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How about our great President!!!

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Mar 8, 2019
The reaction he is getting about the g7 contract is reason why he is doing it. I think it’s awesome nothing like beating the swamp at its own game. I can’t wait to see how all the Democrats react when he gets re-elected.
Jan 15, 2010
JTK, which of the Democrats in that debate would you choose?
Serious question.
Myself? Probably Gabbard or Steyer.
I think it’s about the weakest field they could have. If they ran a true moderate they would crush it. Warren and Bernie are too far left, Biden is Hillary 2.0 and will have a hard time getting past his baggage. Gabbled has some good fire but I’d like to see Buttigeig get it simply so that all the mike pence style anti gay so called Christian heads would explode. And I think he’d eviscerate Donny in a debate and may be the one that’s actually moderate enough to do a reasonable job. The fact that he served in the military instead of cheating his way out of it shows good strength of character too.

It’s gonna take someone young, sharp and willing to respect all (or at least most) viewpoints and actually listen to and respect their advisors. Someone who knows that they don’t know it all and that as a good leader they have to surround themselves with compenant staff and actually listen to them and take their advice. Essentially the opposite of Donald...
Jan 15, 2010
The reaction he is getting about the g7 contract is reason why he is doing it. I think it’s awesome nothing like beating the swamp at its own game. I can’t wait to see how all the Democrats react when he gets re-elected.
How is that beating the swamp at its own game? That’s completely asinine. The hypocrisy on the right these days is amazing-this is what you sound like:“Biden is so terrible because his kid got a job that was in a country his dad was dealing with and there might somehow be a connection but no one has proven it yet. And something about Hillary’s emails and uranium 1is bad but I’m not quite sure what. But trump isn’t corrupt at all, he is sticking it to the swamp and dealing himself big government contracts. No corruption there at all”. What colour is the sky on whatever planet you are on?
Mar 8, 2019
IMHO if they’d drop all this collusion impeachment bs and just do their jobs they’d have a decent shot at beating him. Trump knows this and keeps baiting them and they take it hook line and sinker over and over again.
Mar 8, 2019
How is that beating the swamp at its own game? That’s completely asinine. The hypocrisy on the right these days is amazing-this is what you sound like:“Biden is so terrible because his kid got a job that was in a country his dad was dealing with and there might somehow be a connection but no one has proven it yet. And something about Hillary’s emails and uranium 1is bad but I’m not quite sure what. But trump isn’t corrupt at all, he is sticking it to the swamp and dealing himself big government contracts. No corruption there at all”. What colour is the sky on whatever planet you are on?

I never once said trump isn’t corrupt I’m sure he is but he is also good for my paycheck. He is playing everyone of them to the point they’re getting nothing done the general public is sick of it. they should go to work and get some stuff done (besides trying to get rid of trump for 3 years) if they did this they’d earn some respect back from the blue collar worker and maybe win.
Jan 15, 2010
I never once said trump isn’t corrupt I’m sure he is but he is also good for my paycheck. He is playing everyone of them to the point they’re getting nothing done the general public is sick of it. they should go to work and get some stuff done (besides trying to get rid of trump for 3 years) if they did this they’d earn some respect back from the blue collar worker and maybe win.
Just because you get enough outta your paycheque to buy an extra coffee (I’d really actually like to know the % increase that you can actually attribute to Donny...) does NOT mean it’s ok to believe his lies and step aside while he breaks the law, self deals like crazy and fully takes advantage of you. Think of the precedent being set if Donny’s actions go unchecked. There’s a much bigger picture here... have a little self respect, stand up for yourself and do not ever tolerate outright corruption, especially a guy who openly admits it and wants everyone to “get over it” and just let him run rampant. Congress is actually doing something very very important whether it goes anywhere or not-the executive branch CANNOT run unchecked. too bad people are willing to let Donny be the swamp for a couple extra bucks.

The debt was such a big deal a few years ago, Donny has nearly doubled the annual budget deficit and not a word about it. Pathetic.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Just because you get enough outta your paycheque to buy an extra coffee (I’d really actually like to know the % increase that you can actually attribute to Donny...) does NOT mean it’s ok to believe his lies and step aside while he breaks the law, self deals like crazy and fully takes advantage of you. Think of the precedent being set if Donny’s actions go unchecked. There’s a much bigger picture here... have a little self respect, stand up for yourself and do not ever tolerate outright corruption, especially a guy who openly admits it and wants everyone to “get over it” and just let him run rampant. Congress is actually doing something very very important whether it goes anywhere or not-the executive branch CANNOT run unchecked. too bad people are willing to let Donny be the swamp for a couple extra bucks.

The debt was such a big deal a few years ago, Donny has nearly doubled the annual budget deficit and not a word about it. Pathetic.

Yo remind me of a little skinny , pimply faced , non athletic kid in junior high . Can’t really do anything except point fingers and criticize the guy and girls who have made the teams and you especially hate the ones voted king and queen or valedictorians , Cause it should have been you , And you were shocked and appalled that people liked them and recognized them , cause you’re smarter , and have it all figured out. Bet you and a couple buddies sat back and Pooh poohed at how loud and arrogant and rude some of these leaders and doers were, how they should be nicer and more humble , like you ! While they accomplished things and won trophy’s for achievements and rode on the parade float , while you sat and criticized and told the world you were so much smarter than those on the podium . Probably hung your participation medal on your mirror with pride I bet . Gonna really mess with your mind when Trump gets voted in again , cause he’s just not nice , right ? To attempt to defend how the democrats have handled their obligation the the public since Trump won the election , in itself shows you are just as bad as them . He’s the President , simple. To say he’s an embarrassment , then act like they have , and you have , is in itself laughable and shows a real lack of character in them , and you.


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Feb 20, 2008
Towards the end of his visit to the Louis Vuitton leather workshop, a French company, a reporter asked President Trump,

“You have a very low unemployment rate in the U.S. and we have a very high unemployment rate in France -- How come?”

President Trump, with a smile, replied, “Well, maybe we have a better president than you do.”
Jan 15, 2010
Yo remind me of a little skinny , pimply faced , non athletic kid in junior high . Can’t really do anything except point fingers and criticize the guy and girls who have made the teams and you especially hate the ones voted king and queen or valedictorians , Cause it should have been you , And you were shocked and appalled that people liked them and recognized them , cause you’re smarter , and have it all figured out. Bet you and a couple buddies sat back and Pooh poohed at how loud and arrogant and rude some of these leaders and doers were, how they should be nicer and more humble , like you ! While they accomplished things and won trophy’s for achievements and rode on the parade float , while you sat and criticized and told the world you were so much smarter than those on the podium . Probably hung your participation medal on your mirror with pride I bet . Gonna really mess with your mind when Trump gets voted in again , cause he’s just not nice , right ? To attempt to defend how the democrats have handled their obligation the the public since Trump won the election , in itself shows you are just as bad as them . He’s the President , simple. To say he’s an embarrassment , then act like they have , and you have , is in itself laughable and shows a real lack of character in them , and you.
I’m not one to quote movies often but I’ll refer to bill Murray on this one-“you are in more dire need of a BJ than any white man in history “.

Keep defending Donny two scoops all ya want, the rest of the world is laughing at ya-when they aren’t throwing tomatoes at your military on the retreat.
Jan 15, 2010
When I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

At least you are willing to admit it unlike the mango messiah...

Just curious, what do you think about Donny calling part of the constitution “phoney ” today when referring to the emoluments clause?

Another good quality I’d like to see in a candidate (from either party) would be not being beholden to anyone.


Well-known member
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Feb 20, 2008
At least you are willing to admit it unlike the mango messiah...

Just curious, what do you think about Donny calling part of the constitution “phoney ” today when referring to the emoluments clause?

Another good quality I’d like to see in a candidate (from either party) would be not being beholden to anyone.
If I remember correctly he said "and by the way, You people with this phoney emoluments clause" which in my interpretation he was referring to claim that he would be benefiting from the hosting of a government event at one of his properties being in violation of the clause, and that being a phoney claim. Probably why he said "You people with this phoney emoluments clause"

It could be I am wrong,

It's almost as if he was reading your posts, or possibly you may have been watching the same networks that like tweak and stretch things a little.

Every time I see crap posts about things I have seen or heard, I go and watch and listen again so I don't open my mouth and make myself look like a bigger ass than I am, lesson I learned growing up, wish it was learned by more.
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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
Yes he did, and so did the Dims when they were defending Slick Willy in his impeachment ordeal. Funny how they use that same word back then, and now are so offended when Trump uses it in the same context.

If the Dims had honor and self respect they would look back at there own comments before condemning anyone else. Since they have neither they don't! The word hypocrite comes to mind.

Things that make ya go hummmmm. . . .
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Let's be factual.
The dictionary definition of lynching makes no reference to skin color, nationality etc.

Italians and Germans were lynched in the US in large numbers as well as others.

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
The people who bring up race in every conversation are the most racist people in my experience. Kind of like quid pro quo. Only bad if you have bad intentions. Liberal talking points when you are at a loss for things such as facts, knowledge, etc.


Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
When I first read the title "lock him up" on the FOX News web page I thought they were reffering to Hunter. Not so much. Who knew
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