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XMT vs AxysT vs Doo 850T

Glad to see a post that mentions the 850 handling. Does anyone have some thoughts on why the 850 is not that stable(unpredictable)? I was hoping the baker skid or coil over of some sort would solve it but appears to just mitigate it a bit. Had an 850 and got rid of it after a couple of rides due to it feeling like an 08' xp on 5 cups of coffee. Loved the power, fit and finish but didn't feel like riding it in the timber all day and am on a poo for now. I am hoping the doo 174 in 18' will calm the whole thing down.
I feel the same way as you, drove a 850 a few weeks back and found the stock skid to be a joke, just caused so much darting of the machine, and felt in the steep and deep the sled was riding you rather than it... tons of feedback from geometry on sled to over come

We seen a few out this last week with the baker skid and they were better than stock but far from what I had perceived to be perfect with ski lift still and uncontrol from riders that usually can keep it in control..

Starting to think it's just to unpredictable from many changes this new riding style offers over older t3 for my style of riding.. would think the longer 174 track, and better geometry would help it a lot for being stable, and more predictable

Heard many rumors last week of even a 180 or 184" track possible for 18... could solve a lot of what we are talking with that.. know fairly soon..

Glad to see a post that mentions the 850 handling. Does anyone have some thoughts on why the 850 is not that stable(unpredictable)? I was hoping the baker skid or coil over of some sort would solve it but appears to just mitigate it a bit. Had an 850 and got rid of it after a couple of rides due to it feeling like an 08' xp on 5 cups of coffee. Loved the power, fit and finish but didn't feel like riding it in the timber all day and am on a poo for now. I am hoping the doo 174 in 18' will calm the whole thing down.
On the stock skid, we tried sucking down the limiters on the 850 to prevent some ski lift and that was not a welcome change at all. Preferred more ski lift.
Glad to see a post that mentions the 850 handling. Does anyone have some thoughts on why the 850 is not that stable(unpredictable)? I was hoping the baker skid or coil over of some sort would solve it but appears to just mitigate it a bit. Had an 850 and got rid of it after a couple of rides due to it feeling like an 08' xp on 5 cups of coffee. Loved the power, fit and finish but didn't feel like riding it in the timber all day and am on a poo for now. I am hoping the doo 174 in 18' will calm the whole thing down.

Are you serious? I own a 165 G4 and have 20-30 miles on a 154 G4 and they are very predictable in sidehilling and super fun in the trees. Fun enough that I'm considering selling my axys 155. I can cut a line on my 165 for as long and as straight as I want or cut up or drop down with very minimal effort. My confidence in my machine is WAY more than it ever was in my xm or my pro. I'm not sure what kinda of riding you do but it must be a lot different than mine.
Yes, I am serious. I am also just one dude and one opinion. I have a handful of buddies who like you have 850's and love them and I am stoked for you all. It's just not my first choice when spending 4-6 hours sweating in the trees.
I am one who also finds the 850 predictable. I just turboed my axys and found the 850 more fun. I got in some funky snow and my axys was just working me to do the same things. Might have had something to do with too many deep powder days right before this ride. That was the first time I had the axys and 850 out on the same day. I told my wife that I was liking her 850 better and she told me she never heard of anyone, who just put a turbo on, wanting to sell it before. My turbo is a hoot. I was just tired and always seemed to be a step behind that day where it didn't seem that way on the 850. I could go through the trees, going downhill at an angle, twice as fast with no worries with the 850 and the axys was wearing on me. I was shocked. You could just weave in and out of the trees like a slalom course. It was the kind of snow that i hated on the xm and the 850 was great. The xm's would dive really bad in this snow. I am going to go out again when I am fresh and decide from there.
Are you serious? I own a 165 G4 and have 20-30 miles on a 154 G4 and they are very predictable in sidehilling and super fun in the trees. Fun enough that I'm considering selling my axys 155. I can cut a line on my 165 for as long and as straight as I want or cut up or drop down with very minimal effort. My confidence in my machine is WAY more than it ever was in my xm or my pro. I'm not sure what kinda of riding you do but it must be a lot different than mine.

How many miles do you have on the G4 chassis?
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How many miles do you have on the G4 chassis?

550 ish. I will admit. It took me 2 full days to get the hang of the G4. I actually didn't like it the first day. It was to easy to tip over. I guess that can be called unpredictable but I just found out I was over riding it. Once I got it figured out it boosted my confidence by 100%.
Do you not find it in the steep and deep with max track speed a real bittch to control with excessive skilift.. This is where I watch others on g4s really struggle.. Just so unpredictable and hard to operate, sled just darts you where it wants to go..
I guess I don't find my wife's 165 to have excessive ski lift. With boost it would be different. When ski are in air and it is out of control most of that is rider and over riding it. I have never found myself over riding the 850.
Do you not find it in the steep and deep with max track speed a real bittch to control with excessive skilift.. This is where I watch others on g4s really struggle.. Just so unpredictable and hard to operate, sled just darts you where it wants to go..

I have no idea what you are talking about. I've never felt it even on hard pack but maybe I spent some time to set my sled up right. :face-icon-small-hap

I think my version of steep n deep is different than yours. My version is 3-4' of powder in trees that are 5-15' apart and steep enough it cuts a 5' trench on the sidehills. I loooovvee this sled for that kind of riding. My sled is very easy to keep the front down if I want but I also used to ride a 154 so maybe that's why. But even the 154 850 I rode was pretty tame on ski lift unless I really leaned back and pulled on the bars.

Maybe if you run chutes then you won't like the 850 but I have no idea. I don't like running chutes. They aren't that fun. Haha.
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Ya we must ride different terrain than, not much a rider in the meadows any more, just pick ugly lines that most would stay clear from.. And try in make it threw usually pretty steep with decent trees, where you need control.. We ride with some decent 30 years riding guys and they were on the 850s last week, but it seamed they had there hands full and all ran aftermarket skids, stock skids were even worse.. Just not my type of fun, I can side hill very well with my older t3.. Don't need the darting G4
When I got my 16 T-3 163 I didn't even want to ride my 13 154 XM and now I feel the G4 165 is so much better I don't want to get back on my 16.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I've never felt it even on hard pack but maybe I spent some time to set my sled up right. :face-icon-small-hap

I think my version of steep n deep is different than yours. My version is 3-4' of powder in trees that are 5-15' apart and steep enough it cuts a 5' trench on the sidehills. I loooovvee this sled for that kind of riding. My sled is very easy to keep the front down if I want but I also used to ride a 154 so maybe that's why. But even the 154 850 I rode was pretty tame on ski lift unless I really leaned back and pulled on the bars.

Maybe if you run chutes then you won't like the 850 but I have no idea. I don't like running chutes. They aren't that fun. Haha.

So my version of steep and deep is the same as yours, just with some insane chutes mixed in once in a while. And yes we are talking sleds with turbos specifically. Turbos seem to exacerbate all sleds whether that be a good thing or aspect or a bad thing or aspect. Besides, you can't have 3 to 4' of fresh every time you ride or you wouldn't be riding very much.:face-icon-small-win. And I would also say when you are climbing a chute that has never been climbed by anyone else that can only be climbed by a properly set up sled with a little help from Rider skills and luck, there is nothing more exhilarating!
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So my version of steep and deep is the same as yours, just with some insane chutes mixed in once in a while. And yes we are talking sleds with turbos specifically. Turbos seem to exacerbate all sleds whether that be a good thing or aspect or a bad thing or aspect. Besides, you can't have 3 to 4' of fresh every time you ride or you wouldn't be riding very much.:face-icon-small-win. And I would also say when you are climbing a chute that has never been climbed by anyone else that can only be climbed by a properly set up sled with a little help from Rider skills and luck, there is nothing more exhilarating!

True on the 3-4' thing. But that's what I mean by deep. And as far as turbos go I agree also. They do make a problem worse or a strong point more apparent. I haven't ridden a turboed 850 yet so I really can't say what it would be like. I have little doubt that the stock skid sucks at climbing chutes. I've climbed a few medium sized ones. Ya it gets the heart pumping but pulling an insane line through the trees does too. One thing I see a lot of people doing is comparing their 174 turboed t3 with a full skid and tmotion delete to a stock 850 and then say that the 850 is unpredictable. Let's spend $15,000 on the 850 and compare them and I bet it would be a much different outcome. That's more what I was meaning when I said are you serious to fredw.
Ran my Impulse G4 with the KMod in it for a few days last week. Super impressed with how predictable it is on climbs even without the coupling turned up. The first day I ran the sled at 7 lbs and with the clutching I had it was pulling 7900 rpm in clicker 3. To be honest it felt really good on the throttle response/lower end and midrange but did not pull as hard as I thought it should on top. Spoke with Paul that night and he suggested I turn the boost up until I saw 8300 rpm and report back. Wow what a difference. Of course I was dealing with a few more ponies by turning it up to 9-10, but this 850 really screams at 8300. It opens up and sounds like it should. Next trip in a couple weeks I'm going to adjust my clutching so I can get it to run at 8300 with 8 lbs and keep that throttle response super crisp. It just fits my riding style better. At 6'5" and 250 lbs out of the shower I'm just not a point and shoot guy, I love flowing through the trees and creek bottoms and there that throttle response is king. Long story short I love the Impulse kit and the KMod in this G4. It handles great and responds quickly in the type of terrain I ride. Watching some of the other videos of turbo G4's I'm not impressed with how much lag there is to get it up on boost. They sound a bit doggy if I'm honest. I don't believe a stocker could beat me out of the hole on the Impulse, it's that good. I haven't ridden a Baker skid, but watching a few this last weekend they sure keep it controllable on the steep stuff (these were on 174 T3 turbos) but I believe the KMod was just as good there... and a bit better in the technical terrain and whooped out trail. Just my opinion of course. Looking back on it I can't believe I didn't get Fred to jump on mine for just a little bit... I guess I was too busy having fun or being stuck.
Changed out the stock 2 to 1 fuel pressure regulator for a rising rate 1 to 1 on the Poo. Stock pressure at idle was around 63. We bumped it down to about 43 and that seems to work well. Much crisper on the bottom end and easier to manage mid fueling. In removing the stocker, I noticed the filter/pick up was folded in half. I suppose for easier install, instead of flattening the filter material long along the bottom of the tank. This was restricting volume and almost folded the filter material in half. Might be worth checking.

Been running 12 to 13 on the boost and it is ripping at those levels.

Finally got the dealer to admit that the 17 has different fueling and timing than the 16 did. Something we noticed when last year's mapping did not work that well on the 17.
Now I'm know who you are..lol... Yes would of been nice to jump on yours, and you on bakers..

From what I seen watching yours over those two days, it looked and sounded very quick, your spool up sounded quicker than I had off the start by a margin, I was around the 9-10lbs boost, yours defiantly sounded like you were making rpm.. As for your skid, I really never got a good watch of you climbing, but you seamed to have great control where I did see.. And your only on a 165

Have a feeling now that the 175 is out, this should really help out on the control on a turbo sled.. That extra few inches really shows up I found for skid control on the t3 as well.. I left Paul a message for a quote for finished sled on a 18...I have been very happy with his kit on the t3

Hope to make it south again, and have both sleds for next ride..

Ran my Impulse G4 with the KMod in it for a few days last week. Super impressed with how predictable it is on climbs even without the coupling turned up. The first day I ran the sled at 7 lbs and with the clutching I had it was pulling 7900 rpm in clicker 3. To be honest it felt really good on the throttle response/lower end and midrange but did not pull as hard as I thought it should on top. Spoke with Paul that night and he suggested I turn the boost up until I saw 8300 rpm and report back. Wow what a difference. Of course I was dealing with a few more ponies by turning it up to 9-10, but this 850 really screams at 8300. It opens up and sounds like it should. Next trip in a couple weeks I'm going to adjust my clutching so I can get it to run at 8300 with 8 lbs and keep that throttle response super crisp. It just fits my riding style better. At 6'5" and 250 lbs out of the shower I'm just not a point and shoot guy, I love flowing through the trees and creek bottoms and there that throttle response is king. Long story short I love the Impulse kit and the KMod in this G4. It handles great and responds quickly in the type of terrain I ride. Watching some of the other videos of turbo G4's I'm not impressed with how much lag there is to get it up on boost. They sound a bit doggy if I'm honest. I don't believe a stocker could beat me out of the hole on the Impulse, it's that good. I haven't ridden a Baker skid, but watching a few this last weekend they sure keep it controllable on the steep stuff (these were on 174 T3 turbos) but I believe the KMod was just as good there... and a bit better in the technical terrain and whooped out trail. Just my opinion of course. Looking back on it I can't believe I didn't get Fred to jump on mine for just a little bit... I guess I was too busy having fun or being stuck.
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