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McCain taps Alaska governor for VP. Read the last few lines, Can you say snowmobile??

Jan 28, 2004



Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Marysville, WA
Just curious if you feel the same way about Obama and his young children? Also, I think in some cases uprooting a family isn't always a negative thing. People move all time for a variety of reasons and it can be a good thing. Just thinking out loud.

yes I do, as far as uprooting children.... and I agree it's not always a negative...... politicians? I can't help but think they are doing the uprooting for their own gain, rather than in their children's best interests..........

I don't know if you're misinformed, or mis-spoken, but Palin is Pro-Life.

You are right - I stand corrected.......... but by choosing life, you chose to be a part of that life in whatever capacity is required..... (fyi - I am pro-choice, but my choice was life - it is different for different people in different situations, and I try not to judge)

What makes Palin so eye catching for us all of a sudden you ask? Well, I for one see someone who stands for all those things I stand for. Someone who has the ability to make common sense judgments and decisions! This is exactly what we need.

teenage pregnancy? purported mis-use of power to vindicate her sister? etc?

I haven't seen many (if any - my apologies, I'm pressed for time today) from the women of the forum............ only men. I still stand by my quick poll of some of the women I know, who are NOT jumping on the Palin bandwagon.......
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Dec 1, 2007
Where my daddy?

To quote Joe Dirt... "daannnnngggggg"..... harsh man, harsh....

Well Joe, My guess is that the Oblamaites are envious that our Veep choice has more "spirience" than your candidate and the only thing they can do is hurl insults and make ridiculous comparisons. daaannnngggg.
Apr 30, 2008
Enumclaw, WA
Good Read...

From her Wikipedia page:

Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, she challenged and defeated incumbent mayor, John Stein, criticizing wasteful spending and high taxes. The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign, but failed. Palin followed through on her campaign promises to reduce her own salary, and to reduce property taxes by 60%. She ran for reelection against Stein in 1999, winning by an even larger margin. Palin was also elected president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors.

Budget concerns CHECK ! ! !

In 2002, Palin made an unsuccessful bid for Lieutenant Governor, coming in second to Loren Leman in a five-way race in the Republican primary. After Frank Murkowski resigned from his long-held U.S. Senate seat in mid-term to become governor, Palin interviewed to be his possible successor.[citation needed] Murkowski appointed his daughter, then-Alaska State Representative Lisa Murkowski.

Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, where she served from 2003 to 2004 until resigning in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal violations and conflicts of interest. After she resigned, she exposed the state Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail. Palin filed formal complaints against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.

Ethics CHECK ! ! ! !

Highlights of Palin's tenure as Governor include a successful push for an ethics bill, and also shelving pork-barrel projects supported by fellow Republicans.[citation needed] Though she initially expressed support for the Gravina Island Bridge project, once it had become a nationwide symbol of wasteful earmark spending and federal funding was lost, Palin decided against filling the $320 million gap with state money. "Alaska needs to be self-sufficient, she says, instead of relying heavily on 'federal dollars,' as the state does today."

She has challenged the state's Republican leaders, helping to launch a campaign by Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell to unseat U.S. Congressman Don Young[18] and publicly challenging Senator Ted Stevens to come clean about the federal investigation into his financial dealings.

Palin frequently had an approval rating above 90% in 2007. A poll published by Hays Research on July 28, 2008 showed Palin's approval rating at 80%, while another Ivan Moore poll showed it at 76%, a drop which the pollsters attributed to the controversial firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.


She opposes same-sex marriage

Looks good to me

On September 11, 2007, the Palins' then eighteen-year-old son Track, eldest of five, joined the Army. He now serves in an infantry brigade and will be deployed to Iraq on September 11, 2008.

Probably wants a safe outcome as soon as it's safe and prudent.

You do know that this forum is to be used for reactionary name calling...

Not thoughtful research and understanding of the actual facts...


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Nov 28, 2007
Cheyenne WY
The real issue is Who would you rather!!!!!!

Would you rather a liberal running our country with "Green Ideas" that hurt our sport ????? Or someone that shares the same common values of the "great western states" that are common sense in nature...

Quit beating up on one of our own, idiots!!!!!!!!!

John and Sarah have my vote!!
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
You need to quit watching the "View" Swampy:rolleyes:

yes I do, as far as uprooting children.... and I agree it's not always a negative...... politicians? I can't help but think they are doing the uprooting for their own gain, rather than in their children's best interests..........

You are right - I stand corrected.......... but by choosing life, you chose to be a part of that life in whatever capacity is required..... (fyi - I am pro-choice, but my choice was life - it is different for different people in different situations, and I try not to judge)

teenage pregnancy? purported mis-use of power to vindicate her sister? etc?

I haven't seen many (if any - my apologies, I'm pressed for time today) from the women of the forum............ only men. I still stand by my quick poll of some of the women I know, who are NOT jumping on the Palin bandwagon.......


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2002
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
S6 - my friend.....

we differ on this one - immensely! I feel that your comments towards Palin are classic examples of the double standards that women face everyday to achieve success outside of the home. Men are never held to that same standard - in business or in politics. No one EVER expects that they be a "good" father. No one even asks that question!!!!

Why should we be asking these questions of Sarah?? Shouldn't we believe that she has people supporting her on the home front? We make those assumptions for male candidates. Sarah Palin should NOT be held to standards that are higher than those we hold our male candidates to. It's unfair.

I believe personally that parenting is most important job that we will ever have. I believe you are aware of the life altering decisions I've made with respect to parenting my child and I would not makes the choices that Sarah is making. BUT - we still live in the USA and we still have FREEDOM to choose our own destiny.

McCain/Palin will have my vote in November.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Good one OregonGirl. :beer;

Let's do the same to Palin, that they did to Clinton. My, that dress doesn't match her makeup. Who did her hair. The shoes are terrific. Nothing like picking on the Ladies looks and children, to determine her qualifications.

Let's talk about Gore's kids. 100 MPH in a Prius, with a bag of pot? Where's the outrage? Al Gore was a bad, bad, bad parent, that never looked after his kids. Oh, wait, they grew up just like him. Sorry.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Marysville, WA
I believe personally that parenting is most important job that we will ever have. I believe you are aware of the life altering decisions I've made with respect to parenting my child and I would not makes the choices that Sarah is making. BUT - we still live in the USA and we still have FREEDOM to choose our own destiny.

on that we agree..... :)


Nov 26, 2007
Cochrane, Alberta
This is a snowmobile site and the thread contributed nothing to the value of this site. It was just time for it to go.

Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Obama "Lay off my wife"

Obama later added, "I think that the American people also would like to see some restoration of decency to this process. And when you start attacking family members, there's a lack of decency there."

Humm, who's that remind you off lately? At least when Republican dogs attacked Obama's wife, it was in response to speeches she gave. I don't think Palin's baby or daughter has given in political speeches.

You "indecent" Democats.
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