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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
The statistics agencies from US and Canada can't even figure out/agree on the true/accurate balance of trade between the 2 countries.....gonna say that one's a little over the heads of SW's off topic section.

Living in a resource-rich area very close to the border - safe to say over the years there has been a balance maintained on the big items. The softwood lumber is always in dispute....both sides feel like they're always getting screwed, which probably means the balance is about right. The dams/hydro corps are often co-owned between the 2 countries, and/or have a grab bag of treaties to protect interests (water levels, flooding, power prod.) on both sides. Again if you ask either side they probably think the other has it better. Retail trends/tourism ebbs/flows seem to sort themselves out depending which way the currency swings....which in a 10 year period has usually swung both ways for a couple years each, and been neutral for a few years. It seems important (IMO) to maintain a good trade relationship, as there is more benefit to working together than against. Unfortunately, Donny is really good at pumping the tires of the ra-ra nationalists who have never left their home state and don't realize the the US is only the center of the world if you live there.
Jan 15, 2010
Why would you think that?
In every relationship there will be disagreements and clarifications of everyone's roles.

So now that Donny has clarified that he wants everyone to bow down and kiss his a$$ the rest of the world is supposed to emerge from our “special place in hell” and do just that? Yea right.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
So now that Donny has clarified that he wants everyone to bow down and kiss his a$$ the rest of the world is supposed to emerge from our “special place in hell” and do just that? Yea right.

He simply clarified how the game is to be played.
Whether or not you participate is up to you.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
He simply clarified how the game is to be played.
Whether or not you participate is up to you.
Didn't seem to go so good...Canada said it will just match any tarrifs in the other direction. Sounds like a complicated way to wind up back in the same spot with higher consumer prices on affected items to me. Limiting both country's ability to strategically import/export certain items depending on costs/benefits. Again, stuff like that is going to be give/take between the US and Canada....it's not like either country is looking across the border form massively discounted labour (ala China, Taiwan, etc). So is it saving your bacon? Or is it just a just a slick tax (that you're going to pay and not realize)?

Even in those extreme examples (lets say China) .... do you blame and penalize China for producing Cheap Chinese Junk (CCJ)? Or do you blame (lets say Wal Mart) for flooding their shelves with CCJ? Or do you blame the consumer for demanding and purchasing CCJ in droves? All of the above? Trump talks tough and tows the holier-than-thou nationalist tagline for his (not very deep thinking) constituents ....but the reality is there is PLENTY of at-home guilt for everything from using cheap illegal immigrant labour, to pedaling CCJ. Massive USA fortunes have been built doing exactly that. In the meantime, it has become such a staple in the retail marketplace....that if it all disappeared tomorrow, the mid/low income earners would be in serious trouble....as buying comparable products with at-home labour would increase costs significantly. Bit of a catch 22.
Jan 15, 2010
Didn't seem to go so good...Canada said it will just match any tarrifs in the other direction. Sounds like a complicated way to wind up back in the same spot with higher consumer prices on affected items to me....

Yup, I got a call from one of our appliance suppliers yesterday (I work in construction management) saying that we had to complete a few big orders by days end to avoid a significant price increase due to Donny’s tariffs. I wish I had recorded the conversation with the client-let’s just say the words he used to describe the mango messiah were synonymous with “rooster” and “lollipop”, and he kept repeating it...

This is just gonna be a big run around to end up right back where it started, and it’s gonna cost consumers on all sides a lot of money. Oh well, guess I need to line up some new suppliers that don’t go thru the states.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Oh, and we have only just begun, inflation is going to be the killer of the economy. Out of the two types of economic policies the republican policy gets the trophy for the most stupid. It has been that way since reagan, hw, w and now trump. Question; is it stupid, stupider, and stupidest or stupid, more stupid,and most stupid.:face-icon-small-con


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
This must be how the " make America great again" plan works. Just like trickle down economics we just have to be patient for the benefits to trickle down. You guys are overlooking a small detail. The companies that are moving their production over sees and closer to their bigger customer base are generating more revenue that will then be taxed when they transfer it back to the US. That will in turn help the USA. Oh wait he lowered the those taxes too Never mind


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Didn't seem to go so good...Canada said it will just match any tarrifs in the other direction. Sounds like a complicated way to wind up back in the same spot with higher consumer prices on affected items to me. Limiting both country's ability to strategically import/export certain items depending on costs/benefits. Again, stuff like that is going to be give/take between the US and Canada....it's not like either country is looking across the border form massively discounted labour (ala China, Taiwan, etc). So is it saving your bacon? Or is it just a just a slick tax (that you're going to pay and not realize)?

Even in those extreme examples (lets say China) .... do you blame and penalize China for producing Cheap Chinese Junk (CCJ)? Or do you blame (lets say Wal Mart) for flooding their shelves with CCJ? Or do you blame the consumer for demanding and purchasing CCJ in droves? All of the above? Trump talks tough and tows the holier-than-thou nationalist tagline for his (not very deep thinking) constituents ....but the reality is there is PLENTY of at-home guilt for everything from using cheap illegal immigrant labour, to pedaling CCJ. Massive USA fortunes have been built doing exactly that. In the meantime, it has become such a staple in the retail marketplace....that if it all disappeared tomorrow, the mid/low income earners would be in serious trouble....as buying comparable products with at-home labour would increase costs significantly. Bit of a catch 22.

Trump would like to have zero tariffs/taxes providing other countries adopt the same polucies. True free trade.
Jan 15, 2010
Trump would like to have zero tariffs/taxes providing other countries adopt the same polucies. True free trade.

He says he wants true free trade a few days after supporting a $4b government subsidy (bribe) to Foxconn to build a plant in Wisconsin... to expect Donny’s policy (if you can call misguided rants on twitter policy) to result in actual true free trade is lunacy. He is putting a gun to the worlds head and saying “my way or the highway”. The world isn’t backing down anytime soon. Please explain how this “policy” would result in “true free trade” anytime soon and without a crippling depression as a result.

Unemployment is 2.8% in Wisconsin and Donny is limiting immigration. Who is gonna work at Foxconn? They will be in a position to demand high wages-that means a really expensive flat screen for you...

True free trade will not benefit US manufacturing at all-Donny has said that how many times in railing against nafta? The Chinese aren’t going to pay their workers $25/hr, and if they did the resulting inflation would be crippling.

You said everyone needs to know their place in the world economy. The us is not and will not be a manufacturing hub that competes on a level playing field with places like China and India.

The US economy is (was) in the midst of the largest recovery since the Great Depression. At the end of the previous admin the yearly budget deficit was down to $500b. Still a staggering number but far better that the $1t+ that you are at now thanks to a tax cut that’s supposed to be financed by 5% gdp growth (yea right). Taking a wrecking ball to what Donny has called a “great” economy without having any real understanding of his place in a global economy will not end well.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Is this the snowest whining forum for lefty's and dems. get a back bone whats wrong with DJT making things fair. if we have to pay the tax going over then why not make them pay it coming in. oh cra-
p i forgot you guys on that side like giving money away your dems thats right. well im sick of the USA getting s-hit on ill back DJT all the way....................
Jan 15, 2010
Is this the snowest whining forum for lefty's and dems. get a back bone whats wrong with DJT making things fair. if we have to pay the tax going over then why not make them pay it coming in. oh cra-
p i forgot you guys on that side like giving money away your dems thats right. well im sick of the USA getting s-hit on ill back DJT all the way....................

Truly is the blind leading the stupid, or maybe the stupid leading the blind. You actually think a company like Harley Davidson should “man up” and take a $100m loss because a guy who actually managed to go bankrupt in the CASINO business says “trust me”??

You have no idea what makes global trade function. Your only understanding of it is your total buy in to Donny’s whining and rhetoric.

There was supposed to be massive economic growth due to his tax cut. Now there is a massive tax increase due to tariffs. How is a company like HD or Polaris, some of the actually successful US manufacturers, supposed to drive 5% GDP growth when they either have to shoulder huge losses or move production overseas due to the policies that you so blindly support?

Sound economic policy is not whining. Crying about how “unfairly” the US is always being treated is. You don’t get to be the biggest economy in the world by constantly getting screwed.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Is this the snowest whining forum for lefty's and dems. get a back bone whats wrong with DJT making things fair. if we have to pay the tax going over then why not make them pay it coming in. oh cra-
p i forgot you guys on that side like giving money away your dems thats right. well im sick of the USA getting s-hit on ill back DJT all the way....................

This is exactly the attitude that Donald Duck plays in to. Im seeing more whining on your end...as the US doesn’t get screwed on much of anything. Compared to most of the developed world you have low taxes, low consumer prices, high incomes, good employment, low fuel prices, low housing prices, etc...resulting in a middle class that has more spending power and more consumer crap per person than anyone (or at least the vast majority).

The US is getting screwed by who? Mexico? Doesn’t seem like they’re doing a very good job on the screwing...would you trade your life for that of a middle class Mexican dude? How many snowmobiles do you think that guy owns? It’s like a spoiled brat of a rich kid that still gets jealous when one of his friends starts doing well. Just because other countries want their fair shake doesn’t mean you’re going to fall off the face of the earth. But Donny plays well to those with no worldy perspective...and no desire to have one.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Ia there anyone here that has the tariffs number from one county to another on some big ticket items. They say we build it here send it over seas it coust us 25 percent. they send it to us its 2.5 percent. any one have any real numers.?
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