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2009 HCR grinding noise?



Active member
I bought a 2009 HCR only has 600 miles on it and on the last ride comin back to the trailer started to get a ugly grinding noise sounds like its comin from the brake area the faces on the rotor are smooth and not getting hot. any advice?
Jack up the back end and spin the track by hand. It sounds like your diamond drive. Did the previous owner put the double row bearing in??

i would say it is the DD bearing, mine had less miles than that and it was completely toast, it is a 2010 with a turbo but with so many people having this problem on their 09-10 M's all signs are pointing at the DD, hopefully this is not the case and it is something simple but i do believe it is a wise choice to get a hold of BDX and get the bearing anyway, could possibly save yourself from ruining a future trip
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also check to make sure there is nothing under or behind the brake caliper like an exhaust spring/whatnot that is rubbing. If you belt deflection is too loose the belt will sometimes rub/catch on the aluminum piece under the secondary and make what feels and sounds like grinding.
goin to order the DD bearing and tear it apart and try to see whats goin on when i pick up on the track and spin it it makes the noise when i rode it across the lot yesterday it wouldnt make the noise/grinding when i would get over 10 to 15 mph only at slow speeds and nothin in the brake assembly

My secondary made a bunch of noise on my HCR and it was missing a bushing in between the sheaves of the secondary. When i looked down on the secondary between the bulkhead and the sheave the alum was all eaten away (sorry for the lack of technical terms).

secondary looks fine no rollers are messed up. DD is beatiful oil is still golden and bearing looks new and feels new puttin the wide one. looked around the brake and couldnt find anything
Could be your track shaft bearings behind the brake. I have less than 400 miles on my '08 M1000 and they are already notchy. I am replacing them with an All Balls kit that I got from "freeagent."
thats what i was wondering. when i talked to the dealer they said they have never heard of those going out
i had something similiar to this go on my 08 m8 with less than 400 miles. i took it to the dealer under warranty and they said it was an output shaft spline. I dont know where that is since ive never had mine apart or if they handed me a line. haha, but they did fix it and its been fine every since. just something to look into.
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