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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
I think he's starting to think are way a little more all the time. and no im not apply for a job you would be to easy to work for. i like working hard.

So now you are not all about eliminating “entitlements” and cutting off foreign aid? You do realize that you completely contradicted yourself?

And yes, I can read through your gibberish, but my 7 year old has better spelling skills than you...


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
So now you are not all about eliminating “entitlements” and cutting off foreign aid? You do realize that you completely contradicted yourself?

And yes, I can read through your gibberish, but my 7 year old has better spelling skills than you...
Yes we cant just cut everthing off cold turkey. but im thinking there is billions we can cut out. and we need to get along and get crap done soon. every one needs to quit worring about the past and move on. ya and about my spelling skills i got a d- in that class.
Jan 15, 2010
So now your great leader, who wouldn’t implement bipartisan sanctions overwhelmingly approved in Congress on Russia, is calling out his predecessor who did sanction Russia, booted 35 diplomats and closed two compounds for doing nothing to combat election meddling that is a “complete hoax”?? He says”I believe Putin, I really do every time he denies “ and his predecessor got in Putin’s face and called him out but his AG should be investigating why the previous admin did nothing to investigate what he repeatedly calls a hoax?

This sh!t is hilarious, the best writers in Hollywood couldn’t come up with this crap-I guess it takes the best writers on Fox News...


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
So now your great leader, who wouldn’t implement bipartisan sanctions overwhelmingly approved in Congress on Russia, is calling out his predecessor who did sanction Russia, booted 35 diplomats and closed two compounds for doing nothing to combat election meddling that is a “complete hoax”?? He says”I believe Putin, I really do every time he denies “ and his predecessor got in Putin’s face and called him out but his AG should be investigating why the previous admin did nothing to investigate what he repeatedly calls a hoax?

This sh!t is hilarious, the best writers in Hollywood couldn’t come up with this crap-I guess it takes the best writers on Fox News...
You got it (our) great leader and he's doing a great job.


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Aug 30, 2011
Jan 15, 2010
Just curious if anyone out there supports the 25% tarrifs on steel and aluminum that president plump put out there today.

Seems like his own party was more choked than anyone. Those repub senators were pretty funny today. The tweets back at them in the morning outta be good...

His bigly wonderful wall and infrastructure package just got a lot more expensive.

You guys stoked to pay another 25% for that new sled next year? By by tax cut.

This will do nothing good for the economy, other countries will retaliate with more tarrifs, the overall cost of goods goes up, inflation rises, interest rates rise, recession happens.

Does anyone actually think this is a good idea? Why?.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Just curious if anyone out there supports the 25% tarrifs on steel and aluminum that president plump put out there today.

Seems like his own party was more choked than anyone. Those repub senators were pretty funny today. The tweets back at them in the morning outta be good...

His bigly wonderful wall and infrastructure package just got a lot more expensive.

You guys stoked to pay another 25% for that new sled next year? By by tax cut.

This will do nothing good for the economy, other countries will retaliate with more tarrifs, the overall cost of goods goes up, inflation rises, interest rates rise, recession happens.

Does anyone actually think this is a good idea? Why?.

Yawn...Here we go again. The sky is falling. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.
Have a few beers and relax.
Move along.
Nothing to see here.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Trade war with Canada??? I do believe we import the bulk of our steel from them! Canadian Beef and lumber imports already hurt our ranchers and loggers. Maybe a lil’ less steel will help. Not sure about the 25% though??? My beer prices may go up!!!
Jan 15, 2010
Trade war with Canada??? I do believe we import the bulk of our steel from them! Canadian Beef and lumber imports already hurt our ranchers and loggers. Maybe a lil’ less steel will help. Not sure about the 25% though??? My beer prices may go up!!!

No one said anything about a trade war with Canada. China on the other hand... the us does import a fair bit of steel from Canada, but look at the actual totals from China-they send a lot to South Korea and other places in a very raw state that is refined and sent to the states. Retaliatory tarrifs from China would likely fall on us agricultural goods, that won’t help Donny’s base...

Canadian lumber doesn’t hurt a thing, there is already a huge tarrif on Canadian softwood lumber ( which in my opinion is BS-look up what they claim the basis is). Cheap lumber (and low construction costs) creates far more jobs across a multitude of industries than a few loggers. Cheap steel does the same thing.
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Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Come down to the northwest and tell the guys here that Canadian lumber hasn’t hurt anything!!! The subsidies allow Canada to sell it cheaper here then they would at home. I forgot youKnow everything about everything!!! I was being sarcastic when I said “trade war”.
Jan 15, 2010
Come down to the northwest and tell the guys here that Canadian lumber hasn’t hurt anything!!! The subsidies allow Canada to sell it cheaper here then they would at home. I forgot youKnow everything about everything!!! I was being sarcastic when I said “trade war”.

How would “subsidies” allow them to sell it there cheaper than up here? The whole basis for the softwood lumber dispute is that Canadian logging occurs on crown land (similar to national forest) and a lot of us logging happens on private property. The land cost is their justification for the trade imbalance. Look into the actual numbers and how many jobs benefit from low cost building materials vs logging jobs before getting your panties in a bunch.

Getting back to the original point, do you actually think Donny made a smart move here with the steel tarrif? Why?
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Just curious if anyone out there supports the 25% tarrifs on steel and aluminum that president plump put out there today.

Seems like his own party was more choked than anyone. Those repub senators were pretty funny today. The tweets back at them in the morning outta be good...

His bigly wonderful wall and infrastructure package just got a lot more expensive.

You guys stoked to pay another 25% for that new sled next year? By by tax cut.

This will do nothing good for the economy, other countries will retaliate with more tarrifs, the overall cost of goods goes up, inflation rises, interest rates rise, recession happens.

Does anyone actually think this is a good idea? Why?.

Hmmm, I wonder who is better able to navigate our financial future.
Our great President Trump? Or JTK?
Sorry trudeau, I think we're gonna stick with the Donald on this one.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
How would “subsidies” allow them to sell it there cheaper than up here? The whole basis for the softwood lumber dispute is that Canadian logging occurs on crown land (similar to national forest) and a lot of us logging happens on private property. The land cost is their justification for the trade imbalance. Look into the actual numbers and how many jobs benefit from low cost building materials vs logging jobs before getting your panties in a bunch.

Getting back to the original point, do you actually think Donny made a smart move here with the steel tarrif? Why?

Your producers get a subsidy( cash payment, tax credit etc...) on exports that they don’t receive on wood that stays in Canada. The logging on govt. owned land in Canada vs private here is damn good justification for it. It’s not just a few jobs either. Your ****ty dollar furthers the price drop!
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