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2023 Little Truckee Summit Snow Conditions

Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
Well, after a week of no new snow, we had a great time, but it got wore out. We’re getting a little snow storm now probably about 4 to 5 inches so far. They were only calling for 3 inches. They’ve been doing a great job on grooming, the main road, but they need to groom Meadow Lake Road and a couple others. The snow it’s super deep out here and it’s really filled in nicely.

Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
Well, we get 4 to 5 inches and more on the north slopes with the wind blowing. we found some great areas yesterday. Heading up tomorrow. If anybody needs anybody to ride with my son and I are out here kicking butt. He’s on his brand new turbo skidoo, so no breakdowns this year. 28A6A402-B019-4B27-BD65-5D028D95D13E.jpeg

Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
We got another 1 to 2 feet of new snow over the weekend. at the top, maybe even more. Yesterday was a beautiful bluebird day. I’m so lacking for people to ride with up here. anybody by themselves stop by let’s rideB87FF9B9-6388-4930-BCDA-E5EAABF7A621.jpeg


Premium Member
Dec 5, 2018
Still good conditions out there! Hit Gold on Saturday and was treated to about 4-6" of fresh and ultimate traction.

Climbing out of Mud.
I knew I seen you at the trail head at about 10:30 just as we were pulling in on saturday , you were just hitting the trail


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Yup, that ridgetop looks familiar, Raymond. Was poaching Jamison on the menu? heh! heh! I never heard anything back from SAC regarding Jamison, so I don't know what the hell is going on in that area. Keep charging, pal.
Nov 30, 2008
Reno, NV
I knew I seen you at the trail head at about 10:30 just as we were pulling in on saturday , you were just hitting the trail

Yup, that was me. New Blue GMC truck in the parking lot but same ol' "M CATS" plates. Sun finally stayed out around 12:30 and we rode till it went down. Last ones loading up in the parking lot.

Z- it might not be the elevator shaft but the main climb out of Mud is still as exciting as ever. Think I'm showing my age...still doing hill climbs. Are they taboo now? ?

Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
Well, we got a little snow in a last couple days. 4 feet of fluffy snow out there. I had to work all day today removing it. Tomorrow’s going to be awesome powder day. Bottom pick of the 07 road at my house. Groomer hasn’t been out with this storm yet. Be nice to see him tonight.22E66853-9D10-466A-86DB-F9737D5A44DE.jpeg 373FF80A-3CA9-4BAD-A886-13F4986E923E.jpeg
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
May 7, 2003
Sparks, NV
Damn, that's a lot of white Steve and more on the way. Hope you freshened up the Corona supply. Braaap! Braaap!
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Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
It’s just not quitting this year. We got another 7 feet of snow last week. When I say there’s too much snow to go snowmobiling, I mean it. Or maybe if you’re young on a turbo sled. I spent the last four days plowing snow shoveling snow. all this work and now snowmobiling is getting old. Now they’re saying another 3 to 5 feet this weekend. yes we are totally buried. first pick is my snow cat took me a while to find it. i’ve never seen this much snow on my little powerhouse..

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Track Man

Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 24, 2007
Coppins Meadow
Been building these ramps to find somewhere to put all this snow . I got my power house and wood shed all dug out ready for more snow. I am also building a all the way out to the meadow in case it rains. I just have piles of snow everywhere up here. i’ve been too busy plowing snow. Do you even go snowmobiling. The snow has been awesome because it’s been fluffy. we’re getting snow tonight but it’s wet. this is going to make for some big avalanches. be careful out there everybody. i’ve lived up here since 2010 and never seen this much snow up here. none of the snow has even started to melt yet. My culvert that goes under the road doesn’t have any water in it. I have never seen that this time of year.

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New member
Oct 25, 2013
Definitely looks like a lot of work. Hope you get to get out soon to enjoy. We plan on heading that way Sunday or Monday to enjoy.


New member
Premium Member
Dec 9, 2013
Been building these ramps to find somewhere to put all this snow . I got my power house and wood shed all dug out ready for more snow. I am also building a all the way out to the meadow in case it rains. I just have piles of snow everywhere up here. i’ve been too busy plowing snow. Do you even go snowmobiling. The snow has been awesome because it’s been fluffy. we’re getting snow tonight but it’s wet. this is going to make for some big avalanches. be careful out there everybody. i’ve lived up here since 2010 and never seen this much snow up here. none of the snow has even started to melt yet. My culvert that goes under the road doesn’t have any water in it. I have never seen that this time of year.
Yikes. Our cabin is on old Henness Pass Road, at Perazzo Meadows (near the Mt. Lola summer trailhead ). We probably won’t get in there until the 4th of July! Thanks for posting some pictures of what it’s looking like- wow.


Snowest's Axe Murderer
Lifetime Membership
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Jul 8, 2001
NW Ohio
Just wondering if you have any updates?

What kind of issues are y'all having with the melt?
Hopefully you don't get any big rain storms!

Really wished I (we actually) would have had time to get out there this year to be part of all that!
It's on my bucket list fer sure, but this would have been the year!
But then you must not have had many nice clear days to actually ride tho either?

Apr 21, 2010
Just wondering if you have any updates?

What kind of issues are y'all having with the melt?
Hopefully you don't get any big rain storms!

Really wished I (we actually) would have had time to get out there this year to be part of all that!
It's on my bucket list fer sure, but this would have been the year!
But then you must not have had many nice clear days to actually ride tho either?

No , we do have many and did have many sunny clear days this last winter, the base and total depth or snow fall did reach record amounts, but always clears up fine. Pretty sure if you wanted anyone could have had a 6 month season. I bet Truckee was doable through May .
I went twice in April but a different higher elev. place.
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