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How about our great President!!!

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turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I get it. I was the same way with Obama. I wanted him to fail because him succeeding meant going against everything I believe in.
I will give it up for jtk. He at least gives a reason for his belief which is better than a lot of liberals I've been around. He will also sit and argue and not hit the thumbs down button. That is like flipping someone off or keying their car. I just disagree completely.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
If I’m such a dumb libr’l sheep then please educate me as to how the current tax scam is good in the big picture. Also, how is dumping a huge bucket of gasoline on the current dumpster fire in the Middle East a good idea in the big picture?

I have not been a supporter of the tax cuts. (see post #858)
I understand the concept, but I'm not drinking the koolaid.

Regarding the middle east, what are you referring to?


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I have not been a supporter of the tax cuts. (see post #858)
I understand the concept, but I'm not drinking the koolaid.

Regarding the middle east, what are you referring to?
Moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. My understanding is that out of the 88 countries that have embassies there, none of those embassies are in Jerusalem. Once the new construction on our new embassy starts? Sounds like a four year project. How many billions will that cost? But do not worry. Israel will pay for it just like Mexico will pay for the border wall.
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
So help me out are the riots over moving our embassy in Jerusalem a distraction for the indictments of top officials in Trump's campaign or is it for raising of the middle class taxes and blowing a big hole in the deficit. or the GOP attempt to elect a pedophile to the US Senate its tough to keep track of it all

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
What is the rest of the sane world??? Jerusalem is and has been the capital. Everyone has talked about it and Trump did it. I don't think it makes two sh!t's on the peace process one way or another. All those people know is fighting. They've been fighting for a 1000 years. That is all they know. Nothing has worked the way it has been handled. Just as well try a different approach. The only thing that has really changed is the embassy is going in the capital where they typically always are.
If Trump could walk on water, the only thing you would hear is Trump can't swim.
Jan 15, 2010
I get it. I was the same way with Obama. I wanted him to fail because him succeeding meant going against everything I believe in.
I will give it up for jtk. He at least gives a reason for his belief which is better than a lot of liberals I've been around. He will also sit and argue and not hit the thumbs down button. That is like flipping someone off or keying their car. I just disagree completely.

While I appreciate your post I would really like to hear some clear concise answers to my questions from post 921 that actually try to explain why you take a position supporting those items. Why is every economist who reviewed the proposed tax law (before they marked it up with crayons) so wrong ? Why is every other country (most of the rest of the world) that warned against the Jerusalem decision so dumb and wrong? Anyone? Bueller? (I wouldn’t call mafestos clear and concise considering only the fake news networks must have reported on the embassy move and Jerusalem recognition so he missed it). Bueller? Anyone? Bueller?
Jan 15, 2010
What is the rest of the sane world??? Jerusalem is and has been the capital. Everyone has talked about it and Trump did it. I don't think it makes two sh!t's on the peace process one way or another. All those people know is fighting. They've been fighting for a 1000 years. That is all they know. Nothing has worked the way it has been handled. Just as well try a different approach. The only thing that has really changed is the embassy is going in the capital where they typically always are.
If Trump could walk on water, the only thing you would hear is Trump can't swim.

Looks like I was writing my last response when you wrote yours...

So throwing gas on the fire with no real plan other than it’s different than what was done before makes it a good idea?
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turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Too early to say it's a bad thing. Everything is in Jerusalem. Why wouldn't you have it their. Every president for the last 25 years has said they were going to do it.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
As far as taxes go, I'm for people keeping their own money. It is always easy to spend other people's money. The left always has the big scam of Rob Peter to pay Paul and there is more of Paul than Peter so they get more votes. If I had my way the top rate would also get cut. The left uses the class warfare for votes.
I know a few people, who work at a mine up here, that could work all they want but don't because the government just ends up with most of it.
As far as the corporate rate, it will make corporations competitive with the rest of the world and maybe they will invest in America. I never blamed companies for leaving. I blamed the government. How can you blame a company for trying to stay profitable.
I've seen the stats on the tax plan. It adds 1.5 trillion to the debt over 10 years but they never take into account growth. If we don't grow the economy we don't have a chance on the debt. In a sense,spending money to make money. Yes there will probably be some companies that just buy back stock but my bet is there will be a bunch that will hire and expand and give better wages.
And of course, if they don't quit spending it won't matter what they make. Where was everyone when Obama racked up 10 trillion and now the left is talking the big debt ?
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turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
So help me out are the riots over moving our embassy in Jerusalem a distraction for the indictments of top officials in Trump's campaign or is it for raising of the middle class taxes and blowing a big hole in the deficit. or the GOP attempt to elect a pedophile to the US Senate its tough to keep track of it all

Wow, flynn lied to the fbi! That isn't illegal anymore.
Deficit. Where were you when Obama racked up 10 trillion. Maybe if Mueller quit wasting money to cover for Hillary having no message and losing the election. They could put that on the debt.
As far as Roy Moore, he probably is guilty. Who knows. It is weird that we only heard about it now. Doubt the left would pay someone to say something false.:face-icon-small-dis
The only reason Franken is hanging it up is the left going to try to use this for political purposes. Sad day when Franken was elected. Karma for his corrupt election.
Funny how libs automatically believe these women but nobody believed the woman who claimed rape with clinton.
Jan 15, 2010
As far as taxes go, I'm for people keeping their own money. It is always easy to spend other people's money. The left always has the big scam of Rob Peter to pay Paul and there is more of Paul than Peter so they get more votes. If I had my way the top rate would also get cut. The left uses the class warfare for votes.
I know a few people, who work at a mine up here, that could work all they want but don't because the government just ends up with most of it.
As far as the corporate rate, it will make corporations competitive with the rest of the world and maybe they will invest in America. I never blamed companies for leaving. I blamed the government. How can you blame a company for trying to stay profitable.
I've seen the stats on the tax plan. It adds 1.5 trillion to the debt over 10 years but they never take into account growth. If we don't grow the economy we don't have a chance on the debt. In a sense,spending money to make money. Yes there will probably be some companies that just buy back stock but my bet is there will be a bunch that will hire and expand and give better wages.
And of course, if they don't quit spending it won't matter what they make. Where was everyone when Obama racked up 10 trillion and now the left is talking the big debt ?

You actually think Obama racked up $10 trillion in debt all by himself? Do you remember what happened in 2008 as a result of W’s 8 years ( including deregulation, wars and tax cuts)? Obama actually did inherit a real mess and fortunately for the worlds bank accounts he did something about it. Was it perfect? No. Did he have a choice? No. Could he have done better? Yes. Would we be in bread lines right now if Donny had inherited 2008? I’d bet yes, but I’m actually curious to hear your answers...

The world damn near went into the second Great Depression in 2008. It costs a lot of money to recover from that no matter who is in charge. Now that the recovery is strong would it not make sense to take steps to protect against another one instead of taking the exact same steps that got us there last time??

Actually the estimate of $1.5 trillion in added debt does take into estimated growth, but the current admin just called that fake news and went ahead anyway to get a “win”.

What happens to corporate profits when they get a tax cut and spend it on higher wages? The answer is not increase... what’s the biggest factor that makes American manufacturers non competitive? High wages. I’m not saying low wages are good, I’m saying these guys are selling you snake oil and you are drinking it up by the gallon

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
My bet is no. Trump has actually ran something. Obama has never ran anything in his life and it showed. I guess I would love to hear what his big accomplishments were.
I hear you on the wages. When things are good people tend to be more generous. I believe some will and some won't. They will invest and expand. That means more jobs which were lacking under Obama. I believe you can only do so much for workers. They are their to make you money.
So higher taxes and illegal immigrants is your answer to staying competitive? Is this why the left doesn't seem to care about borders.
Why Obama care? That is a wage and job killer.
What happened to the big stimulus of 780 million? Shovel ready jobs? My wife works for the government. Nothing shovel ready. biggest joke I ever seen. Nobody works. Nobody knows how to do their job. Can't be fired. Promote people to get them out of there. And you like big government and more regulation.
What about 500 million to solendra.down the tubes. Money gone and no recourse.
$2000 debit cards after hurricane.
Gm bailout
And you say Obama can run something and Trump is stupid. You would be in the soup line. Give me a break. I would rather drink my flavor of koolaid.
Jan 15, 2010
My bet is no. Trump has actually ran something. Obama has never ran anything in his life and it showed. I guess I would love to hear what his big accomplishments were.
I hear you on the wages. When things are good people tend to be more generous. I believe some will and some won't. They will invest and expand. That means more jobs which were lacking under Obama. I believe you can only do so much for workers. They are their to make you money.
So higher taxes and illegal immigrants is your answer to staying competitive? Is this why the left doesn't seem to care about borders.
Why Obama care? That is a wage and job killer.
What happened to the big stimulus of 780 million? Shovel ready jobs? My wife works for the government. Nothing shovel ready. biggest joke I ever seen. Nobody works. Nobody knows how to do their job. Can't be fired. Promote people to get them out of there. And you like big government and more regulation.
What about 500 million to solendra.down the tubes. Money gone and no recourse.
$2000 debit cards after hurricane.
Gm bailout
And you say Obama can run something and Trump is stupid. You would be in the soup line. Give me a break. I would rather drink my flavor of koolaid.

How many times did trump go bankrupt again?

When did I say higher taxes and illegal immigrants are the way to stay competitive? I did say that lowering taxes to stimulate the economy with huge debt and good economic growth makes no sense... and I do wonder how many ‘muricans would line up to sand drywall for $12-15/hr if ya kick Julio and his buddies out... Donny sure loves illegals, like the 200 or so polish illegals he hired to demo a building to make way for the trump tower, loved em enough to pay a million or two in a settlement too after it was found they were exposed to all sorts of hazardous materials... look it up, not fake news.

Yea, you are right , they should just cut all regulations and things like the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and turn Wall Street loose and let 2008 happen again...

Why Obamacare? Because the US is too stubborn to go single payer like the rest of the world and the old system was far worse.

Yea, solyndra was a big mess, but how many hundreds of millions do they spend subsidizing oil and coal companies who are enjoying record profits? Where’s the returns on that?

You want to be competitive? Look at China. They are diving headlong into 21st century technology while Donny is longing for 1950. Who do you think is gonna come out on top?
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turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I've seen a few millionaires that went broke and came back. Not a big deal to try and fail. People like Trump get up and go again.
As far as wages and workers, there are people that will work. Quit giving people stuff and make them go work.
I have no doubt Trump hired illegals.


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Feb 17, 2008
Trump is at least stopping the government over reach on our federal lands. If the other side would have won you could just sell your toys unless you were rich enough to own private property. I'm tired of people coming on to my property.


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Sad how some of you label someone a Liberal just because they don't share your view. But if that is the case, here are three liberals that come to mind.

Newt Gingrich.... defended Al Franken recently.
Mitt Romney.... called Trump a phony and a fraud.
Rex Tillerson.... called Trump a moron.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
If something looks like a turd, sounds like a turd, smells like a turd, it usually is a turd. I don't think those three pass that test.
Gingrich was probably sticking up for Franken because some of these accusers are remaining anonymous with a bunch of these people being accused. That is wrong. Franken is a scumbag imo. Stole the election. Sad day for Minnesota imo.
Romney is mad because Trump did what he couldn't. Romney is also a mormon. Trumps done a few things that people don't like but he was elected to straighten out the country and Obama's mess. That is what he is doing.
As far as Tillerson, don't know for sure he said that. My guess is he didn't or he would be fired. Left stirring the pot. Maybe I'm wrong. Go call your boss a moron and see what happens.
People don't have to believe the same things I do. You can lean one way or another but something's are undeniable such as voting for Obama and Franken and believing the government is going to fix all your problems.
The main thing to decide whether you are a liberal is if you don't like to do something, you just don't do it, but if you don't like to do something and you don't want anybody else to do it, you are a liberal.
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