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A story from cooke

So I went riding satuday and sunday with LeeDoo, WYrider, WYsteph and Happyfast79. There was some decent powder lots of fun! Anyway we are highmarking on a hill and it has a hard track that goes through the middle. So I see this group off in the distance coming this way, so I think to myself I will make another go at it before they get here. Up I go and have to turn out about 3/4 of the way up, all of the sudden VROOOOOM a guy on a cat goes blasting by me on the track, and I miss him by like 3 feet only because I slowed down. (that really ticked me off)
I brush it off and go sit at the bottom and start to watch this group that thought they were so great. Down the hill this guy comes with a nice looking sled and FAST LANE stickers plasterd all over his sled.:rolleyes:
He and a bunch of others went up that same track 20 times it was pathetic here they are on a bunch of new sleds and they won't even ride them in the foot of powder right next to the track. They went also went off a jump next to us about the same number of times. We are all sitting at the bottom making fun of them and laughing because it was so stupid. Should have ran up and started humping his sled. If he would have don't again he would have been playing bumpercars with my old beater. So the whole point is I don't care if you think you have the best sled but if are an a-hole to other riders it will come back and bite you.

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typical.. prob. some ditchbangers that had never ridden big stuff before.. just thinkn they are the king chit.. I have noticed in the last couple years.. cooke is getting worse with more and more of these people showing up.. people that dont respect other riders, the town, or the terran.. might be time to bust out the numbchucks :D
......how many sleds in the group? Did you happen to get any pics:D

......did it look like any of them could outclimb a old 2003 Viper?

Don't be so quick to blame us flatlanders for track poaching or jumping in front on hills!!! We've been to Cooke for years now and see plenty of A-holes with resident stickers from western states on them as the guilty party!!! Face it, there are jerks from every state.
Where you still up on the hill when he cam blasing by you...if so I have no respect for those people. That is how a guy died up at cooke city last year. A guy was stuck and someone hi marked above him a set off a avalanche. One guy on a hill at a time period!!! No excuses!
Aughole, ill be there with my cat soon :D and will remeber this, just dont turn out to your left or were both ****ed
Aug was climbing and the guy came up on the hill at the same time and tried to pass him, narrowly missing him as Aug turned out. I too wish he would have hit Aug's sled. That elkholm tunnel is solid! He would have cratered his front end and just pushed Aug's sled farther up the hill.
I flipped him off after the stupid move, but since I was riding an old fan phazer and wearing my darth vader helmet, I don't think he paid me much attention! lol!

Other than that one incedent, people were really good this weekend. Even the snowboarders were friendly.
Aug was climbing and the guy came up on the hill at the same time and tried to pass him, narrowly missing him as Aug turned out. I too wish he would have hit Aug's sled. That elkholm tunnel is solid! He would have cratered his front end and just pushed Aug's sled farther up the hill.
I flipped him off after the stupid move, but since I was riding an old fan phazer and wearing my darth vader helmet, I don't think he paid me much attention! lol!

Other than that one incedent, people were really good this weekend. Even the snowboarders were friendly.

I saw you up there. Love the helmet!! That cracked me up!
What a bunch of BS. I have been to Cooke and apparently had the same group of a$$holes hit the same hill our group was playing on. There is plenty to ride can't these people find another hill or whatever to play on. Very dangerous and disrespectful.

You should have said something to their group. Maybe they are just that dumb and don't know it's a bad idea.
That's why I wear it... it's just a lot of fun to see people react. I forgot I was wearing the stupid helmet when I drove down main street in Cooke and I couldn't figure out why everybody was staring at me. Then it hit me.:rolleyes:

Yeah we where on the trail from Pilot to Cooke tune some sleds when your group rode by.
ah, i understand it better.

The hill will be there after the person is making a climb and comes back down, be patient! the hill aint gonna grow legs and wonder! :rolleyes:
Hey Augy, maybe you should get your story straight and truthful before you get everyone so upset. And for the rest of you maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge from something someone typed up.
If this was the hill I'm thinking it was, we had been playing on it before you guys even arrived. We went all the way to the top, took some pics, some of us dropped all the way back down and some of us played around on some of the shelfs 1/2 way down. As for, we all had new sleds, I'll have you know mines a '98 XC 700 converted into a mountain sled. Nothing special. There were other sleds in the group that are not new also. Get your s*** straight.
I believe we were in that area a good 15-20 mins. before you guy's came along.
As for the jumping. I was one of them, and when I get a chance to air it out and land in the deep, I do it. Around where I live, ya land on the dirt most of the time. Maybe you just don't have the BALLS to do it.
If you were on that hill before us, I can guarentee we would have just kept going onto another spot as we do every time we ride. We don't like it when people do that to us, so why would we do it to someone else. Even if something is already tracked up and no one is there we still go find somewhere else where theres fresh non tracked powder.
I couldn't ask for for a better bunch of guys to ride with either. Alway's willing to help out, no attitudes, and alot of fun.
By the way Augy, nice helmet. Just next time get your story straight. And if your not sure, don't say it at all.
I have to ask...

Hey Augy, maybe you should get your story straight and truthful before you get everyone so upset. And for the rest of you maybe you shouldn't be so quick to judge from something someone typed up.
If this was the hill I'm thinking it was, we had been playing on it before you guys even arrived. We went all the way to the top, took some pics, some of us dropped all the way back down and some of us played around on some of the shelfs 1/2 way down. As for, we all had new sleds, I'll have you know mines a '98 XC 700 converted into a mountain sled. Nothing special. There were other sleds in the group that are not new also. Get your s*** straight.
I believe we were in that area a good 15-20 mins. before you guy's came along.
As for the jumping. I was one of them, and when I get a chance to air it out and land in the deep, I do it. Around where I live, ya land on the dirt most of the time. Maybe you just don't have the BALLS to do it.
If you were on that hill before us, I can guarentee we would have just kept going onto another spot as we do every time we ride. We don't like it when people do that to us, so why would we do it to someone else. Even if something is already tracked up and no one is there we still go find somewhere else where theres fresh non tracked powder.
I couldn't ask for for a better bunch of guys to ride with either. Alway's willing to help out, no attitudes, and alot of fun.
By the way Augy, nice helmet. Just next time get your story straight. And if your not sure, don't say it at all.

So did you or someone in your group pass him on the hill while he was climbing? Didn't address that part....
So did you or someone in your group pass him on the hill while he was climbing? Didn't address that part....

That I cannot answer, I think was playing around about half way up on a shelf or aleast nothing that I seen. Knowing the rest of the guy's, I highly think none of them would have done that. Not even to one of us in the group. Thats just not right.
Augy better get his story straight.
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