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How about our great President!!!

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Feb 27, 2008
I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all my life. I have never wished to live anywhere else. This is my home and I was privileged to be born here.
But today I woke up and as I had my morning coffee I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same. I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life so filled with hate that they will agree with opinions that if the were in their right minds they would never express as their own. It's absolutely unbelievable. I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone.....then I saw this and I think that it's pretty close to describing how I feel.
I'm not starting a fight, but it is something to think about. This may open up a ton of outraged comments by some. Many who will argue how "wrong" this post is. My suggestion, save your time and effort! You're not changing the reality of what we are living by trying to somehow justify this insanity. Nevertheless, I couldn't resist because we are becoming the Twilight Zone. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind!
• If a dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
• Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.
• It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
• Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
• Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.
• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.
• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
• Criminals are catch-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of THEIR rights.
• And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"?!
Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus, but it racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China. We are clearly living in an upside down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong, but killing innocent babies is right, where darkness is light and light is now darkness.
Wake up America, the great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, is taking on water and sinking fast. = VOTE,and CHOOSE wisely as your life AND the lives of future generations depend on it.. The choice is yours to make. What will it be? Time is short, make your choice wisely!
May 2, 2013
Trump floats election 'delay' amid claims of voting fraud

I wonder what world leader Trump is asking to help him get re-elected now? I mean other than in Russia and China? Will anyone answer his calls? They all figured out his strongman tactics is all an act and he is weaker than orange Jello. But hey, just put our country at risk for your fragile ego DJT. /s


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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
I’m curious, what are people’s thoughts about fiscally responsibility today, as a country? The national debt has been out of control, increasing by 6.6 *TRILLION* dollars under the current administration. How is this acceptable?
May 2, 2013
It is pretty bad yeah? Trump is going to spin it that the Cares Act caused it to spike. If you look at the data is has been going up for a very long time

All depends on which chart you look at. Regardless, the common person can't make heads or tails of it. Trump being dumber than most educated people likely doesn't understand this data at all.

China holding the majority of our dept is the reality but other foreign "partners" hold nearly as much.


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Apr 22, 2010
Trump floats election 'delay' amid claims of voting fraud

I wonder what world leader Trump is asking to help him get re-elected now? I mean other than in Russia and China? Will anyone answer his calls? They all figured out his strongman tactics is all an act and he is weaker than orange Jello. But hey, just put our country at risk for your fragile ego DJT. /s

Who owns Disney land ? Who owns all the rare earth metal mines on this planet like the one in Montana ? Those two right there , in your question .

This is what's so sick and twisted those TWO aren't the ones blowing the debt to 6.6 trillion dollars

This was before Trump's time but for some reason he's the criminal .

Bandaids only slow the bleeding you can't stop it till you cauterize the problem .
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Well-known member
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Dec 6, 2007
Island Park ID
Trump floats election delay...Man, between that phone and his lack of self control
... I support him, but why does he have to make it harder to get re-elected than it already is. Coming off as a bit of a whiner, and nobody likes a whiner. Buck up, tweet less, work less on the base, and work harder on the undecided's or we're all screwed
May 2, 2013
Slow down there Hawkster. Trump isn't a criminal for raising the debt. He is a criminal for his treason, his stealing money from charities and funds, and tax evasion. Lol

The point being that the debt was going to increase continuously as it has since the 1980s no matter who is in charge of the administration. Some may say that Republicans do worse at this even though they claim they are more fiscally responsible than Democrats. Turns out they all suck at it because you can't hold back spending when the population keeps increasing.
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Well-known member
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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
Slow down there Hawkster. Trump isn't a criminal for raising the debt. He is a criminal for his treason, his stealing money from charities and funds, and tax evasion. Lol

The point being that the debt was going to increase continuously as it has since the 1980s no matter who is in charge of the administration. Some may say that Republicans do worse at this even though they claim they are more fiscally responsible than Democrats. Turns out they all suck at it because you can't hold back spending when the population keeps increasing.

Except you forgot the Clinton era where it was almost balanced. Within 17 billion. The numbers aren’t even fathomable today so far into the trillions.



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Apr 22, 2010
Slow down there Hawkster. Trump isn't a criminal for raising the debt. He is a criminal for his treason, his stealing money from charities and funds, and tax evasion. Lol

The point being that the debt was going to increase continuously as it has since the 1980s no matter who is in charge of the administration. Some may say that Republicans do worse at this even though they claim they are more fiscally responsible than Democrats. Turns out they all suck at it because you can't hold back spending when the population keeps increasing.

He used the system that was given to him , that's the part no one talks about . Just muddling in the mud , throw an attorney in there and you'd be found guilty of something for taking a crap in your own toilet . I don't like the guy either for using the system given to him . It's not right , the hand outs have to stop , there is no money when your in debt . I'd love to be able to make money but than prison isn't my thing .
May 2, 2013
If you have a team of lawyers like Trump does you can avoid that prison sentence. Since his is on house arrest and NY DA is coming for him, Trump doesn't want 2021 to come without his position protecting him. Too bad the supreme court ruled he isn't protected like he thinks he is by being president. The law will catch up to him. Barr is protecting him as best as he can but even he can hold it for so long.

He uses a system that was given to him...that is a nice way to say that he takes advantage of the system for his own personal profit. "It's legal". Well now things that were once legal can change as the system corrects itself doesn't it? Once those in power can't keep that system working for them what do they do? (Become lobbyists mostly lol)


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Feb 27, 2008
Thank you to whoever wrote it, it’s amazing!! 

This is an open letter to all Democrats FROM a Democrat

I just have a few questions for you....Let me start with, I already know you don't like President Trump...that's a given, SO
let's move on from that...

How about the division of America....
Do you really blame Trump for that?

How about when NONE of the DEMOCRATS showed up for his inauguration? Don't you think that started the division? He hadn't even been president yet, and EXCEPT for Clinton and Obama, not one democrat showed up....Is that when Trump divided America? Can you imagine if the REPUBLICANS didn't show up for Obama's inauguration because they lost??? Can you even start to imagine what would have happened?

How about when 19 minutes after Trump was inaugurated, the Washington Post declared the IMPEACHMENT CAMPAIGN has STARTED? Was that when Trump divided America?

How about when Nancy Pelosi ripped up Trump's state of the union right in front of the world, showing complete disrespect for the President of the United States? Did that bring the country together and is THAT when Trump divided America?

How about when America had to endure, 3 years and over 30 million dollars spent on trying to PROVE that Trump only won because of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and NOT because America voted him in and 17 democrats did EVERYTHING in their power to PROVE that there was Russian Collusion...and came up with ZERO...?
Was THAT when Trump divided America?

I can't even start to go over the NEGATIVE PRESS he's received since his surprise win...

Remember, the DONORS, the likes Bloomberg, who gave 27 million, Tom Steyer who gave 17 million, George Soros who gave 9 million and MANY MORE that gave MULTI-MILLIONS to Hillary, wanted a return on their investment...
Do you really think that donors give MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS just because they love Hillary?
NO, these weren't campaign donations, they were INVESTMENTS into what HILLARY had promised them when she became president....
They were so sure she would win and they would be SHOWERED with HUGE RETURNS, and when it didn't happen and they LOST all those millions, they went all out to TAKE TRUMP out of OFFICE by any means possible...

DID YOU KNOW that 90% of the Mainstream media and the corporations that own them, are owned by or run by BIG DEMOCRAT DONORS? You can verify all of that for yourselves...I did...

Since the moment Trump won, even before he was inaugurated, the mainstream media's reporting was 92% negative on Trump, do you know why?

It was those big donors that lost their dream of MILLIONS of dollars, on their returns that they were going to receive when Hillary was president and they weren't going to take that loss lightly...They needed to PUNISH TRUMP and those that VOTED HIM IN...

I've said this since the night he was elected...
"There is NOTHING the left won't do to take down our President”, our country and us, no low they won't go to, to get their power back", and sadly, we have seen this every single day since his election.

Let me ask you this...Have you ever listened to Trump or appreciated any accomplishment or campaign promises he's kept, have you ever gone to one of his rallies or have you just closed your mind to ANYTHING he does?

Please ask yourselves the following questions, if you dare...

What has Joe Biden done for America for the last 47 years that he's held an office?

What did Joe Biden ever do for BLACKS when HE and Obama were in office?

What has Joe Biden ever done in his entire life to create a private-sector job?

What has Joe Biden done to help the American middle class worker?

Let me also ask you this...Why do you think there are so many people tearing down statues, our burning flag, beating up police officers, disrespecting our founders and hating our country?

It comes straight from our SCHOOLS that have slowly been tearing down our history...

If there is a teacher out there, please tell me the following:

Do you teach the truth that it was the DEMOCRATS that were the KKK?

That the GRAND LEADER of the KKK was Robert Byrd, who was elected to congress and served for decades, and that it was Hillary, Bill, and Obama that gave his EULOGY praising him?
That the DEMOCRATS fought the Civil war to KEEP SLAVERY?
That the inner-city ghettoes were created by DEMOCRATS to keep control of slaves after they were freed?
That planned parenthood was founded in inner cities to CONTROL the BLACK POPULATION?
Is any of this in your history books?

Let me ask you this as well.

Can a student speak up when he/she disagrees with a teacher when they say that Trump is a horrible president or the electoral college has to be eliminated? I don't think so?
Well, I know a student that actually happened to...When the teacher said it had to be eliminated because Hillary lost, and he stated the reason it should stay,
She ripped him apart and gave the entire class a 5 hour test, and stated it was because he DARED to disagree with her...
Is that happening in your schools?
I'm only asking questions....I'd like your answers..

President Trump and his entire family has been vilified, demeaned and disrespected, for one reason and one reason only.......HE WON...

Have you noticed the DEMOCRATS only throw tantrums and OBJECT to everything he does and have NEVER ONCE gotten behind him to make America the best it can be? WHY?
They can't afford to get behind him...he would WIN AGAIN, and they can't let that happen....if he wins again, the Democrat party will be destroyed and they know it...

Did you notice that the "CAGES" the left claimed that Trump built to put Illegal children in, WERE BUILT BY OBAMA for the very purpose of PUTTING ILLEGAL CHILDREN IN?
Was THAT all over the news when Obama did it? The very same "CAGES"...but the media was silent!!

How about when Trump commuted Roger Stone's sentence, and was DEMONIZED 24/7 but NOT A WORD when Obama commuted 1715 inmates, which included 330 that he granted on his last day in office...

DID WE EVEN HEAR one WORD about it?

Were there reporters even reporting it...NO! Just look at the difference in the reporting. By the way, since Trump's been in office he's commuted 10 people...compare that to Obama...Is that reporting fair?
How about when Biden and Obama allowed the H1N1, the SWINE FLU, to INFECT MILLIONS of Americans before declaring it a health emergency....
Was the press losing it's minds and calling it the OBAMAFLU AND BLAMING OBAMA and BIDEN for the spread ? SILENCE!

Compare this to the NEGATIVE COVERAGE that Trump got when, he immediately halted travel from China when, in February, Nancy Pelosi went to Chinatown and said come on down, or when DeBlasio, in March, said ride the subways and go to broadway...BUT those same people are blaming Trump for the spread of coronavirus..


What have the DEMOCRATS done to help make America the best, to get behind a president that works tirelessly to care about WE THE PEOPLE instead of using us as political pawns..

What have the democrats done for people of color EXCEPT for GIVING ILLEGALS more rights than citizens and having us pay for it...

JUST imagine what this country could accomplish if the Democrats worked with him on the economy, the coronavirus, the inner cities where he's created opportunity zones, job training etc.

When Trump tried to get school choice for inner-city students they ran Betsy Devoss out!! The dems running those innercity schools wanted no part of school choice.

Have you ever wondered why it's cities that have been run, for decades, that have the MOST HOMELESS, the MOST CRIME, the most MURDERS, the worst INNER CITY schools, ARE ALL RUN BY DEMOCRATS???

If you haven't started asking yourselves those questions, maybe you should..

As I said, my entire family used to be democrats, but NOT ONE will ever vote for a democrat again....They asked themselves the same questions and the answer was clear....

I didn't write this, but I could have and I wish I had !!
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