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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
Biden's tax plan of 62% on the American dollar is okay for some states ?

What part of reality do people not get ?

Listening to the media is like walking on a used car lot ? You do know why a fairly new used vehicle is put on a off name car lot don't you ?

It's because that new used vehicle can not pass inspection to be able to be put back on the big name car lot .

Most of the time if you start digging you'll find out that the big car lot owner also owns that or those little car lots that they can not put that failed ispected vehicle back on their lot and sometimes you just get lucky :)

I don’t know what media is telling you 62% taxes but it’s bullsh!t. Stop spreading lies.


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Apr 22, 2010
You mean like banning fracking , not banning , I never said that .
All lies , so the media footage was altered , Disney Land do that ?

What was it he said about drilling at the last debate ? Is that a lie too ?


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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
So when is the proof of voter fraud coming to light? It's becoming vomit-worthy to keep hearing about it.

Recounting is stupid, the numbers won't change anywhere near enough. If there really is fraud as claimed (i believe it when i see it), then a vote AUDIT is what's needed. Which will be a complete **** show. I'd put the odds of that actually happening at 5%.
May 2, 2013
"sources" within the white house are saying Trump is doing all this as political theater. He wants to keep his base happy (or angry).

I know people don't like these nameless sources but they are often giving the behind the scenes access. They even told us that Trump knew the pandemic was going to be awful but he wanted to downplay it and keep his political spin. We had to wait months to see that reported accurately and him admit it. I expect him to admit this voter fraud movement was all a front in February. #heislyingagain

#nofraudjustconceed lol
May 2, 2013
You mean like banning fracking , not banning , I never said that .
All lies , so the media footage was altered , Disney Land do that ?

What was it he said about drilling at the last debate ? Is that a lie too ?
Hickenlooper did the same flip flop. The democrats can't seem to come to agreement on fracking. Probably because the big politicians are all under Big Oils thumb. That lobby is far too powerful to completely disagree with.

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
"sources" within the white house are saying Trump is doing all this as political theater. He wants to keep his base happy (or angry).

I know people don't like these nameless sources but they are often giving the behind the scenes access. They even told us that Trump knew the pandemic was going to be awful but he wanted to downplay it and keep his political spin. We had to wait months to see that reported accurately and him admit it. I expect him to admit this voter fraud movement was all a front in February. #heislyingagain

#nofraudjustconceed lol.
That is so funny that there is no election fraud and then you put all your cards on anonymous sources. I thought you and jtk could ny weed through all the bs when we can't. Now what am i to believe?

Anyone ever notice anonymous sources and election fraud usually only go one way. That is fact. I used benfords law so jtk will appreciate the science.
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May 2, 2013
All my cards?

Dude just stop.

I called it as an insider source and said it likely will be admitted to in a few months. So pretty much a rumor but highly likely as he has done it before.

The card game is over. You were never at the table. Has Alaska even finished counting votes yet? One guy uses circular logic and then you use philosophical logic. We get it, they can't be trusted, they are politicians. Sorry there isn't voter fraud like you believe. Have a little more faith in America.


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
U have all heard it from the 2 people in the know... there is Zero voter fraud!

They know more than the rest of the United States because they weeded out all of the bad media and only listen to the truth speaking media.

Also do not forget, they both think the U.S. Military is a joke.

I was honestly willing to snowmobile with them till they degraded the Military, that is a deal breaker for me.

Now i want Trump to win more than ever. Prove the liars are liars.

Sent it
Jan 15, 2010
U have all heard it from the 2 people in the know... there is Zero voter fraud!

They know more than the rest of the United States because they weeded out all of the bad media and only listen to the truth speaking media.

Also do not forget, they both think the U.S. Military is a joke.

I was honestly willing to snowmobile with them till they degraded the Military, that is a deal breaker for me.

Now i want Trump to win more than ever. Prove the liars are liars.

Sent it
You think I Degraded the military because I think you are insane for suggesting that it would be reasonable in the freakin slightest to cancel the election and have them run the election? You are on drugs bud. The head of the military would tell ya that too.
Your great leader is hiding in his bunker and sulking like a child. Hasn’t been heard from in a week except to whine like a b!tch on Twitter, what a great leader in time of crisis.

You couldnt keep up in the trees anyway?


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
You think I Degraded the military because I think you are insane for suggesting that it would be reasonable in the freakin slightest to cancel the election and have them run the election? You are on drugs bud. The head of the military would tell ya that too.
Your great leader is hiding in his bunker and sulking like a child. Hasn’t been heard from in a week except to whine like a b!tch on Twitter, what a great leader in time of crisis.

You couldnt keep up in the trees anyway
U already degraded the military, u can never recover. Give up, it's truly sad that u went there . Wasn't necessary but u let ur true feelings out, now the world knows. Shame on u.

Sent it


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Apr 22, 2010
People/media or what ever keep saying things like Trump is golfing or hiding , really why ? since when ?

I think they really do have things confused . who's been hiding out in his basement ? And why ? Compare him now to when he was Vice President , he's smoked and shame on his wife . She'll do anything to have a seat in the white house , pathetic . How the Hell can they even get a security clearance after Juniors BS .

Here's one , you people that think shutting this country down from Covid is a good thing really are clueless . Since when does a government employee ever not receive a paycheck or benefits ?

What concern are you to them if your dumb enough to vote for those enforcing these rules ? They should be the ones that forfeit their salary because they work for the people . When is it legal for them to take away the peoples payroll with these socialism tactics ?

Yes the virus is harmful to some if not fatal but to sacrifice this country over it is treason those that want to for some reason are the same ones that want Biden , why is that ?

Trump rubs a lot of people wrong but those that are so upset with him will do anything to get rid of him , even sell out the United States . Stop and listen to what he's saying and read between the lines , this country has been going down a bad road and there will be a point of no return .

Back to Trump's golfing and hiding in his bunker . People can't really believe that is what he's been doing can they ????

Look up SCIF , they where watching this whole clown show and they have one hell of a battle on their hands .

The problem is there is procedure but for some reason the other side never follows procedure . No different than war , name one time just one time that anyone was following the laws of the Geneva Convention before killing ? I'm sure that was a heavy burden on their minds when they killed how many when the towers fell .

Take a minute and look up SCIF , our country isn't as stupid as some want it to be .
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Well-known member
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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
"sources" within the white house are saying Trump is doing all this as political theater. He wants to keep his base happy (or angry).

I know people don't like these nameless sources but they are often giving the behind the scenes access. They even told us that Trump knew the pandemic was going to be awful but he wanted to downplay it and keep his political spin. We had to wait months to see that reported accurately and him admit it. I expect him to admit this voter fraud movement was all a front in February.
Yah, those anonnymous sources have always worked out so well for the DemonCraps.
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