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How about our great President!!!

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Oct 5, 2009
JTK labels me a Donny follower and repug and whatever else. I didn't even vote for Trump, but very glad he won. JTK just likes to clump together and stereotype everyone who doesn't HATE Trump like JTK does. Talk about labeling people.


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Oct 5, 2009
It's getting late Captain corncobber. Better get your important last word in.
I'm close, very close, to swinging to the left.... I'm starting to believe....
Jan 15, 2010
I care because you guys go back and forth till your blue little finger tips can’t take it anymore
For a day. Then back at it the next. I was trying to get to the meat of
This whole issue. If you guys wanna talk the talk. You better be waking the walk. Stop bashing the individuals and start asking the real questions. Otherwise you all might as well just write all
This crap in your personal diary and save us all this bull chit.

Ok I’ll bite- instead of bashing me how come no Donny but swingers are on here praising the release of the so called “bombshell “ Nunes memo? Is it because even the hardcore trumpies can tell that it’s partisan bullish!t?


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Feb 17, 2008
The better the US economy is the better it is for the world. It's also better to show strength than weakness someone has to lead the world if USA doesn't there will be other countries trying to Impose their will on other countries. I would like to know how much the Canadian taxes would be if they would have to fund a real military.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Ok I’ll bite- instead of bashing me how come no Donny but swingers are on here praising the release of the so called “bombshell “ Nunes memo? Is it because even the hardcore trumpies can tell that it’s partisan bullish!t?

This reply pretty much covers all of your posts!



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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Truth be told, I appreciate the back and forth, and don't mean what the meme says.
But it fit this thread so well that I couldn't resist posting it.

It's all good, always.
Jan 15, 2010
This reply pretty much covers all of your posts!

What, did I offend you, snowflake?

Now all insults, cute memes and gay jokes aside, I’ve got two real questions for you trumpies out there:

1. One of the authors of the Nunes memo, Trey Gowdy (the one who actually read the source documents) said it had nothing to do with the Russia investigation and in no way vindicates Donny. Yet Donny instantly screams that this totally vindicates him. What are your thoughts and why?

2. If Donny wants vindication and screams transparency why doesn’t he release his financial info including info on his ties to deutsch bank and any other Russian assets (tax returns etc)? Based on his willingness to lie and his unwillingness to disclose info that would potentially vindicate (or??) it makes it pretty easy to see that he has something to hide. Why is he acting in this manner and do you believe him?


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I wouldn't be surprised if more facts come out exposing the corruption and collusion against our great President Trump, by both parties.
Jan 15, 2010
I wouldn't be surprised if more facts come out exposing the corruption and collusion against our great President Trump, by both parties.

Or maybe Donny knows that Carter page can bury him and needs to do all he can to suppress or make inadmissible any evidence that may be gained from him? Just curious, why a FISA request in October against someone who LEFT Donny’s campaign in August would be such a big deal to him? The same guy who was under surveillance since 2013 for nefarious dealings with Russia (best people eh, great pick for a foreign policy advisor).

They have already indicted 4 of his KEY campaign staff (despite him calling them low level coffee boys or a “minor part”-Manafort, campaign MANAGER) with 2 guilty pleas . If Donny is actually clean he better put all his cards on the table ASAP. He is not helping his cause with his current actions...


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Your fake news has you all confused.

How many times has your side cried that the sky is falling? It isn't falling this time either.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
CATDIESELPOWER and mafesto, why are you so threatened by Gays? Is it really that bad? Has your quality of life been impacted by homosexuals EVER??

I'm not either of them & my views on a good many things diverge from theirs, but as far as my quality of life & gays goes, here goes:

At 5 years old, my dad abandoned his wife & six kids to go live with another man for the rest of his life. Never paid child support. Manipulated all 6 of us kids into seeing him as a victim again and again. Came around to make token appearances every 5 years or so & point out how proud he was of his trophy children. Attacked our beliefs passive aggressively throughout our teenage and adult years. Died in 2010 with the only one of my siblings who could still tolerate his presence there with him. His partner then held a yard sale a week before he told my sister he was going to & sold everything that might have held any sentimental value to any of us to support his meth habit. So yes, My quality of life has been impacted by homosexuals. I'm not afraid of them though.

I realize I may be a little biased because of my own personal experience, but viewed through my own particular lens, the gays I've been closest to in my life have been some of the most selfish, manipulative people I have ever known.

Maybe its time for Trump to come out of the closet.
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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Fake News

Your fake news has you all confused.

How many times has your side cried that the sky is falling? It isn't falling this time either.
I agree the sky is not falling.

However, every time I hear the term "Fake News" from either our Ubiquitous President Trump, or one of his followers, I think I vomit just a little. Or I think he did.

Anything he doesn't like he calls "fake News."
Deflect. Deny. Whatever. Previous Presidents would sigh. DJT just says "fake News."


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Who would have thought that the stock market would self adjust. All this speculation and gambling being done with the corporate wealth flowing back into this country in light of the taxes being reduced. Donny will do what he always does. Like go after another countries health system to distract your attention away from the falling market. then blame Hilary and Obama for some obscure regulations that caused the shift. His base will eat it up and he will be riding high on his massive 42% approval rating. The highest of any known president in history


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I get a kick out of you guys. Now the sky is falling because we had a bad couple days in the market?
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