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It's time

I don't intend this to to bash SW,Christopher,or any of the powers that be,but I think it is time for SW Online to work the way it was promised.

There has been a lot of negativity lately for what has been going on here with the "new and improved SW".Some of it has been justified and some of it has just been trouble making.

Christopher,You can not understand the people that you are dealing with here because you have not been a sledder,so don't try and tell us that you do.Sledders are not like any other group out there.99% of the people here would give you the shirt off there back,help get you unstuck,pull your sled out of the mountains for you etc.But if you blow right by someone in trouble just to be the first one on the hill don't expect everyone to be quite so giving.Get my point.Read some of the poser threads,there is a lot of knowledge to be gained there.

It is just sad what is happening to this place.The community is falling apart and that is not good for anyone.I was one of the first to say that I would pay when the time came,but now I am having second thoughts.This place is a big part of the snowmobile community and I don't think that any of the admin understand how close knit we are.We are the ones busting our butts the rest of the year for a few months to ride some or most of the greatest places on earth.It is more than a hobby to a lot of people.This is or was more than just a forum.

I hope you all understand what I am getting at.It's time for this to work the way it was promised.I for one am tired of the continuing problems even though we got the new servers.I don't care about the BNG (if you are a sledder you know what this means.)I just want to be able to use the forum when I want.What do you think everyone does when there are issues?I bet they don't hang around here waiting.Look at the user numbers when there are problems.It's not our fault we can't use the forum.

I have been on here for years and normally just a lurker.You wanted to get more people actively involved and I have been, but things need fixed now.NO EXCUSES!

Rant over.

I don't mean to bash and I don't want this to turn into a bash thread just deliver what you promised!
My wife will be the first to tell you that I spend way too much time on this forum! Like has been said, I too would not think twice to pay tostay a part of this resource, and bunch of freinds that I have made here over the years. But with the lack of speed on this site, especially after the big upgrade, and the overmoderation as of late, I too will most likely follow the pack over to the "other" site. There has been a great group of folks on this site. We will find a place to hang, wether it be here, or somewhere else.
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It's time for this to work the way it was promised.

I for one am tired of the continuing problems even though we got the new servers.

I just want to be able to use the forum when I want.

What do you think everyone does when there are issues?

I bet they don't hang around here waiting.

Look at the user numbers when there are problems.

It's not our fault we can't use the forum.
I Could not agree with you more!
I can honestly say I am doing everything I can to resolve each and every issue as fast as possible when it arises.

There is no magic wand that can be waived to make every issue magically vanish away. Some of them simply have to be worked through one at a time when they arise.

If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't have been sitting in the Harris server room by myself late last night trying to chase down another gremlin in the new system that appeared late in the evening.

No excuses.
Just hard cold reality.

Just found out a few minutes ago that we have to re-flash the BIOS on one of our appliances we just installed as it has to be updated. That will require that the site be offline for about 30 minutes. No matter what time of day or night I do that, there will be several hundred members who will not be able to access the site during that time span. And while its clearly not your fault, the end result is still that you won't be able to use the forum. And for the life of me, I can see no possible solution to such events as we go through this upgrade process.
Christopher,It would probably be a good thing if you could inform us when there is going to be maintainance done on the forum.I realize that this isn't allways possible but it might help keep the wolves at bay.It all comes back to keeping us informed if you want our support.
Christopher,It would probably be a good thing if you could inform us when there is going to be maintainance done on the forum.I realize that this isn't allways possible but it might help keep the wolves at bay.It all comes back to keeping us informed if you want our support.
Of late, the downtime has been compelled and not planned.

Last night the site was offline for about 40 minutes, and it was most certainly not planned event, and gave me another opportunity to spend an evening in the Harris Server farm!;)
Of late, the downtime has been compelled and not planned.

Last night the site was offline for about 40 minutes, and it was most certainly not planned event, and gave me another opportunity to spend an evening in the Harris Server farm!;)

your so called 40 min was over 3 hours here in iowa and went to be so i could have been longer. I guess we will have to find a new place to play never thought i would say it but chris you have ruined this site!!!!

new servers and it still sucks that tells me it is operator error. get your head out of your you know what and get the right people in there to get it working. i won't stay long if this keeps up and i will take a lot of people and knowledge with me when i leave.
The last three nights I have had trouble either getting on the site or getting dropped when changing forums. This is probably the worst I have ever seen it.

An explanation why would go a long ways in my opinion.
The last three nights I have had trouble either getting on the site or getting dropped when changing forums. This is probably the worst I have ever seen it.

An explanation why would go a long ways in my opinion.

i have heard supposed issues with new firewall and new firmware issues. we will see. they are working on it i was told:face-icon-small-fro
From the private conversations you have had with Brian, you already know its a brand new firewall that is fully capable of handling everything going on here, but that it had a Firmware issue that we hope was resolved last night.
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