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Mountain straps are for kids to hold on to!!


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
If anyone needs a reminder why you should learn to keep both hands on your handlebar and stop messing with that "mountain strap" for sidehilling....


Not dissing or anything, know it's mid america, but boy I itched to cut those straps watching that vid!

That was painful to watch.

They don't remember, "wide in and narrow out" at the gates? LOL

You can tell those guys aren't used to transitioning from one side to the other and riding "one-ski" all day.

I remember the days....
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Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
Just wish they had a heating element in them for the little ones, that would make the ride better for my little girls.

Stick an adhesive handwarmer on each side of it and cover it with something so it stays there. LOL
Wire it into your existing system.


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
I attached a blue tooth speaker to my mountain strap. I like sidehilling and i also like the brakes and throttle, so my hands stay where i can grab the throttle and brake at any given moment. Once u learn to ride without the strap, u will wonder why u ever used it.

Los frijoles estan muy caliente dijo la mama osa!


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
If anyone has taking their strap off of an 13-15 skidoo I would be willing to buy it from you. Just shoot me a PM. Thanks


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Fort Collins, CO
The "mountain bar" is the first thing to come off my sleds. Once you get used to controlling the sled with your hands where they're supposed to be, you'll never miss it.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 27, 2007
Guys seriously try taking it off and ride for about 2-3 days, just try it please! I garuantee it will make you a better rider. You will hate me for the first half of the day or so, but after a couple days you will figure out how to side hill and get sled up on it's right side the proper way like you do with the left side, because you are forced to do it all day without the grab bar on.

The mountain bar is nothing but a handicap, it is the exact same thing as training wheels on a bicycle IMO. I would have never believed it for nothing until this year I rode a buddies sled for a day without one. Just try it and give it a chance


Well-known member
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Feb 18, 2013
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Guys seriously try taking it off and ride for about 2-3 days, just try it please! I garuantee it will make you a better rider. You will hate me for the first half of the day or so, but after a couple days you will figure out how to side hill and get sled up on it's right side the proper way like you do with the left side, because you are forced to do it all day without the grab bar on.

The mountain bar is nothing but a handicap, it is the exact same thing as training wheels on a bicycle IMO. I would have never believed it for nothing until this year I rode a buddies sled for a day without one. Just try it and give it a chance

Just because the mountain bar is on doesn't mean it's used to sidehill to the left (right side). Its used as I described on slightly off camber sections where you want your weight on that side, but don't want the sled tipped up


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Can you explain to me how having and extra hand hold is handicapping my riding? Seriously?

Seriously - some of you guys are hilarious. I would keep it on if for nothing else than tandem riding if needed. Or as a good helmet holder.

Anyone who's even a 1/2 decent rider obviously knows it's not for sidehilling....that is not advanced knowledge.


Well-known member
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Oct 10, 2012
Juneau, AK
Yea, I think I'll leave mine on. I rarely use it, but it's nice to have if you need it.

I have had more than one situation when everything has gone wrong and that's the only thing I could get a hold of when everything is airborne and I'm moving away from my sled. It's not like it hinders your riding. It's not like removing it makes your sled perform better.

Some of the super extra good riders are trying to make some kind of statement by removing them. If you feel the need to prove that you're some kind of badazz, go ahead and take it off. That way everybody will know what a super extra good badazz rider you are.

If you left them on, nobody would know.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 18, 2013
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
On that notion, I could take off the seat because I never use it for technical riding....but it's still kinda nice to have....?

Seriously, Just try going seatless for ONE RIDE. You will Up your game and never go back to a seat again!! Go one further and leave the metal bracket attached to the tunnel so you have something to run up your a$$ when you try to sit down that reminds you to STAND UP!! :lol:
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