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Do we really need a new chassis every 3-4 years?



Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
I was actually thinking about giving a hawk a try, I admit they do look different and have been curious, but after seeing what incompetant idiots they hire to promote there product, I can safely say this is a company I do not want any part of. A company that cannot control its employees from spamming, and insulting other snowmobilers and brands that gave birth to this sport is just not going to be a company to trust period. Does showhawk not realize the bad rep this moron is giving them? Do they even know about this guy?, maybe someone should inform them on this guys conduct, or are they so far down the toilet they don't care?

As for the new chassis every few years, I don't mind it, I would much rather be riding my rider forward rev, than a perfected zx chassis, because me personally at 6'6, the zx chassis was not comfortable, the rev was the first chassis I felt very comfortable on for my height, I think all they are doing is trying to give the customer what they want. BRP for example, if you look at their history from the old to the new, for the most part in my opinion they were giving the customer what they were asking for

S2000 chassis came out because the old C-7 sleds were heavy beasts, here people demanded a lighter more nimble sled that they could throw around easy, ski-doo came out with the S-2000 and look how many people enjoyed the 97 MXZ

next up was the zx platform, this was one I did not see much of a point in upgrading to, bit more suspension travel, new ADSA front suspension which is pretty much the same as DSA

then they came out with the rev, I know for myself I have always rode with my feet flat on the boards or behind me, I never tucked em up into the front, and I know I was not alone, I wanted a sled that would be comfortable for my style, where I can ride up right on the tank and get my weight on the front to tear through the trails, again they delievered and had great success.

Now comes the rev-xp, well as we know not everyone likes the rev rider forward design, but it was very successful, so they tried to build something to make both groups happy, I guess we will see how it pans out

I just don't see anything wrong with this, its not like they stop making parts for the old sleds so you have to upgrade, its still your choice, can other parts of the sled improve? definetly it can, but the chassis is the biggest factor in the sled to make people happy, it effects every part of your ride.


Dec 12, 2007
Vancouver, BC
of course reliability is a must, but do they really break down that often? Is it as bad as its made out to be? from my personal experience its not, its still pretty rare to be towed out of the mountains for me, my friends and my family and I am not light on my sleds, maybe once a year with all the people we ride with.

As for standing up in a crash, well what type of crash are we talking about? Me personally, in what I would consider a crash, I would be happy to walk out with no damage, not expect it. I would rather them spend time and money in researching new technology rather than building a tank of a sled that could hold up to a crash, then again I don't crash to often, maybe those that do have a different opinion, but if your one to crash alot, what are you doing shelling out 13K for a new sled anyways?
Nov 27, 2007
The one OEM who I think would benefit the most from a chassis upgrade would be Snohawk. I rode a 503 fan cooled model years ago and liked the concept but was disappointed that it was not as close to a dirt bike as I thought it would be. I've always thought the snohawk would really benefit from a rider forward design. You presently sit too far back and down inside. The ergos and the steering linkage take away from the motorcycle feel IMO.

I think Yamaha is smart to keep developing new chassis just to close the weight gap with the 2-strokes. I hope that Ski-doo keeps the XP around longer than they did the REV. Aside from the weight difference and more leg room, there isn't really anything revolutionary over the REV, IMO. I think Polaris should stay with the IQ and keep lightening it up and improving it. It seems to be a durable chassis and worth keeping around for a long time. Arctic Cat seemed to go the wrong direction with the twin spar since it is heavier than what it replaced. Seems like there is a lot of stuff that could be stripped off to get the weight more in line with the other makes. I assume the chassis is proving to be durable? Maybe give it a face lift with lighter weight body components?
Sep 1, 2001
Maple Grove, MN
Seems to me that the OEM's are spending lots of money and R&D dollars into a market that only gets smaller every year. How can this process continue? Sled prices are ridiculous (yes, I bought an '08). I just can't see how a shrinking market can continue to support more new sled designs with coorespondling higher costs?

Cost will go up year over year generally. As for new stuff every 3 or 4 years, it's the only way to build or keep excitement in the product. The market is shrinking for two big reasons, disposal income isn't where it used to be and the midwest or any place hasn't received the snow it used to. If we receive the snow a lot of things will come back quicker then most people realize.

Simple ask the MN and WI dealers if things are better or worse then the same time last year. Everyone of them will say this year is WAY better.
Nov 26, 2007
Kennewick Wa
Back on topic.

No it would most likely will be the insurance company paying...

I like this guy!

Wrecked all five Ski-Doos I owned in some form or another.

Totaled the new 2000 Summit700 Highmark 151, buckled the tunnel, and snapped the steering stem.
After making the third claim, my agent warned further claims would be fully investigated so I stopped.

I wouldn't help it I would get mad at those cumbersome machines because they wouldn't turn like my XR's or the KTM's.

I remember vividly climbing with that HM when Dale's kid Jerome cut me off in the arch, with very little snow and no momentum even my 6'5" body couldn't hold it on that hill.

When I realized I couldn't hold on I said f*** it and gave it a kicking start, end over end tumble, stupid damn QUAD!

40 Snow Hawks, thirty five riders, one set of bent forks/repaired, one seized engine, no insurance claims, thirty five very happy guy's!

By the way the machine has evolved from that 503 you rode, but it seems I have to shove it down your throats for you to see the light!

Not a payed representative, just a passionate believer!:D
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Nov 26, 2007
Pagosa Springs, CO
I've been very busy and very busy riding. I come back on and Holy Crap.. more hijaked threads being turned into snowhawk commercials.

They're fun, they're cool but I don't give a ^&**.

Maybe others don't support that but for Pete's sake take it to the snowhawk site when the discussion is snowmobile I find it interesting.

Or start you're own thread, "Rode My Cool Hawk Today" Or "I remember when XR's were the bomb... but not on the snow of course... whoops this is a snowmobile forum... need to post on XRsonly"

Take it to Fouled Plug or your own site. Aggghhhhh

Enough of the commercials.

Enjoy your day! :D
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Sep 21, 2002
Lets Keep On Topic Here!!

:mad:jeez, you think you can read a good thread and it just gets polluted.:mad:

Snowhawkaddict... I commond you for posting more than 1 post without a video or a pic of snowhawks.. GOOD WORK!

Turtlehead, go somewhere else to argue.

I can't see it being feasable at all to sit on your laurels...

Look at Poo, when they scrambled from BNG's to a newer design. It failed miserably. To be competitive, you have to be on top of the game.

It is human nature..

And to those who still think the old chassis are great.. Good for ya, just keep to the right when I pass you going up to the alpine..LOL:rolleyes:


Nov 26, 2007
Pagosa Springs, CO
:mad:jeez, you think you can read a good thread and it just gets polluted.:mad:

Snowhawkaddict... I commond you for posting more than 1 post without a video or a pic of snowhawks.. GOOD WORK!

Turtlehead, go somewhere else to argue.

I can't see it being feasable at all to sit on your laurels...

Look at Poo, when they scrambled from BNG's to a newer design. It failed miserably. To be competitive, you have to be on top of the game.

It is human nature..

And to those who still think the old chassis are great.. Good for ya, just keep to the right when I pass you going up to the alpine..LOL:rolleyes:

You guys are right, I stand corrected. There has been progress. We need to reward the little things.. Baby steps Baby steps.

Sorry over and out.

Oh while I'm here I got a new Rhino 08 700 efi kicks butt on my grandkids PW50's but I need to mod it to take the PW 80's. and oh yah.......................
Nov 26, 2007
Kennewick Wa

I've been very busy and very busy riding. I come back on and Holy Crap.. more hijaked threads being turned into snowhawk commercials.
Enough of the commercials.

My December SNOW*TECH magazine has multiple full, and double page snowmobile manufacturers commercials, four for Polaris, two Ski-Doo, one Yamaha, and poor Artic Cat got the back cover.

I realize these and all the other adds pay the bills, but then come the articles mostly highlighting a particular machine in a photograph studio. The wording has statements such as "Yamaha claims", "prices start at", "race director blaw blaw says", and so on. There are about four real stories in there. The majority of these publications are pages strait out of a brochure!

October SledHeads had 2Moto on the cover, expecting to read about a thorough test, all it was about was the progress, and pics of the crew, not what they could, and could not. THE GODDAMN COVER!:mad:

The current Snowest, goes indepth about riding areas, and that track development story telling us ONE man does all that work by himself, that's mind boggling. The 700cc story is titled in the plural, but the only other machine in it has 1049cc's and its the cover. And oh yes there's an article/add for my beloved freakin Snow Hawk.:D

Car and Driver, Motor Trend, Dirt Rider, etc. print these advertisements, but also tend to do long term test reports, and road tests, reporting pluses, and minuses. Why don't the snowmobile mags do this in depth?

Where are the kid sled stories, utility machines, why is it allways about the latest gratest, or some vintage memory. You could have all of this, the bike and quad mags do. Maybe 12 monthly issues could allow this, not just four 120 page brochures!

I think we all receive in the mail a buyers guide once a year, it covers all machines, but is this all the information people want?

Let's see articles not adds pointing out to parents the value, and safety of machines such as the Ski-Doo Freestyle, and the JR Snow Hawks, what are the kids opinions, where are their new designs? The old Snowscoots and discontinued 250's-340's should be disintegrating anytime.

The title of this thread wasn't my idea, but it's a good one, and more important then which 800 would be good for your wife, or 14yr old!

Read the question, my rants are just my long winded explanation of what I think the sport has come to.

The Snow Hawk is my answer!:)
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Nov 27, 2007
i figured out why we all need new chassis to come out every few years. Some of the rider slike to have the newest tech sleds out, lightest most powerful and sled that use the most belts. THese people sell their older sleds to the less fortunate who cant afford the new stuff. these new chassis allow me to ride for a somewhat more affordable price.
Nov 27, 2007
That totally fits into my "All older sleds die a slow death in a trailer park theroy".

Yeah, I initially didn't want to mention the snohawk and provoke the rant but I do feel that chassis needs an update.

I'll go out on a limb and say that since all the sleds are now rider forward, (and the XP isn't revolutionary, light weight parts on any chassis and you are right there) the OEM's should focus on controlling costs, getting away from unreliable big twins, and deliver more value.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Oct 20, 2005
Springville, UT
NOPE, I havent changed chassis since 2004. dont plan on changing anytime soon either. Going to change to a cuttler power plant over the summer though.
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