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SLP Single pipe

Sooo, is it just me that noticed in the slp writeup that they want to go with the 3.5g lighter flyweight that the 2017 used to make thins pipe work??? Tech even told my buddy to do the same with his 19. Clutching does not lie, That right there is a huge red flag, second red flag is the amout of heat tape needed, must be a very thin coating of ceramic to make it look pretty. The objective is to reduce the underhood temps, not increase it.
Sooo, is it just me that noticed in the slp writeup that they want to go with the 3.5g lighter flyweight that the 2017 used to make thins pipe work??? Tech even told my buddy to do the same with his 19. Clutching does not lie, That right there is a huge red flag, second red flag is the amout of heat tape needed, must be a very thin coating of ceramic to make it look pretty. The objective is to reduce the underhood temps, not increase it.

I just see them referring to an adjustable weight, part number #40-232.
I just see them referring to an adjustable weight, part number #40-232.

Dont know what your looking at. Fifth paragraph down, they even reference the BRP ramp part number

Hey guys, saw some questions on your thread that I thought we might be able to help answer. We have been running our pipe set for the Skidoo G4 850 for about a year now, and have found it to work extremely well in all conditions. The powerband is very wide with gains that are not just top-end (7.3 hp), but great midrange increases too.

sledhead_24_7's suggestion on heat tape is a good one and I would add to that: regardless of what you are using for an exhaust, I would highly recommend getting some additional venting. Stock venting is inadequate for the heat this sled creates underhood. We offer our Hot Air Elimination Vent kits work awesome for reducing heat.

You also lose 11 pounds of weight and it has a crisp sound to it. One note on the Dynotech runs - they used a mix of stock components with our exhaust components for their runs. Our Pipe is not designed or intended to be used that way for proper fit or performance. They would have seen even better dyno numbers if they had run it with our silencer (which they mention, but doesn't look like they had any numbers to share).

We only recommend using our exhaust as a complete system (y pipe, pipe ,and silencer together) and that's why we sell it that way. We have not tested running it with a different brand of silencer, so can't help you with if any other brands would work with our pipe. For those of you looking for a lighter and louder muffler, we may offer some other options next season.

We have clutching recommendations included with the pipe set for 0-10000 feet. Those recommendations include adjustable weights and spring for the 2017 models. For most of the 2018 models we use adjustable weights and stock ski-doo 2017 ramps (BRP#417224225). We will continue testing until we run out of snow, so keep posted for any additional clutching updates.

The pipes are currently in stock . If anybody has any questions regarding this or any other SLP product please feel free to contact us at 208-529-0244
Sooo, is it just me that noticed in the slp writeup that they want to go with the 3.5g lighter flyweight that the 2017 used to make thins pipe work??? Tech even told my buddy to do the same with his 19. Clutching does not lie, That right there is a huge red flag, second red flag is the amout of heat tape needed, must be a very thin coating of ceramic to make it look pretty. The objective is to reduce the underhood temps, not increase it.

Keep I mind this pipe was released in November 2017 they didn’t have if any testing on a 2018 model. So all the testing in 2017 was done with the 2017 ramp 967 which is all they had at the time.
Keep I mind this pipe was released in November 2017 they didn’t have if any testing on a 2018 model. So all the testing in 2017 was done with the 2017 ramp 967 which is all they had at the time.
I do believe your forgetting something, the stock 2017 850 needed more weight from the factory. Enter SHR and his adjustable ramps, amazing product.

The 965 ramp is on its second season on the snow, a company telling customers to put in a lighter ramp in without inquiring about the sleds primary spring is a red flag to me. This is the second time ive heard this recommendation from SLP in the last three days. IF (big IF) the pipe makes power, advising guys to install a lighter ramp than what actually came in the sled is counterintuitive.

I read the install sheet, seeing all of that heat tape made me shake my head, again thin coating of ceramic.
In the installation instructions it states they use adjustable weights. You can find the instructions on the slp website.
Unfortunately, The kit does not come with the adjustable weights, its extra. I know this cause my buddy just got a slp pipe kit, and I explained everything to him as Im writing now. His sled Is a 19 MY
Guys, I thought I would shed some light on a couple questions that you have.

First of all, if you are wondering why we recommended the 967 ramp (stock 2017 ramp) with our pipe set even on 2018 and 2019 models, it was because the 967 ramp is lighter from where the roller contacts it all the way to the tip. If you compare the two ramps you will see what I'm talking about. Using the 967 ramp allows us to add more heel weight to the pivot bolt which clamps down on the belt more at low to mid speed ranges. This loads the engine more which brings the internal temperature of the pipe up quickly creating more consist power (this low to mid speed range is where Summit models spend the majority of their time). The 2018 ramps were too heavy on the tip to allow enough weight to be added to the pivot bolt to do this. Thus if you tried running our pipe with the stock 2018 ramp, it would not be as fast in acceleration or consistent as you changed elevations and snow conditions. Essentially with the 2018 ramp you will be slipping the belt more in the low to mid speed areas and not building internal pipe heat that you need for the sound wave to travel back to the exhaust port at the appropriate time.

Second, let me further explain the Magnum Force weight in comparison to the stock setup. The Magnum Force weight uses a heavy heel design and a weight profile that is much different than the stock weight. It is designed to maximize the effect centrifugal force has on it over all rpm and speed ranges. The difference is most noticeable at the low to mid speed ranges. With the stock weight you have a lot of "wasted mass" in the weight profile and clicker setup. Because of this, centrifugal force does not move this mass as effectively, requiring the stock weight setup to be heavier to accomplish a similar task. Essentially, with the stock profile and clicker setup, there is extra mass that is just along for the ride.

I hope this information helps. If you have questions regarding this or any SLP product, feel free to give us a call (208)529-0244.


Jerry Mathews
Unfortunately, The kit does not come with the adjustable weights, its extra. I know this cause my buddy just got a slp pipe kit, and I explained everything to him as Im writing now. His sled Is a 19 MY

You can get "stage" kits where the weights are included. Just buying the pipe set will not get you the clutching parts unless you ask for them, That's pretty common in the industry though.
Lol, Interesting theory, im not buying it. Ive been messing with clutching for a long time.
Its been proven that adding tip weight to adjustable ramps like the SHR ramp works way better than adding just piviot weight alone fine tune with pivot weight. So your essentially saying that if I bolt this pipe on my sled with my current clutching Id have to remove weight.
I'm not familiar with the weight profile of the SHR ramp and I have not run it, so I cannot comment on how it works. My comments are specific to the stock Ski-Doo ramps and the SLP Magnum Force weights. The trick that we have found with our pipe is load the clutching heavy so you increase the shift force in the low to mid speed ranges especially (how you choose to do that is up to you).. The pipe likes to be heat soaked and if you just let it sing through that area you will not see the horsepower and consistency that it is capable of. It will still run good, just not to the potential it could. There are many ways to clutch a sled. We strive to give great all around specs for all elevations that customers can count on.

Thanks for your comments. Contact us with any questions you may have (208)529-0244.

Jerry Mathews
It looks like the Jaws makes twice the added power that the SLP does, but that does not have anything to do with clutching. If the powerband is 100RPM wide, then HP means nothing. Dynotech got 191 horse out of the 850 with race gas, advanced timing, with a 25 second pull using the Jaws setup. Stock can.
Lol, Interesting theory, im not buying it. Ive been messing with clutching for a long time.
Its been proven that adding tip weight to adjustable ramps like the SHR ramp works way better than adding just piviot weight alone fine tune with pivot weight. So your essentially saying that if I bolt this pipe on my sled with my current clutching Id have to remove weight.

Just installed the SLP single pipe with the recommended clutching on my 18 165. The SLP recommended ramp and pivot weight weighed 2 grams more than stock 965 and pivot weight.

Had it out the other day for the first ride. So so conditions, 15-20 cm of new with a rain crust on top.Sled ran awesome. Pulled 7900-8000 all day. Sounds good and felt snappy.

I didn’t trade sleds with anyone or do any side by side pulls. But so far i’m happy with it.
It looks like the Jaws makes twice the added power that the SLP does, but that does not have anything to do with clutching. If the powerband is 100RPM wide, then HP means nothing. Dynotech got 191 horse out of the 850 with race gas, advanced timing, with a 25 second pull using the Jaws setup. Stock can.

Reports from altitude testing with the jaws is the pipe gained 300rpm. The stock clutching was intentionally left in for testing purposes.
Timing change needed?

So a guy can bolt this on, then tinker with the venting and clutch right? Is there a change of timing needed and how would I do that? I'm guessing BUDS at a dealer?
So a guy can bolt this on, then tinker with the venting and clutch right? Is there a change of timing needed and how would I do that? I'm guessing BUDS at a dealer?

Timing is not needed but good for +2 hp. Your dealer can do it with the buds system. Are you can by the candoo program and do it yourself. You need to run good fuel are the ecu will go into safe mode and lose power. You can also buy timing keys from high performance engineering and do it old school way.

Here’s a good video on timing. Keep in mind he is doing his testing close to sea level.

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