park area, etc.

If anyone needs a riding partner or wouldn't mind an addition to a group even just for a day, give me a shout! Looking forward to learning how to ride better and just getting out there to try stuff and have a good time.

Jan 11, 2023
I'm looking for people to ride with & learn from as I'm generally riding with the family at Kings Hill and haven't had much opportunity to get too far off-trail since I'd effectively be solo. Mostly interested in learning technical tree riding and exploring in general. Not into overly risky stuff but not afraid of a challenge either - would maybe try some small drops and learning to ride wheelies, etc. Nothing too crazy. I started riding last season and have an '07 M8 162, all the avy gear/comms & some armor. I'm 37 (if I can still math correctly), former military, and have been into driving & modding sports cars, trucks, and motorcycles for a number of years so I'm hoping sledding won't be too much of a learning curve, though it's already proven to be very humbling! Hoping to not hold people up too much but honestly, it's bound to happen for a little while until I can get some backcountry experience.

I live in Lewistown but wouldn't mind traveling a couple hours or doing multi-day trips and can generally take time off during the week for much of the winter. There's plenty of country to explore in the Little Belts, but I'd also be down to ride as far as the West Yellowstone / Island Park area, etc.

If anyone needs a riding partner or wouldn't mind an addition to a group even just for a day, give me a shout! Looking forward to learning how to ride better and just getting out there to try stuff and have a good time.

Hey man, I'm a retired Air Force guy and my teenage boys, bro-in-law and I hit Kings Hill a lot, just started riding last year so definitely not experts but not afraid to get 4 sleds buried and spend 2 hours getting out ? while having a blast the entire time. The one thing we started doing this year is getting off the snowmobile trails into the ATV and single track dirt bike trails. There is a lot of fun terrain off the snowmobile trails and thousands of miles of opportunities. Hit me up if you ever want to meet up, I think our next trip out is Feb 3rd. don.hook@gmail.com


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Jan 16, 2022
Lewistown, MT
That sounds great, Don! I appreciate the invite. Once you solidify plans, give me a heads-up and I'll put in for some time off. A shot of snow this week and colder temps next week should mean pretty decent conditions by the 3rd!

Email inbound.


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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
I live closer to Billings (I'm just north of Red Lodge), but I've rode Buck Creek with a friend from Livingston more than anywhere else the last couple years. We're both moderately experienced, but not super aggressive. I'm military - Air Force reserves - and do a lot of tinkering on my cars and sleds. Let me know if you want a heads up next time we ride; we might be able to work something out.


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Jan 16, 2022
Lewistown, MT
I live closer to Billings (I'm just north of Red Lodge), but I've rode Buck Creek with a friend from Livingston more than anywhere else the last couple years. We're both moderately experienced, but not super aggressive. I'm military - Air Force reserves - and do a lot of tinkering on my cars and sleds. Let me know if you want a heads up next time we ride; we might be able to work something out.

Definitely! The 'not super aggressive' part sounds good. Since trying the sport out a year ago, I've dived right in, but I still want to come home at the end of the day, ya know?

I had to google Buck Creek - looks like it's near Big Sky? Not a terrible drive, especially if the riding is good. When driving through West/IP area (we go to Utah every now and then), I've noticed that there looks to be sled trails along the way...I suppose that's one of them.


Lifetime Membership
May 2, 2013
Livingston, MT
Hey there. I'm in Livingston. You are welcome to ride with me. I ride with BeartoothBaron alot. I have all the gear and have taken avy classes and always enjoy making it home at the end of the day. Buck Creek is close to Big Sky and it is excellent riding. Let me know if you want to ride with us or myself.
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Jan 16, 2022
Lewistown, MT
Your offer is much appreciated! I'd be very happy to ride with either or both of you and look forward to checking out some new riding areas. Big Sky is ~3.5 hrs from me - not too far for an occassional day ride. I have to go a minimum of 2 hrs to get to my normal riding area anyway. Feel free to give me a shout when you feel like having company.


Lifetime Membership
May 2, 2013
Livingston, MT
Your offer is much appreciated! I'd be very happy to ride with either or both of you and look forward to checking out some new riding areas. Big Sky is ~3.5 hrs from me - not too far for an occassional day ride. I have to go a minimum of 2 hrs to get to my normal riding area anyway. Feel free to give me a shout when you feel like having company.
Sounds good. If you would like to ride on Saturday the 4th, let me know. Also, I can meet you in the Little Belts sometime as well. I've rode there a few times.


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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
I'm planning on coming up the 4th, should be good snow finally. I think you're about the same distance from Buck Creek as I am. I wish it weren't such a drive, but the only good riding closer is Top of the World (Beartooth Pass), and it's 2.5 hours there. If only the pass were open all year, I'd have good riding just over an hour away...


Well-known member
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Jan 16, 2022
Lewistown, MT
I'm planning on coming up the 4th, should be good snow finally. I think you're about the same distance from Buck Creek as I am. I wish it weren't such a drive, but the only good riding closer is Top of the World (Beartooth Pass), and it's 2.5 hours there. If only the pass were open all year, I'd have good riding just over an hour away...
Sweet! It'll be good to meet you in person too.

A good riding area an hour away would be awesome. My normal 2 hrs isn't terrible, but half that = more riding time (and half the fuel...)!


Well-known member
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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
Darn it, you said the magic word, @Pinchecharlie! Just kidding; I'd be happy to meet you, and I don't think the other two would have a problem. Like I said, I'm not the greatest rider, and I'm on my old 600 to boot, so don't expect to see anything or go anywhere spectacular! I'll start a group message so we can exchange numbers.

Anyway, the driving thing is the biggest hassle, not to mention the fuel expense. Buck is a good seven hours of driving (round trip) for me, so I'm not the type to try to be unloading at sunup; it's always hard to find a balance between getting a good amount of riding and keeping it from being an excessively long day. It sounds like we've got a plan coming together though, and the weather looks decent. Should be fun!
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