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Wifi In My Shop???????



Well-known member
Ok.... I really want wifi out in my shop. Look up parts, use Dish Anywhere, stream music....

My shop is 150' from my house. The wifi router is in the basement mechanical room. I have signal in the garage and a little bit of the driveway.

How do I get signal to my shop without paying the Internet company another monthly fee?

Thanks... Justin.
We use this Wifi Extender to boost signals in the house/garage area. They "Claim" up to an additional 10,000 sq. ft. of coverage. Might be worth a shot. I would mount it as high up on the wall in your shop closet to your house to try and get a signal.


I have tried those and had HORRIBLE experience with them
Just unending problems getting the connection to hold.
Upgraded by router to one of the High End units and now all 3 stories of the house and the garage and the property all have solid coverage now.
Yeah, we are only using it to improve the connection within the house and garage and it works good. We had a cheap one before that gave us nothing but problems. Like anything, you get what you pay for.

With the high end wifi router Christopher, do you really get a signal over all 2 acres of your property??? If so, that is frickin impressive.
Take your router OUT of the basement and put it on the main floor where it will have a reasonably GOOD line of sight out to your garage.

Then UPGRADE your router!
Consider one of these

I personally run the R7000 for the last several years and have good coverage on my 2 acres.

We have a entire media set up in the mechanical room. Makes it tough to move it up stairs.

Shop is steel.
Do you want wifi in the shop... or do you just want a computer to be able to be connected via wifi to your router?

I want to have Internet without using my cellular data.

Guess if we go to unlimited data. I could set my phone up as a hot spot. Guessing everytime the phone rings I loose connection though.
How hard would it be for you to run a data hard line to the shop? Because I would bet being your in a steel building that your signal would be a ton stronger if you ran a line to the shop and then just put a router out there for the shop area.
Like said before, run a hard line. I ran one over 300' from my house and works awesome. Added a new wifi router and all is good.
Yeah, we are only using it to improve the connection within the house and garage and it works good. We had a cheap one before that gave us nothing but problems. Like anything, you get what you pay for.

With the high end wifi router Christopher, do you really get a signal over all 2 acres of your property??? If so, that is frickin impressive.

The high end stuff works pretty dang well.

More than ANYTHING else, its all about WHERE YOU PLACE the router to begin with!
How hard would it be for you to run a data hard line to the shop? Because I would bet being your in a steel building that your signal would be a ton stronger if you ran a line to the shop and then just put a router out there for the shop area.

I could do it fairly easy after the ground thaws. I have a plow to pull it in.
I don't see a r7000. What's comparable.

This is the R7000 I am using now

If it was time for me to install again, I would upgrade to the R9000 now.

But understand.
I am a FULL TIME INTERNET professional.
So having solid connectivity is life or death to me.
I brought in a 100mb cable to my house to make SURE I had the best I could get where I live.
Like said before, run a hard line. I ran one over 300' from my house and works awesome. Added a new wifi router and all is good.

can you explain further. I am tech idiot. what did you use for cable, where is the router?

local cable provider said I couldn't run cable out to the shop. It wouldn't work.
ok... if I run a cable. Do you run out the back of the router in the basement and then have another router in the shop? How does that all work.

Christopher.... I have no problem buying a new router, moving it upstairs if I have to. Was hoping not to spend $450. I need some tv money too.... hahahahaha. The part I am most worried about is setting up the router. Doing all the programming with it. The cable provider has always done it for me.
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