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How about our great President!!!

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Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho


All depends on who's wielding the numbers.
Much like scientific studies.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Stunning,isn't it. Typically in America ,government policy takes years or even decades to be realized , could this be years of work by others being plagiarized. Trump is one man;a comic wisecracker that keeps me lmao. Honestly, I don't hate the man, I just don't think that anyone is capable of doing what you people are claiming.And the fixation some of you have toward him is kinda creepy.
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
You'll need to check into the the details of the debit ceiling and why the the $102B decrease is a misleading comment.

The national debit is holding at the upper limit, for now, of that ceiling... something that IMO will not be sustainable without cutting medicare for seniors and vet benefits.... it remains at the limit, because it is unconstitutional to go over.

Medicare and Vet benefits were only spared this year with a sneaky, and for sole reasons of the mid-term-election, PAYGO exemption to the new tax law... a one year only exemption. 2019 will be brutal for seniors and vets when that kicks in.

The focus is still on the short term with the POTUS... which has plagued our system for more than 50 years... with BOTH parties in control during that period.

IMO... Our future as a strong economy is endangered and will continue to be endangered if we do not break from this short-term myopic attitude towards our economy and our place in the global reality in which we live. I see no indication from the current administration that this will happen during this term.

6 months in office and I still have not seen any long term, sustainable solutions.

I agree that there is a lot of "fake news" out there... equal amounts from both sides of the aisle.
.... from the Left as well as the right and also in large from our "tweeter-in-chief"

In 3 years...we'll see if this is sustainable ( I have strong doubts ) .... Even G. Bush Sr. had to walk back the un-sustainable financial policy that was implemented by his predecessor because of this myopic view .

I find it strange how the heartbeat of america has lauded "high times on wall street" as an indicator of betterment their own bottom line when that has so often lead, historically, to "hard times on mainstreet".

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turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
That 102 billion is better than nothing but it is still a joke. I believe it is still 700 billion to break even and then the lovely 20 trillion on top of that. So yes, 102 is not close to enough
Jan 15, 2010
2013-“the government shutdown is the presidents fault”.-DJT
2018-“bring me a bipartisan solution and I’ll sign it”-DJT
2018-“I don’t want anyone from ****hole countries”-DJT in response to a reasonable bipartisan proposal from Lindsay graham and others...
2018-Waaaaaaaaahits it’s all the democrats fault....

Art of the deal alright. SAD.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
2013-“the government shutdown is the presidents fault”.-DJT
2018-“bring me a bipartisan solution and I’ll sign it”-DJT
2018-“I don’t want anyone from ****hole countries”-DJT in response to a reasonable bipartisan proposal from Lindsay graham and others...
2018-Waaaaaaaaahits it’s all the democrats fault....

Art of the deal alright. SAD.

Thats why i like him call it like it is. 7 more good years to go....


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Yep, exactly.
There is nothing in the CR that the Dems oppose, yet they are willing to use this as an opportunity to play dirty politics at the expense of the citizens.
Selfish, vindictive, childish behavior.

I am ashamed of you if you side with them.

Jan 15, 2010
Yep, exactly.
There is nothing in the CR that the Dems oppose, yet they are willing to use this as an opportunity to play dirty politics at the expense of the citizens.
Selfish, vindictive, childish behavior.

I am ashamed of you if you side with them.


You do realize that all repugs didn’t even support it? You think kicking the can down the road again is gonna solve it? Chucky offered Donny everything including funding the wall (wasn’t Mexico supposed to pay for that?) and Donny’s “best people” talked him out of it. Spin it all ya want, Donny owns this.


Well-known member
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Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
What Mexico isn't paying for the wall??? You must be kidding, little donnie promised us. If you can't believe what little donnie says who can you believe... Must just be fake news ;) Wouldn't be surprised everyone now knows that the media is the enemy of the people.


Well-known member
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Best reply to this that I've heard so far.

These dam temper tantrums on ALL sides are what is taking the level of the
Swamp to an all time high this season.

Katie Packer Beeson
Everyone is responsible.

Congressional Democrats and Republicans, who refuse to compromise for fear of facing tough primary challenges, are responsible because they were sent to Congress to find solutions.

The President is responsible for not leading and providing a clear road map as to what he can agree to.

Jan 15, 2010
Trump won by an electoral vote landslide.
Hildabeast did not accomplish anything of consequence.

Landslide eh? Look up the margin of victory in recent races, this was anything but a “landslide “. But you probably believe he had the biggest inauguration crowd ever and was the healthiest individual to ever run for the presidency too.

This might help. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landslide_victory
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