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How much does the POTUS cost us?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
copy & paste from yahoo:

Being the President of the United States comes with a tremendous amount of pressure and responsibility. However, the commander in chief does enjoy preferential treatment most of us will never experience.

Some of those perks include: having his limo transported by plane wherever he travels, getting to see first-run and not-released movies free of charge, never stopping for a stop light or sign and his own private zip code.

Which brings us to today’s Just Explain It.

What’s the value of the presidency when you add in all the perks for being Commander-in-Chief?

We may never be able to put a dollar amount on the value of the presidency. That’s because some of the costs associated with the position are buried in many different budgets and scattered between different governmental departments.

Let’s take a look at some of the presidential perks covered by your tax dollars. They not only make the president’s life easier, they’re for security and practical purposes too.

Number one -- the president’s salary is $400,000 a year. The Chief Executive also gets a budget for entertainment, business and travel expenses.

Number two -- Transportation. To get the president from place to place safely, he has Air Force One, Marine One and a limo available at a moment’s notice. A 2012 Congressional Research Service report found that Air Force One costs about $180,000 an hour to operate.

According to the Hawaii Reporter, one round-trip flight to Honolulu by President Obama last month cost about $3.2 million. But the president made two of them because of the fiscal cliff crisis. That doubled the price tag to $6.4 million.

Number three – The White House. For the 2008 fiscal year, Bradley Patterson, a retired Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, estimated the cost of running the White House was almost $1.6 billion. And that amount didn’t include unpublished classified expenses.

The president’s White house staff also comes at a steep price. In 2012, the White House reported its payroll grew from $37 million in 2011 to $37.8 million. The list includes 468 names. 139 of which make more than $100,000 a year.

Number four – Secret Service access. Protecting the President takes a great deal of manpower. The agency’s budget this year is $1.6 billion. A portion of that will go toward protecting president while in office and for life.

And number five – Retirement plan. According to CNBC, President Obama will receive over $191,000 a year for life as soon as he leaves office.


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Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
He's the most powerful man in the world, I would say the job deserves some perks.

$400,000 is not enough for the stress of that job. Look at Presidents before and after they took office. Those guys age like 4 years to 1.


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
He's the most powerful man in the world, I would say the job deserves some perks.

$400,000 is not enough for the stress of that job. Look at Presidents before and after they took office. Those guys age like 4 years to 1.

Crap, look at what the CEO of large companies make... We pay our president crap compared to all of that.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Crap, look at what the CEO of large companies make... We pay our president crap compared to all of that.

The point here is overall cost, not mere salary.
Overall cost of the POTUS is likely greater than any other man on earth.

ak ryda

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
The point here is overall cost, not mere salary.
Overall cost of the POTUS is likely greater than any other man on earth.

Makes sense to me since he weilds more power than any other man on earth. He is the leader of the free world, doesn't matter who is in the office, we need to keep that guy safe and happy.

Don't have to like the current guy or his policies, but the position of POTUS is truly amazing when you think of the responsibility and power it entails.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Billings Montana
Crap, look at what the CEO of large companies make... We pay our president crap compared to all of that.

Once again Ruffy you are showing your liberal side. When someone takes a job he knows what he is getting into. When he takes a job that is paid by what the government takes from that taxpayer he gets what he gets. Now a corporation can pay a CEO whatever they want to. It is the corporations money and they can do whatever they want to with it. Do I like that? Not really, but that is the way it is. But when the government is spending my money I expect them to be frugal with it. (which they aren't) If the guy in the Presidency doesn't like what he is paid, he can resign or never run in the first place. I wish this one would resign.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
The point here is overall cost, not mere salary.
Overall cost of the POTUS is likely greater than any other man on earth.

For being ceo of a country greater than any I earth?


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
Makes sense to me since he weilds more power than any other man on earth. He is the leader of the free world, doesn't matter who is in the office, we need to keep that guy safe and happy.

Don't have to like the current guy or his policies, but the position of POTUS is truly amazing when you think of the responsibility and power it entails.

It is sad that so few can acknowledge that in our society. Good post! God bless America?


Moderator: Premium Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Nov 16, 2005
He took the job knowing what he would be paid and the benefits. He didn't set the pay or the benefits. The guys that the people elected to represent them did this. It's not like this is a big secret.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
Won't be great for much longer if we keep voting in radical libs.

Radical lib.... LMAO. Obama is very far from liberal, even further from radical. He has more in common with the last bush then uncommon.


Well-known member
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Apr 6, 2010
Northern Idaho
I am pretty certain that the current POTUS did not want this position for the money. He took a huge pay cut to get into this position. I know this will raise all kinds of stink but unlike some of his predecessors, do you think that maybe Trump actually wants to "make America great again"? He may be off a little but at least he is not a career politician. At least give him a chance. What can be any worse?

Super 8

Well-known member
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Feb 2, 2012
President-elect Donald Trump has announced he will give up his presidential salary of $400,000 (£319,500) and take just $1 a year. He revealed his plan to receive nominal pay during an interview with 60 Minutes' Lesley Stahl on CBS News.Nov 14, 2016
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