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McCain taps Alaska governor for VP. Read the last few lines, Can you say snowmobile??



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Marysville, WA
Wow Karen, I'm I little shocked by your remarks. Women have been waiting for the glass ceiling to break for the top offices of the country for a very long time. What is it with women? ..... What gives Karen?

George - you're right - it's high time for women to be a contributing force in running our country. HOWEVER..... if all women choose to put country / job / state / etc. ahead of their family, whose gonna raise the next generation of Americans? the men? hmmmm - how many of you men are willing to pony up so your wives can take on a challenge like this? Now, I know that is a sweeping generalization and a VERY sexist remark on my part, but so be it.

McCain chose her for a myriad of reasons - pro-choice being one of them. By choosing to have her son, she obligated herself to following through with that choice - putting her son, not the country first, as long as he needs her. A woman or man can only serve me as an American when they are unencumbered by other obligations, and raising a family at this stage is a huge obligation.

Bottem line - choosing a candidate is a personal choice, and I'm going to critically question everything about both presidential candidates and their VP's, and why they chose those running mates.
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Dec 1, 2007
I think choosing her because she is a woman is deemed a slap in the face to women. Womens rights are about equality.... Is equality what we are getting when a woman is only choosen because she is a female? I don't think so. Kind of like affirmative action..... Is McCain using her just because she is a woman and he wants to get the woman voters from Hillary? I don't think so, but dang if it doesn't look like it.

Well of course you see it that way. I prefer to see it as McCain giving an opportunity to a very qualified politician that complements his style and she just so happens to be a girl. Dang, if that aint some fine mental masturbation there....


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Jordan, Utah
:eek: Am I on the Snowest or Sierraclub forum? Someone please pinch me,
I fooled myself and thought Cheney would help out my interests. As an avid sledder/camper who enjoys taking his family into the backcountry I am disgusted by the guy, as for my hope's well that was a flop! instead all I have is $300 a month less for fuel costs.
Palin seems promising for all of us who enjoy snowmobiling and so much more in basic family values.
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Jan 2, 2008
She stirred up a lot of chit in AK, blasted the good ol boys and fights corruption


Snowmobiling, hunting is icing on the cake

I'm excited
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Jul 11, 2001
Waconia, MN
George - you're right - it's high time for women to be a contributing force in running our country. HOWEVER..... if all women choose to put country / job / state / etc. ahead of their family, whose gonna raise the next generation of Americans? the men? hmmmm - how many of you men are willing to pony up so your wives can take on a challenge like this? Now, I know that is a sweeping generalization and a VERY sexist remark on my part, but so be it.

McCain chose her for a myriad of reasons - pro-choice being one of them. By choosing to have her son, she obligated herself to following through with that choice - putting her son, not the country first, as long as he needs her. A woman or man can only serve me as an American when they are unencumbered by other obligations, and raising a family at this stage is a huge obligation.

Bottem line - choosing a candidate is a personal choice, and I'm going to critically question everything about both presidential candidates and their VP's, and why they chose those running mates.

Count me in, the lifetime bennifits alone would be worth it. That and if my wife were to take on the role of suggar mama would be fine with me.
I haven't been a big fan of McCain, but was going to hold my breath and vote for him anyway, because Obama and his liberal politics were out of the question for my vote.

After this seemingly great pick for VP, I am going to feel much better voting for McCain. And I can be sexist too, and state the fact that it certainly won't hurt that she will pull in some extra women votes just because she is a women. That is just a fact of life. :eek:

It will also be nice to have a level head in the Whitehouse when our environment and use of public lands is being discussed. I do not trust McCain much on this issue, but hopefully he will listen to Sarah, who it seems knows a heck of a lot more on this issue than either person running for President. :p

I also admire that fact that she went ahead and brought her last child to birth, even though she new it had Down Syndrome, instead of just aborting the fetus because the baby wasn't perfect. I get the feeling some might respect her more if she would have just ended the pregnancy. :confused:
Dec 1, 2007
George - you're right - it's high time for women to be a contributing force in running our country. HOWEVER..... if all women choose to put country / job / state / etc. ahead of their family, whose gonna raise the next generation of Americans? the men? hmmmm - how many of you men are willing to pony up so your wives can take on a challenge like this? Now, I know that is a sweeping generalization and a VERY sexist remark on my part, but so be it. McCain chose her for a myriad of reasons - pro-choice being one of them. By choosing to have her son, she obligated herself to following through with that choice - putting her son, not the country first, as long as he needs her. A woman or man can only serve me as an American when they are unencumbered by other obligations, and raising a family at this stage is a huge obligation.

Bottem line - choosing a candidate is a personal choice, and I'm going to critically question everything about both presidential candidates and their VP's, and why they chose those running mates.

I suppose thats fair, but they seem like a very squared away family thats been very active in serving their state. Something tells me that those kids will have everything they need and then some. Getting to live in that environment they'll get the best education, the best medical care as well as having an endless procession of interesting people to meet. An opportunity like this happens to very few of us. Would you turn it down?


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Well of course you see it that way. I prefer to see it as McCain giving an opportunity to a very qualified politician that complements his style and she just so happens to be a girl. Dang, if that aint some fine mental masturbation there....

I think you need to go read his last sentence again, where he says he doesn't think that's what McCain is doing....


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Marysville, WA
Getting to live in that environment they'll get the best education, the best medical care as well as having an endless procession of interesting people to meet.

but not as much of mom as they need at that stage in their life.........

An opportunity like this happens to very few of us. Would you turn it down?

at this stage in my life, where my children do not need me on a daily basis? Nope - I'd jump all over an opportunity like that. 10 years ago? possibly. 17 years ago when my youngest of four was 3 months old? Not on your life.

again, a purely personal choice and decision

anyhoo - should make for some interesting discussion and debate over the next few months....... :)
Jan 2, 2008
women have been moving into the professional mans shoe for a long time, who thinks its a bad thing to have the husband step into the womans 'traditional' role?

Her hubby looks to be a stand up dood, and I'm sure he'd make a great stay at home dad.

If my wife were to get VP I'd quit my job

powder Head

Active member
Nov 27, 2007
Marysville Wash
So she hunts, she fishes, anowmobiles is a good mom and ousted the govenor of Alaska. Do we know anything on here political views, I haven't heard one thing on here unless I flashed past it. What is her stance on foriegn policy, how about health care, what about the little thing called budget that we don't have in this country. Could go on, what about all our troups over seas are we going to see them back soon or just keep sending them over.

Then there is the real imporant most pressing issue yet. High speed trains from the US to Cananda that can transport our trucks and sleds to the great snomobiling spots in Canada in les then 2 hours.

Bottom line is there are a lot of unknown issues, she could end up being our next President if McCain is elected and something happened.
Mar 3, 2006
I can't believe people actually think she won't be taking care of her kids while on the campaign trail. I'm sure the whole family will be going along if they want to. The kid will probably get better care there than in AK. If you wouldn't jump on that opportunity if asked, you insane, or you think your husband is a complete idiot, and can't take care of your kids while your working. If they offered that to my wife, I'd make her take it, because I have confidence that I could take care of my baby while she did what she had to do.


Nov 19, 2005
North of 60 ...Deep Deep in the bush ......
yes id be at home running th Mr Mom deal for sure ..no questions asked

see that the difference between these liberal types ....the ones that sacrifice a marriage or kids to achieve their degree in what ever ...conservatives put family first ..and thats the bottom line i think that she is a wonderful pick


Nov 26, 2007
Cochrane, Alberta
I dont think even Obama will be dumb enough to try and attack her on the experience issue ! I dont know much about her but a least she is not Romney! Thank god for that!
gonna be captain obvious here, but i thought you didn't believe in god!! of course i could have you messed up with someone else too!!!!!!!
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