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Dog barking.............

my neighbors have a few yappy mutts, sometimes i would just like to ring their necks, but ya cant do that. So we got one of these.....

it emits a frequency humans can not hear, as soon as i point it at the neighbors dogs and press it once its better than me yelling" HEY STFU" at the top of my lungs

and the wonders it can do when the other neighbors mutt is trying to come take a dump in my yard...sends em home everytime to sh*t in his own yard

The dog is ours.
I left that detail out as I wanted some honest answers.

For the most part, she only barks when she wants in.
We will usually let her in right away, but I'll admit sometimes we ignore her & leave her out there flappin her gums.
Her barking really doesn't bother us, but obviously don't want to abuse the neighbors.
There is only one neighbor that would care, but that is his right.

We've addressed the issue & he has already thanked me so I think all is well.

My answer to any of you who would harm the dog....
Grow a pair & deal with the neighbor, not the pet.
neighbors dog would bark all night because they would leave it out side in its kennel when they would leave for the weekend. 4 or 5 benedryl in a hot dog make puppy sleep all night.:face-icon-small-win
Here you have it. I experimented with something comparable years ago, and it proved to be effective! -- anti barking device
I hope that works.
One house behind me has had multiple owners in the last 15 years and everyone had barking dogs. Currently about 6-7 yippy dogs. Owner doesn't do much until I really get them riled up. So far a garden hose over the fence sends them to their porch, soaked.
Hope it works the way it's suppose to.

Every time the dogs bark and set it off it will also discourage rodents within the area.

That's a good neighbor :)

All else fails bear spray
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