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How about our great President!!!

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Apr 22, 2010
A little short story for those that do or don't believe very bad people exist on this planet .
A few years ago some person walked into a local business and with the slightest of hand installed a stick in one of the office key board's and with in hours the accounting was notified of a large transition . The people that we know are there in the suits to protect such things where called and immediately showed up . Office locked down everyone sent home .
There was absolutely nothing they could do , the accounting department already figured out how but retrieving it would be like finding a needle in the galaxy .
This happens quite often and only those with the authority would be able to give a figure .
Why isn't this talked about ? That's easy , no company wants news getting out for multiple reasons and could destroy a future of the company and employees .
The number which is chump change to some companies and devtistating to others was a couple 000,000,000 .

This example probably has nothing to do with the younger generation , I don't know .

For those that still use them give your check book to a complete stranger and see if they can cash a check without an ID .

Ya , no hanky panky going on here :)
May 2, 2013
This just in...Trump still a moron who doesn't care for the election process.

If he was any smarter we might actually be in trouble. Back to golfing for him it seems. Remember when it was bad that Presidents golfed too much?


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
This just in...Trump still a moron who doesn't care for the election process.

If he was any smarter we might actually be in trouble. Back to golfing for him it seems. Remember when it was bad that Presidents golfed too much?
What are you talking about simple he doesn't time to golf he is working too damm hard making Amair-Aka great again
May 2, 2013
Trump can tweet every day multiple times about his election fraud bullcrap but not one word on a bomb set off in an American city.

Oh wait I just remembered...he is a lawyered up coward with only his personal interests in mind. If it was a white supremacist rally or race riot he might have commented on it already just to stir the pot of division.

Tick tock not much time left. Just enough time to pardon some more traitors and war criminals.

Everyone around here is still flying their Trump flags. Guess it is just like flying a modern confederate flag. 4 years we all should want to forget but those that do believe something great happened. History will prove otherwise but hopefully not 160 years.
May 2, 2013
Looks like Moscow Mitch won and Trump signed the Covid19 relief and government funding bills.

They flew the bills to him at Mar-a-lago on Thursday. He seemed to only tweet and play golf until now. Guess he can't work through the holidays when $2.3 trillion dollars is on the line.

Bummer you still have to do your job still even after you lost an election. Gotta add drama for that reality show effect. Fake tan clown


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Oct 10, 2009
China manufactured a virus that made it to the POTUS in 6 months! Nuclear weapons clearly are not the biggest threat to the US; biological warfare is! Neither Trump or Biden are to blame for CV-19. CHINA is! Unfortunately Trump is the only person saying this. National return your Chinese gifts day is December 30th. Send that crap back save your money for better quality products made anywhere but China!
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May 2, 2013
You're going to call trump on bombing when the media and libtards wouldn't even say a word about the looting and burning the towns down for months. Your hypocrisy has no bounds
Lol nice selective memory The media covered it extensively. Trump tweeted about it constantly. We discussed it here at length.

It was the only news outside of the pandemic. Fox even tried to spin it as Biden supporters. Y'all ate it up and spit it back out in the faces of liberals. Didn't work, Trump still lost.

So who is the hypocrite now? That would be you and Trump your best buddy who can't do anything right. Wouldn't even say a word....hahahaha that is the good stuff right there. Old men and their poor memories. Isn't there a pill for that?

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Bullshit they did. My mother in law didn't even know it was going on. She watches cnn and reads the new York times. She aske mic where she seen that. Dems wouldn't condemn it. Go try and blow smoke up someone else's ass.
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