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'12 to '13 to '14 skid location differences?


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What are the rideability differences in each year? What's gonna be best for me? I'm a ditch banging flatlander that likes the flat open meadow powder so climbing and sidehilling not on the top of my list. I'm 6'2" and likely 290lbs geared up. I have a 12' proclimb but want to know what holes to use or go CR brackets. Suggestions please
Your best bet for style of riding is the '13 position. Will give u a lighter front end to. The '14 position was meant to get on top of snow easier when dealing with deep pow, and the jury's still out for some riders which is really better
I put cr brackets on my '13 and went to the '14 position. 7 days of riding around revy so far and really like it but that's just me. The brackets aren't cheap and are maj pain in *** to install
for your style do the 13 sounds like mroe fun for you i think its a drop of front and rear bracket i dont recall how far though have to redrill your front hole in the tunnel

Make sure your printing setting are not set to "fit to page" or else it will re size it and your template will be wrong.....double check the measurements after you print

Lots of guys like the 13' but there are a couple who say it "wheelies" to easy and a few more that say it caused bad vibration in the tunnel.

The MVM/CR bracket (actually the CR bracket might be different, I haven't seen it first hand) does not actually obtain the 14' location. They 14' location also uses a shorter skid. It tries to imitate what the 14' did and it causes more ski pressure (the last think you need). IMO - save your money.
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