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How about our great President!!!

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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
For all you Trump Chumps that are Obama haters. When Obama took office, where was the stock market, unemployment rate, Chrysler, GM, and Osama bin Laden? And how were they doing when he left?
Plain and simple, Trump is destroying the Republican party. Which is bad for every American despite of which political party you belong to or are supportive of.

One thing we know for sure oboma doubled the depiset we know that
for sure, giving are hard earned tax dollars away to people who
would rather kill us, stock market yes thanks trump its making
me money, oh crap you said oboma did that, what has it done
since the first of the year, trump keep up the good work tour doing
a great job.....:face-icon-small-coo
Jan 15, 2010
One thing we know for sure oboma doubled the depiset we know that
for sure, giving are hard earned tax dollars away to people who
would rather kill us, stock market yes thanks trump its making
me money, oh crap you said oboma did that, what has it done
since the first of the year, trump keep up the good work tour doing
a great job.....:face-icon-small-coo

So the current economic boom is all trump and Obama doubled the debt on his own?? What was the economy doing when Obama took power? Oh yea, it was falling in the toilet, mortgage crisis, 2 wars on the credit card etc... what was the economy doing when the mango messiah took power? Oh yea, the stock market tripled under Obama, job creation was steady (job creation actually dropped slightly during Donnys first 6 months vs obamas last.

Might want to look outside brietbart talking points before attributing the debt rise all to obama. Donny claims he inherited a mess, BS. Obama actually did- I'll say it again, if Donny was pres in 2008 we would be in a freakin bread line right now.

Corker nailed it this morning- "adult day care". Seems like his followers need that too.

Oh yea, his super duper beautiful tax plan adds how many trillion to the debt? I've seen between 1.7 and 4. I suppose you think that is a great idea just because donny says so??
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Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
So the current economic boom is all trump and Obama doubled the debt on his own?? What was the economy doing when Obama took power? Oh yea, it was falling in the toilet, mortgage crisis, 2 wars on the credit card etc... what was the economy doing when the mango messiah took power? Oh yea, the stock market tripled under Obama, job creation was steady (job creation actually dropped slightly during Donnys first 6 months vs obamas last.

Might want to look outside brietbart talking points before attributing the debt rise all to obama. Donny claims he inherited a mess, BS. Obama actually did- I'll say it again, if Donny was pres in 2008 we would be in a freakin bread line right now.

Corker nailed it this morning- "adult day care". Seems like his followers need that too.

Oh yea, his super duper beautiful tax plan adds how many trillion to the debt? I've seen between 1.7 and 4. I suppose you think that is a great idea just because donny says so??
Yep just like i said doubled it on his own, oh he spent it well you know like roads bridges things like that, oh and hand outs to
foren countys money we dont have but thats ok why not it seams
to be the way of a lefty or dem, one thing for sure the black and
and white thing has gotten beter there not killing each other
as often, the thing now is rep v dem.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast

To say it lightly... Trump is NOT a Great president as the title of this thread suggests IMO.

If we survive as a country, from President Trumps poor decision skills and ego-meniaical behavior. History will have us looking back at this buffoon of a President Donald Trump, as the worst president in the history of the US (imo)

The recent comments from Republican Senator Bob Corker reflect my thoughts as well about our horrible president. Interesting the 'fake news' that DJT and his recently resurrected lame-advocate is tweeting about Corker in response... and his continued divisive rhetoric.

If Trump makes his full term of 4 years, I think it will be surprised if the GOP re-nominates him and there will be some strong GOP challengers.

His Fantasy-Land tweets like the one about inauguration crowd size.... or the latest 'Trump-tweet" contradiction to KAC's comment, speaking in the 3rd person, about his republican support...

DJT Tweet... pure comedy.
The Trump base is far bigger and stronger than ever before despite some phony Fake News polling.


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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Man, I just love the guy for having you snowflakes all butt hurt!

That's great entertainment right there.

black z

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Feb 2, 2014
Summary of Dem talking points in no particular order:

Trans Bathrooms
Spreading HIV in Cali
No more guns
Ignore Harvey Weinstein
Keep providing illegal immigrants with benefits they don't deserve

Trump by a landslide in 2020. The people that scream the loudest in the media and social media are the minority. Remember the pre-election polls that had Hillary at 90+% probability to win? :face-icon-small-con Most people are so sick of all this bull****, they just don't feel the need to express their opinions. Fix healthcare, keep the economy rolling and all is well


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Aug 30, 2011
Libs keep screaming about how he says mean things on twitter. Grow some thicker skin or go hide in your safe space!

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
.... and some of us are out here trying to make sense of all this. Trying to weed through the nonsensical Twitter ranting and see what actual policy work is being done and how it is going to affect us. Lets talk tax reform, im genuinely interested in peoples take on this. I posted on it before and it got brushed over.

Also, trump doesn't say "mean" things on twitter. He just logs in every day to jerk off his ego. Its more just a bit frustrating as he happens to be the "best?" person we could pick to represent our country but watching it seems more like stepping back and seeing a drunk frat dude trying to show off at a party.

Seems like policy isn't even a big deal for the Trump supporters. As long as "the snowflakes are butthurt" then its cool? People litterally wave the trump flag as he strives toward policy that will reduce their quality of life... Call me what you want, Im still here trying to have some serious discussions...

Blitzkrieg, Mafesto, what is your take on the current tax plan being proposed?


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I probably don't know enough to be commenting on a public forum. If I said nine things that were correct and one that was not, we all know which one would be repeated to illustrate my level of stupidity. So at least for now I'll take a pass.
Jan 15, 2010
I probably don't know enough to be commenting on a public forum. If I said nine things that were correct and one that was not, we all know which one would be repeated to illustrate my level of stupidity. So at least for now I'll take a pass.

Pathetic. Cmon bud, take a shot at it. Your great leader would just lie and insist it's true...

but I think he was right, as long as the typical Donny nut swinger thinks liberals are butt hurt then they think he is doing great, with ZERO understanding of the issues and zero ability to comprehend how ridiculous this is.

Now your great leader is challenging his S.O.S to an iq test. What's next, "my dad could beat up your dad"? As embarrassing as Donny is the fact that he still has followers and the reasons they are stil following is far more embarrassing and pathetic.


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
.... Trying to weed through the nonsensical Twitter ranting and see what actual policy work is being done and how it is going to affect us.
People litterally wave the trump flag as he strives toward policy that will reduce their quality of life...
What policy will reduce quality of life?


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
.... and some of us are out here trying to make sense of all this. Call me what you want, Im still here trying to have some serious discussions..
A topic im sure most of us on here can discuss and agree on is the economy/stock market. Because of Trump things are looking good for the first time in 8 years. Paying particular attention to company's coming back to the states and existing companies surviving.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
A topic im sure most of us on here can discuss and agree on is the economy/stock market. Because of Trump things are looking good for the first time in 8 years. Paying particular attention to company's coming back to the states and existing companies surviving.

First time in 8 years my ***. It's been breaking records since well before Trump took office.



See that slump at the end of 2008? That's the end of Bush. It was crashing as Obama took over. Look what it's done since 2009.
Jan 15, 2010
What policy will reduce quality of life?

Trumpcare parts 1,2,3? Who needs Tax reform that doesn't help the middle class, gives a huge break to the rich (elimination of estate tax and alternative minimum) and adds to the deficit (I thought you guys were sternly against that??), promoting massive coal burning projects (who needs clean air and water for quality of life so long as you can afford a new flat screen from wal-mart... to name a few
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