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How about our great President!!!

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turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Hillary beat little donnie by MILLIONS of votes, must have been all illegals and voter fraud.

Really stupid talking point and yes there is probably more fraud than we know. One of the reasons you guys aren't for voter id even though you have to have it for anything else.
The presidency is won on electoral votes. They usually win the popular vote also. Not always the case. The whole idea is so little Montana or others have a much needed say. If it was left solely up to the popular vote, all we would have is people that just care about illegals, gays, transgenders, smoking pot, tearing down our history, eroding at the constitution, and the list could go on forever. Basically letting just a few places decide an election. If you were just going for popular vote there would be a big difference where you campaign. Your candidate was complete garbage with no message get over it. Maybe get out of liberalville and go out to eastern oregon and check out normal america.

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Landslide or not he won

No sh!t Sherlock. Donny says that every day too-must make him feel important. The fact that you trumpie nut swingers believe the tripe he spews when it’s sooooo obviously false makes it a lot easier to understand how he managed to win...

I don't think we are as gullible as you guys. You guys don't think there was any corruption with the Obama administration, clinton foundation, justice department, or Hillary Clinton. Most corrupt things EVER!!!!
Jan 15, 2010
I don't think we are as gullible as you guys. You guys don't think there was any corruption with the Obama administration, clinton foundation, justice department, or Hillary Clinton. Most corrupt things EVER!!!!

Translation: “But but Hillary’s emails about uranium from Benghazi are sooooo terrible that everything Donny is doing is just fine”.

you guys say over and over again that the fbi, “deep state” etc is sooooo against Donny but you seem to forget that the odds are very very good that the FBI director that Donny fired very likely handed him the election in late oct 2016 when he announced re-opening the Hillary email investigation.

Donny controls the justice dept, if they were sooooo bad prove it. All they have is a fake memo written by Nunes that they aren’t even willing to show to the fbi. Sad.

I honestly couldn’t give a sh!t about Hillary. She lost, get over her.
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turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I didn't say anything about Donny. I'm talking about the things I listed. You are so hung up on Donny it's crazy. You libs are so hung up on Donny that you can't see the bad in your own party. The clinton foundation is the most corrupt thing ever but it's okay because trumps a racist or Trump said get that sob out of here or something. It like immigration. Always have an excuse for someone else breaking the law.
I'm not so sure comey handed him the election. The people that were going to vote for either probably didn't change much. I would have fired him for what he did. If he busted her, like he should have, it would have been fine but to come up with the same lame investigation and say nothing's changed. He should have been fired for bringing it up right before an election. The only thing Trump did wrong is not firing him from day one.
Jan 15, 2010
I didn't say anything about Donny. I'm talking about the things I listed. You are so hung up on Donny it's crazy. You libs are so hung up on Donny that you can't see the bad in your own party. The clinton foundation is the most corrupt thing ever but it's okay because trumps a racist or Trump said get that sob out of here or something. It like immigration. Always have an excuse for someone else breaking the law.
I'm not so sure comey handed him the election. The people that were going to vote for either probably didn't change much. I would have fired him for what he did. If he busted her, like he should have, it would have been fine but to come up with the same lame investigation and say nothing's changed. He should have been fired for bringing it up right before an election. The only thing Trump did wrong is not firing him from day one.

Other than the right wing media and Donny himself spouting off at all his rallies what proof do you have that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt thing ever? Just curious, ya know, cause the republicans have investigated everything Clinton every chance they got for what, 30 years now?? If Hillary is guilty of something, fine, lock her up. If she was she’d be in the clink by now.

You actually believe what Donny said about firing Comey for how he handled the email investigation? That’s funny... he even confirmed that was BS himself a couple days later.

Again you keep assuming that everyone against Donny is some tree hugging libr’l. Based on what we do for winter recreation I don’t think anyone here qualifies for that... there are plenty of reasonable moderate people out there that aren’t hardcore “liberals “ willing to call a spade a spade, some of em might even live in your version of “normal America “...


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Oct 5, 2009
You better get to bed JTK, I'm sure you have some sort of gay, transgender, undocumented alien parade, and anti-Trump rally that you need to lead in morning.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
See, I think the clinton Foundation is obvious. Weird that they claimed they were dead broke when they left whitehouse and now they are worth hundred of miliions. What did they sell?
I don't even remember what he said to comey. I told you why I would fire him and Trump should have fired him first day. Maybe you should reread and quit saying what I believe.
You don't fit into what I consider normal america. Snowmobiling won't change that. You have complete polar opposite views of almost eveything.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Corruption begins at home.

Other than the right wing media and Donny himself spouting off at all his rallies what proof do you have that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt thing ever? Just curious, ya know, cause the republicans have investigated everything Clinton every chance they got for what, 30 years now?? If Hillary is guilty of something, fine, lock her up. If she was she’d be in the clink by now.

You actually believe what Donny said about firing Comey for how he handled the email investigation? That’s funny... he even confirmed that was BS himself a couple days later.

Again you keep assuming that everyone against Donny is some tree hugging libr’l. Based on what we do for winter recreation I don’t think anyone here qualifies for that... there are plenty of reasonable moderate people out there that aren’t hardcore “liberals “ willing to call a spade a spade, some of em might even live in your version of “normal America “...

Quite frankly, I think every man who has sat behind the desk in the oval office since Ike has had a pretty fair share of corruption, DJT, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy.

It takes a corrupt person to get into that chair because the system is rigged by corrupt people and organizations.

That being said, I do think our constitution is the best on the planet & the gold standard other nations look to. I unfortunately tend to think our government is among the least corrupt on the planet too.

As far as corruption goes, there are regimes metaphorically speaking that you may as well be drinking raw sewage. Ours, you tend to get the waste water treatment facility treated water at least.

Don't trust the government. Whoever is at the head. They need to be held to the highest standard of everything. They need to have checks & balances on every level of power. This is NOT what DJT wants, nor the Republicans in power, nor the democrats waiting in the wings. They all want all the power they can get & once given a little, they will never relinquish it willingly.

Sniveling about whoever is in the top seat does very little to change anything. Sniveling about whoever was last in the top seat probably does even less.

If you want things to change, Washington isn't the place to start. Look at yourself. Do you shop at Walmart? Amazon? How many rich & powerful corporations are you supporting that are pulling the strings? When was the last time you attended a meeting at your local City Hall & tried to keep corruption out of your own town? What are you doing to support small businesses? What are you willing to pay to keep your neighbor's business open instead of ordering it online? How corrupt are your own principles? Chances are good 9/10ths of your stuff was made in China. And they're on the raw sewage end of the metaphor.

I make no claim to perfection in any of this, but that's where its got to start. Stop watching the news & other "reality TV" and pick up a book once in a while. I at least do well there. I'll work on the others. Maybe when we read something negative about our leaders we should substitute our own name & think about how we are a basic element of the problem & see what we can do to make a difference. I want leaders who live by High Principles. I had better work on my own principles to begin with.
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Sorry about the vulgar language, but people need to see how messed up the lefty snowflake Trump haters are.



Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Originally Posted by CATDIESELPOWER View Post
JTK, you can skip step two in those instructions, you're probably a rough rider type.
Keep your fantasies to yourself.
Last edited by James T Kirk; 01-24-2018 at 09:58 AM.

Unlike you JTK, my fantasies don't involve dressing in rainbow drag and prancing thru the streets protesting everything Donny says or does.

Regardless of what side your on..... those two posts and responses were funny chit!!!
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