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How about our great President!!!

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Hey genius, how many times do you have to be remind that the US political parties essentially switched platforms between 1860 and 1936? The republicans at the time of Lincoln were left wing liberals by today’s definition.

During that period the platform of the dems went from small government to big government, while republicans went from big government to small.
In that much you are correct.
And I appreciate the fact that you're acknowledging how the republicans got it right.
But what does that have to do with honoring and celebrating our great President Trump?
Wow i just dont get how many pissy pants dem are on here there must be at least 3 or 4 of ya. are you using my tax dollars to pay snowest frome your welfare check ???? keep up the great work mr Trump for doing great.
During that period the platform of the dems went from small government to big government, while republicans went from big government to small.
In that much you are correct.
And I appreciate the fact that you're acknowledging how the republicans got it right.
But what does that have to do with honoring and celebrating our great President Trump?

Because connecting Lincoln with the modern day Republican Party of the Donald is completely asinine. I’d bet that if Lincoln were alive today he would kick Donny in his small orange nuts.
Because connecting Lincoln with the modern day Republican Party of the Donald is completely asinine. I’d bet that if Lincoln were alive today he would kick Donny in his small orange nuts.

He doesn't understand that what we're criticizing is how he keeps praising the old republican party and demonizing the old democratic party. Largely, I would agree with him is the funny part. But imagining Lincoln would be a republican now is funny.

But reading is hard. Meming is easy.
He doesn't understand that what we're criticizing is how he keeps praising the old republican party and demonizing the old democratic party. Largely, I would agree with him is the funny part. But imagining Lincoln would be a republican now is funny.

But reading is hard. Meming is easy.

Oh, I see. So now you proclaim to know how a dead President thinks.
Don't be so damned stupid!
And the reversal of fiscal ideologies between the parties was just that, the size and scope of our government.
When Republicans wanted larger government, it was to create infrastructure to support our nation's growth. Railway, roads, schools and such.

Fast forward to the 1930's. The dems increased spending as a bandaid to help folks get through the depression. This also improved our infrastructure. It was smart
Where the wheels came off the wagon was once we put the great depression behind us, we not only continued these social policies, we allowed them to grow with no limits along with unleashed government growth. Unnecessary agencies and high level high pay positions with ability to funnel monies to cronies.
Both parties share in this blame. Crooked bastards on both side capitalized on the opportunity to reward themselves rather than serving the country.

Fast forward to now. We finally have an administration that acknowledges that bloated government and social programs need to be trimmed, and people are trying to block him every step of the way simply because they don't like him as a person.
I'm saying, Fine, dislike him as a person, but let him do his job as our President.
More love, or at least tolerance trumps hate every time.
Give it a try, for our country's sake. Please!

Though speaking of throwing up...

Heard on the news this morning some folks are pushing for "guaranteed jobs for everyone." And not just that, but they want these government supplied jobs to pay a minimum of $15 an hour. How many lower wage people would quit their jobs with small businesses to go get a free job 'cuz its their "right." Yeah. That's gonna encourage a thriving economy & entrepreneurship.

If ever an idea reeked of communism, this would be it. Why not just invite China to run the country?

Though speaking of throwing up...

Heard on the news this morning some folks are pushing for "guaranteed jobs for everyone." And not just that, but they want these government supplied jobs to pay a minimum of $15 an hour. How many lower wage people would quit their jobs with small businesses to go get a free job 'cuz its their "right." Yeah. That's gonna encourage a thriving economy & entrepreneurship.

If ever an idea reeked of communism, this would be it. Why not just invite China to run the country?


For the record.... That's the left pushing that crap.
You know full well that our great President Trump would never sign off on that sh!t.
Thank you for acknowledging that the Trump administration secured the release of prisoners from North Korea.

Oh wait, you didn't. Oh well, fake news swept it under the too.
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