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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
I don't travel abroad, but would proudly support our great President Trump anywhere.

I gotta admire your guts, I'd give you less than 5 mins before someone told ya to go f$&k yourself in just about any country.....

Would be good for ya to travel a bit, might open up your mind to reality as seen by the rest of the world.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Would be good for ya to travel a bit, might open up your mind to reality as seen by the rest of the world.

I certainly try to stay informed on world events.
However my primary concern is the US and North America.
Much like any business or family, if we are financially strong, we can do much elsewhere and if we're broke we cannot help others.
So yes, financial strength has to come first so we are able to continue to lead the world.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
What a mistake on the part of DJT... actually makes me miss BHO.

Sad day for the USA.



The moment that our great President Trump announced pulling out of the Paris Accord, the markets immediately surged.
He promised this when he ran, he kept that promise and investors responded accordingly.

I watch Fox News and msnbc to see what both ends of the spectrum are saying. Fox News continuously proves to offer more complete and accurate portrayals of events while the mainstream media clings to the most negative views of anything related to Trump. And time and again, nothing ever comes from their sky is falling stories.
Yet you anti-Trumpers cling to every negative story that they sell.
Why are you refusing to enjoy the fruits of this great administration?

Look at the past 4 months vs the past 8 years!
We truly are Making America Great Again!!!


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
The moment that our great President Trump announced pulling out of the Paris Accord, the markets immediately surged.
He promised this when he ran, he kept that promise and investors responded accordingly.

I watch Fox News and msnbc to see what both ends of the spectrum are saying. Fox News continuously proves to offer more complete and accurate portrayals of events while the mainstream media clings to the most negative views of anything related to Trump. And time and again, nothing ever comes from their sky is falling stories.
Yet you anti-Trumpers cling to every negative story that they sell.
Why are you refusing to enjoy the fruits of this great administration?

Look at the past 4 months vs the past 8 years!
We truly are Making America Great Again!!!

Picking the two most partisan outlets isn't a great way to be informed on anything except the fringes. Pick some more reasonable outlets, like The Economist, The Hill, or other centrist publications. They're not as rage inducing as Fox News or MSNBC, but you'll be better informed from them.

Pulling out of the Paris agreement might help some stock in the short term, but hurts everyone long term. Coal companies and energy companies in particular largely opposed pulling out, and many of their stock prices are down.


Comparing the stock market since the election to the 8 years before doesn't look like a whole lot has changed:
Jan 15, 2010
The moment that our great President Trump announced pulling out of the Paris Accord, the markets immediately surged.
He promised this when he ran, he kept that promise and investors responded accordingly.

I watch Fox News and msnbc to see what both ends of the spectrum are saying. Fox News continuously proves to offer more complete and accurate portrayals of events while the mainstream media clings to the most negative views of anything related to Trump. And time and again, nothing ever comes from their sky is falling stories.
Yet you anti-Trumpers cling to every negative story that they sell.
Why are you refusing to enjoy the fruits of this great administration?

Look at the past 4 months vs the past 8 years!
We truly are Making America Great Again!!!

Making the USA an international pariah is hardly worth celebrating. Once again trumpies supporters have bought into his BS hook line and sinker. You want to teach your kid not to spit on the floor, don't spit on the floor. You want china to not pollute, you don't pollute.

I personally benefit huge from donnys latest debacle-I work in the construction industry in a large resort town in BC that is owned by a large us based resort with a large international clientele. We are expecting a massive surge in visitors as the rest of the world tells the USA to get f$&ced. No one seems to mention the anticipated loss in tourism jobs in the states to gain a couple coal jobs...Do I think it's a good thing? No. I think it's funny that the whole world is laughing at you,but I don't think it's funny at all that Donny can deny science and flip the world the bird and put my kids future at risk and his base applauds him for it. I applaud the rest of the world for standing up to him and I hope they all spend their money elsewhere, cause nothing but dollars seem to matter to the mango messiah.


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Aug 30, 2011
You want china to not pollute, you don't pollute.
I personally benefit huge from donnys latest debacle-I work in the construction industry in a large resort town in BC that is owned by a large us based resort with a large international clientele. We are expecting a massive surge in visitors as the rest of the world tells the USA to get f$&ced. No one seems to mention the anticipated loss in tourism jobs in the states to gain a couple coal jobs...Do I think it's a good thing? No. I think it's funny that the whole world is laughing at you,but I don't think it's funny at all that Donny can deny science and flip the world the bird and put my kids future at risk and his base applauds him for it. I applaud the rest of the world for standing up to him and I hope they all spend their money elsewhere, cause nothing but dollars seem to matter to the mango messiah.
Man you are out there and sadly your not alone.
No matter what is agreed to China is going to do whatever China wants and so will Russia, Middle east, most African nations, etc. If you put your emotional "save the earth" feelings aside you can see that this is just a money/economy scheme.
As far as tourism US national parks like Yellowstone have shown only an upward trend with no signs of slowing down. The only reason you are seeing an increase in tourism in Canada is because the CAD is weak compared to USD/other currencies. Your post(s) have made me realize that the Loonie is not just a coin in Canada. :face-icon-small-con:bowl:


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
As far as tourism US national parks like Yellowstone have shown only an upward trend with no signs of slowing down. The only reason you are seeing an increase in tourism in Canada is because the CAD is weak compared to USD/other currencies.

Did you have a source for that, or just feelings? Because everything I'm finding is showing a decline.





Even Yellowstone shows declines from the same months last year to this year since the election. Only exceptions are November and March.
https://irma.nps.gov/Stats/SSRSRepo...y Month (1979 - Last Calendar Year)?Park=YELL

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND

Because people don't have money to go on vacation. And that's not from the last 4 months of Trump. I'm glad Trump pulled us out of the do nothing, cost A trillion or more dollars a year Paris accord. Couldn't be happier. To see all the lefties blow a gasket on this is just iceing on the cake.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
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Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
As far as tourism US national parks like Yellowstone have shown only an upward trend with no signs of slowing down.

*Proves that's not true*

Because people don't have money to go on vacation. And that's not from the last 4 months of Trump.

Oh, so now it's not true, nobody said it was true, and it's Obama's fault.

Also, the NPS one, and at least one other, do indeed include the last 4 months of Trump.

To see all the lefties blow a gasket on this is just iceing on the cake.

I'll repeat an earlier sentiment, you'd cut of your own hand if it would piss off the left. That much is evident.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
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Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Looks like we a comparing 2 different areas of travel, I was only using the parks example as you and JT were using the entire US.
Yellowstone officials talked on the news of increase in travelers there and in other N.Parks across the US.

Did you miss the statistics on Yellowstone park specifically where every month this year is lower than last?

Yes, visitation has been growing for years (So....not Trump?) and this year is slightly lower than last year. Of course I'd expand to include all tourism. All foreign tourism lost is dollars lost to our economy. I'd think that merits including.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I seriously doubt that this would have any effect on our tourism.
Look at when Mexico was holding one of our soldiers in their prison, that had nill effect on Americans going to down to Mexico.

Just like every thing else, time will pass and time will show that this was nothing more than another good decision on the part of our great President Trump.


Embrace the BRAAAAAAP!
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Where the Buffalo roam
Did you have a source for that, or just feelings? Because everything I'm finding is showing a decline.

Even Yellowstone shows declines from the same months last year to this year since the election. Only exceptions are November and March.

*Proves that's not true*

Oh, so now it's not true, nobody said it was true, and it's Obama's fault.

Also, the NPS one, and at least one other, do indeed include the last 4 months of Trump.

I'll repeat an earlier sentiment, you'd cut of your own hand if it would piss off the left. That much is evident.

Did you miss the statistics on Yellowstone park specifically where every month this year is lower than last?

Yes, visitation has been growing for years (So....not Trump?) and this year is slightly lower than last year. Of course I'd expand to include all tourism. All foreign tourism lost is dollars lost to our economy. I'd think that merits including.

HahHAhahahahahahah !! not sure what rock you get your "facts" from under
but there is no decline in tourism and $$$$$$
4k for my house will save ya 1k a head!


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Aug 30, 2011
I can't believe he is so clueless to say "we don't want other nations to laugh at us" as he is pulling out of the Paris accord. what little respect he and by consequence the US had on the world stage just went up in a puff of black smoke...
What a mistake on the part of DJT... actually makes me miss BHO.
Sad day for the USA.

Hopefully, Mr. Pence makes a better president.


Making the USA an international pariah is hardly worth celebrating. Once again trumpies supporters have bought into his BS hook line and sinker. You want to teach your kid not to spit on the floor, don't spit on the floor. You want china to not pollute, you don't pollute.

Paris agreement sure got quiet in this thread, guess tourism is more important to all you earth guardians.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Paris agreement sure got quiet in this thread, guess tourism is more important to all you earth guardians.

Hey, progress! He agrees that humans cause climate change.

As for the Paris agreement, nobody is claiming it was the greatest thing ever. It doesn't go nearly far enough. But if it had, nobody would have signed it.
It's remarkable that anybody agreed to any reductions at all. My hope for anything good to come of this is that the backlash against Trump will spur other countries to make even greater improvements.

BTW, I'm sure you know, but PragerU definitely has a slant to their videos, I'd take them with a rather large dose of salt. Here's a different source talking about just what the agreement is, and how it works.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
Hey, progress! He agrees that humans cause climate change.

Silly mod, I have agreed to nothing, just another persons view point to explain how the Paris agreement is nothing but wealth redistribution to help open your eyes.
I will agree that we are over populated, but what do you do, tell all you folks in ID/UT that there is no need for 7 kids? IDK


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Silly mod, I have agreed to nothing, just another persons view point to explain how the Paris agreement is nothing but wealth redistribution to help open your eyes.
I will agree that we are over populated, but what do you do, tell all you folks in ID/UT that there is no need for 7 kids? IDK
Posting something and then disagreeing with a major portion of it kinda undermines your point.

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
Posting something and then disagreeing with a major portion of it kinda undermines your point.

I disagree, when people see things different sometimes it takes a same side/view explanation to get you(general example for those on whichever side) to realize that maybe this(whatever topic) is a bad idea.
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