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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
I believe that God created the Heavens and the earth. Don't you?
So you believe that dinosaur bones were placed on earth by a supreme being to test your faith in his existence. Do you also believe that the earth is 4000 years old and that some dude put two of every living thing in existence in a boat to weather a giant flood for 40 days too?? Wonder how he got ahold of a giraffe or a grizzly bear in the Middle East.. No wonder it’s so easy for you to believe Donny’s lies.

Sure is disappointing seeing images of razor wire and armed soldiers all over the capital to protect against a bunch of brainwashed wing nuts. America sure doesn’t look great right now...


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
So you believe that dinosaur bones were placed on earth by a supreme being to test your faith in his existence. Do you also believe that the earth is 4000 years old and that some dude put two of every living thing in existence in a boat to weather a giant flood for 40 days too?? Wonder how he got ahold of a giraffe or a grizzly bear in the Middle East.. No wonder it’s so easy for you to believe Donny’s lies.

Sure is disappointing seeing images of razor wire and armed soldiers all over the capital to protect against a bunch of brainwashed wing nuts. America sure doesn’t look great right now...

There is one thing that you and Piss Face sure like to do, and that is putting words in other people's mouths.


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Nov 29, 2010
Cody WY
I’m a believer in the God of the Bible and that Jesus is my Savior. I’ve never heard the theory that God put dinosaur bones here to test our faith. I can say this, I believe there were dinosaurs here on earth and they probably didn’t make it after the flood. Yes there is evidence of the flood, even right here where I live. And I believe the earth was created by God and it was about 10,000 years ago. Lots of things that man thought took millions of years to create, they are finding can happen allot faster. For example the petrifying of trees. There are trees petrifying already from the Mt. St. Helens eruption. If you believe in evolution and their is no God. I’m sorry to hear that. Please explain why the earth wasn’t burned up when the sun would have been many degrees hotter millions to billions of years ago. Also why do we have our moon in orbit around the earth the way we do. It’s slowly moving farther away. Millions to billions of years ago it would have so close to the earth it would have been pulled into our gravitational field it would be either touching the earth or been burned up by our atmosphere. Just remember Darwin’s evolution theory was just a theory. Scientists that try to explain evolution have a problem with the fact that no species has ever changed to a different species, ever. And what about every animal like the kangaroo that they say evolved to have a pouch to protect their babies, and if they didn’t have it the babies wouldn’t survive. Hello,, then they would have died off before they evolved to have a pouch. Let’s think about the Big Bang theory or the millions of years to create what we have today. You absolutely cannot make something out of nothing. If their was nothing when this Big Bang happened other than rock, then all we would have is a bunch of smaller rocks. Oh, and as far as the giraffe and grizzly bears etc, who’s to say they all lived where they live now before the flood. Just try to wrap you head around the theory that everything exploded and we have an earth that spins at a specific speed on a specific axis that if it was a degree off or spun just a little faster or slower, or if it was just a little closer or farther away from the sun, then life couldn’t have survived. Sorry, just couldn’t have happened.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
No wonder it’s so easy for Donny to get you guys to believe his lies... you guys can’t understand something so you just have to defer to a supreme being. Just like the cave men who didn’t know what caused thunder. Amazing.
Actually, it is amazing.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The fact that you don't follow Christian beliefs helps explain why you don't understand our great President Trump.
Jan 15, 2010
The fact that you don't follow Christian beliefs helps explain why you don't understand our great President Trump.
That is complete horsesh!t and you know it. Donald trump is the antithesis of Christian values. If Jesus showed up today you trumpies would call him a damn liberal hippie. Last I checked Christian values didn’t include banging porn stars when your wife was at home with your baby, lying constantly, not paying your bills, defrauding people thru a fake university, lying that you had the best healthcare plan ready for day 1, separating migrant children from their parents for punitive reasons, cheating on your taxes. etc etc .

How exactly does Donald trump embody Christian values?


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Feb 27, 2008
Sounds like a commie gets his info from commie (msm) sources, and is dumb enough to believe it.

How many people know that China bought Forbes magazine years ago. Think it ends there? You a fool.
Jan 15, 2010
Sounds like a commie gets his info from commie (msm) sources, and is dumb enough to believe it.

How many people know that China bought Forbes magazine years ago. Think it ends there? You a fool.
What does anything anyone has said on here recently have to do with commie sources or Forbes magazine?? You don’t have to rely on any news source to know Donny is full of sh!t and that Donny is the antithesis of Christian values. All you have to do is listen to him talk


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Feb 27, 2008
Its either donnie is full of **** or all the commie mainstream media is. I'm betting on freedom, which is not part of communism..


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
That is complete horsesh!t and you know it. Donald trump is the antithesis of Christian values. If Jesus showed up today you trumpies would call him a damn liberal hippie. Last I checked Christian values didn’t include banging porn stars when your wife was at home with your baby, lying constantly, not paying your bills, defrauding people thru a fake university, lying that you had the best healthcare plan ready for day 1, separating migrant children from their parents for punitive reasons, cheating on your taxes. etc etc .

How exactly does Donald trump embody Christian values?
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