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If your on the fence about a Pro rmk look at this BS

This kind of crap is the reason I ditched Polaris after my D8 nightmare (4 engine failures in 1500 miles). I got denied the last engine warranty because of replacing the hood foam with heat tape (which had been that way on the 3 previous engine warranties). Polaris will try to find any excuse in the book to stick in on you. They really don't give 2 $hits about their loyal customers.

Cat on the other hand just pulled one of their 800's off the proclimb assembly line today to ship out so I can get the warranty replacement completed on my M8 (one engine failure in 2000 miles, no BS questions asked on cause of failure)

I rode with a friend in May who works for Polaris marketing. He had just bought one of Burandt's rebuilt pros. It was stock with about 1100 miles on it when the engine went down. He was just breaking the new motor in. He rode with Burandt a few times this past season and told me most of his pros went down. Don't want to start a pissing match, just what I heard from someone who doesn't want to give Polaris bad rep.

I learned my lesson with Polaris the hard way, and will stick with Cat until they build a reliable 800, and actually care about their customers again...
Sounds like the 4yr warranty is like one of those car warranty's you buy at a used car dealership. Thats going to bite when it catches up.
CO 2.0... you got me thinking about these shots...:becky:



Yeah, of the guys I know that ride pro's... it's 70% failure rate. They took care of them quick, but if they're going to start being more difficult to deal with, then that's going to eliminate the willingness of people to take the chance with them imo.

Poo would be having a much harder time without that there marketing guy you mention... someone's got to find them the fresh meat when other people leave! (I mentioned that I thought "terrain domination" was a great phrase in a meeting once, he told me after that his boss probably thought I was a plant to make him look good because that was his phrase! I had no idea!)
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hahaha!! I had to do some digging on FB to find those...

Poor marketing guy... it's gotta be tough being on the other side. I tried talking him into getting a cat after he showed up at my house in the dark with that blown 700... but for SOME reason he just got another one, go figure huh?

Fool me once... shame on you...

How does the rest of that go?:face-icon-small-win
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not that i agree with this, but if you are too cheap to run the recommended octane fuel to save a few bucks then maybe sledding isn't for you

You going to tell us, you carry a portable octane tester so you can tell if the fuel you are putting in is the same octane listed on the pump! Get real. Oh, by the way, polaris says to run 87 octane minimum, Cat says to run 91. That damed 87 must make your cylinders go out of round!
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You going to tell us, you carry a portable octane tester so you can tell if the fuel you are putting in is the same octane listed on the pump! Get real. Oh, by the way, polaris says to run 87 octane minimum, Cat says to run 91. That damed 87 must make you cylinders go out of round!

you do know that this isn't exactly a octane thing but more of a ethanol thing right. and i'm very much aware when i pull up to a pump if there is ethanol in it or not
From the thread in the Poo section...

To be clear here....as Super Dave3 said above


If you have bad gas with water or too much alcohol in it... that is not Polaris' fault nor should they be on the hook for a motor meltdown.

I have tested different E-10 gas around the country as little as 6% to over 25% ethanol content in the gas... with the higher ethanol levels comes an increased chance of moisture corruption of the fuel.

That CAN and DOES wreak havoc with the engine, regardless of the brand...especially when the fuel carries the lubrication for the motor.

Cat will be looking for this too as well as companies that make lawn mowers, chainsaws and any thing else that is not designed to work on this stuff.

Currently there are ZERO "Flex Fuel" mountain sleds out there... and none of the the sleds that I know of have a fuel system that removes water. Fuel injection systems don't work well when rust can corrupt the system... and heck, the E-TEC's have even tighter tolerance in the DFI components.

Blame the Ethanol fuel industry, their lobbyists, the PAC's and the politicians they have in their back pocket for this problem...they are the "pushers" here with the ethanol propaganda... not the greenies (for once), they only drank the Kool-Aid... they didn't make it.

I live in California... which has some of the most extreme environmental regs in our country... the Calif. Air Resources board is actually petitioning the EPA to have the ethanol REMOVED from the fuel.

treehugger.com: In what would certainly be a huge blow to the US' formidable corn-ethanol industry, the California Air Resources Board is readying a report that says ethanol is worse than oil in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Daily Climate, the California regulators are prepared to go as far as to declare that biofuels cannot help the state fight climate change--could this be the beginning of the end for ethanol?


Greed wins every time.

If the other sled brands don't have a policy in place, yet...They soon will as bad fuel is not compatible with ANY sled.

I don't think that anyone on here will argue that we now have a higher chance of getting bad fuel from a pump than we have ever had.

E-10 is not a problem for Polaris, heck... even E-15... but I'd bet that E-25 or lots of water will be.

IMO...Be extremely careful about how you fuel your sleds, how much moisture can be absorbed or let fall in there when fueling in the field and check your tank often.

Buy a test kit so you KNOW FOR A FACT what you are putting into your sled.
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you do know that this isn't exactly a octane thing but more of a ethanol thing right. and i'm very much aware when i pull up to a pump if there is ethanol in it or not

You though, are aware that in many states we DO NOT HAVE A CHOICE whether there is ethanol in our fuel... RIGHT?

Ethanol is something we have ZERO control over, so for Poo to try to yank a warranty based on something we can't do anything about is pretty SH**Y.

Sledders travel, ride different places all the time, we get different kinds of fuel all the time, and the idea that we should be testing our fuel is asinine. Make a sled that runs on the fuel that's available, like the other three seem to be capable of. People can claim that this will be a problem for cat, doo, yammi... but that's BS, because the only one losing motors to the kind of extent worth talking about is poo. The other motors may not like it... but they aren't failing regularly like poo's are.

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---What does fuel quality have to do with pistons and cylinders out of clearance breaking skirts and formerly crankshafts?

---Burandt buys his fuel at the same place as everyone else(maybe he buys bulk without road tax). How come other brands do not seem to be having the same issues.

--Maybe Polaris needs to detune the 800 down another 20 HP.

--With all the new and upgraded Polaris PRO Turbo kits coming out, I'm curious as to why aftermarket seems to be getting them sorted out and running well.

--I like Polaris and have owned a couple. I hope they get it figured out.

I know what you mean, I live in the nutball capital of our country... We cannot get anything BUT ethanol fuel...

The same fuel that ate the fuel system on my ford Truck, The same fuel that took out the injectors on my PWC... the same fuel that cost me 3 carbs on my Stihl chaisaws.

Gasoline is a huge problem these days...weather we like it or not.

The gas today is wreaking havoc with our sleds... Water in the fuel causes all kinds of lubrication issues in a 2 stroke motor.

How many Cat owners on here would let me pour 20% ethanol fuel, that I got out of a pump into their new Pro Climb for a hard run at the hill??

I like my equipment... including the M7 backup that has given me no problems except for the rear skid... and I respect my riding time enough to check out the fuel and stay on top of periodic maint.

Just because Polaris is the first to ask a dealer to test the fuel for issues of engine warranty ...doesn't mean they will be the last.

Lets see what plays out this year.
I have to be honest as a former poo guy that could never get anything warranted this is kinda sad especially considering I ordered a pro rmk...I am amazed at all the b s on here about poo...and there are many warranty issues that I keep seeing not just motors ....I am beginning to think I made the wrong choice....maybe I should keep my m1000 runs sweet and has never let me down:faint:
How many Cat owners on here would let me pour 20% ethanol fuel, that I got out of a pump into their new Pro Climb for a hard run at the hill??

But that's exactly what I'm getting at... we do that EVERY DAY.

I've had 6 new cats since 07 & have run 85 ethanol in the stockers (mostly stock) for thousands of miles (I ride from 11 to 13, so not much octane needed up here), and get 91 from the pump for my 11 or the ones with PG heads. I'm not going to run to Bandimere for special fuel for a stock sled. It's tough enough dealing with it on my turbos.

I really don't want to pick on Polaris, I think the pro is the best chassis on the market... but this kind of thing... searching for a way to turn people down for warrantying their problems (and yes, since we don't hear of this kind of failure from cat, it is THEIR problem) makes me think they're a company I'm not going to be recommending anymore. Even as a cat rider I talk people into buying poos pretty often, I feel you can learn quicker on them.

So, what's the answer then? Buying fuel by the barrel because Poo wants you to? Seriously, what is it that you're supposed to do?
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