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See you on the other side old friend.....

We have no children & we are 49, so she really was a child to us.
We will get another sometime. Dogs are the best people on this planet.
The right one that truly needs us will come along when the time is right & we will start a new journey.
But for awhile we just need to be miserable & sad for awhile.
Hey bud, sorry for your loss. Our dogs are our closest companion at times. When the wives or our girlfriends are mad at us, our dogs still love us. When our boss is riding our ***, our dogs still love us. When we are mad at our dogs for chewing on the furniture, out dogs still love us. I can easily say losing a dog is one of the hardest things I've been through. Cheer up pal!! All dogs go to heaven.

Sorry to hear, loosing your dog has to be one of the toughest things to go through. Be happy for all the good times together and that you gave her the best life possible :)

“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”

― Will Rogers
I lost my lab over Christmas two years ago. It sucks.
I look at her box on the shelf every day.

Our heeler is about 8...we almost lost him due to an infection over Thanksgiving.
DO NOT want that to happen again.
My little girl is 13 now. I dread the day when the decision has to be made on her future. She is getting quite old and tired. We had to build steps, so she can still get up/down from the bed. She takes aspirin a few times a week when she isnt moving very well, and it seems her sight/hearing is going as well.

She can be a huge pain in the *** at times, but I love coming home, and seeing her waging her tail, waiting at the top of the stairs or me.
My little girl is 13 now. I dread the day when the decision has to be made on her future. She is getting quite old and tired. We had to build steps, so she can still get up/down from the bed. She takes aspirin a few times a week when she isnt moving very well, and it seems her sight/hearing is going as well.

She can be a huge pain in the *** at times, but I love coming home, and seeing her waging her tail, waiting at the top of the stairs or me.

I now hate coming home, to see her untouched waterer, her pillows neatly stacked up, a half bag of food on the shelf, her medicine on top of the fridge.

Towards the end she wouldn't wake until I would wake her. I would always let her smell my hand so she knew it was me. I miss her lick on my hand.
I would kiss her nose & she would gently nibble mine.

I miss waking up sore from sleeping on the floor with her, as it's been a long time since she could get onto the bed. After falling off once, we wouldn't lift her up there any more.
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Sorry to hear of your loss. A good dog can never be replaced. They are always your best friend and love you no matter what.
Sincere condolences Maf! There's never going to be another one like her... but that doesn't mean you can't find another good friend, to share the future with.

I wish her rest and reward and for you... the peace and good memories. The pain will fade, but it never goes away completely.

One of my favorite pics of my old girl w/her baby brother, my son. They truly are family.
A favor to ask of each & everyone.
Please pick a pet that needs a home.
I do not mean to bash breeders, however, every pet obtained from a breeder means that there is 1 less homing option for the countless pets locked up in pounds & rescue facilities that will either A-get adopted or B- get destroyed or C- die in confinement.
This sounds harsh, but every life a breeder brings into the world robs the home from a pet that already exists.

Please, in honor of the memory or your passed beloved pets, rescue you future pets. I truly believe that they realize the second chance you are giving them.
I am truly sorry for your loss Mafesto. My heart goes out to you and yours.

We just lost our 4 year old Golden to a heart attack/..cancer caused. Rune was a one in a million dog..hurts like hell to come home after a hard day at work and not having him greet me in his Rune way!

Came home after work a day in late October to find he had taken the rainbow bridge. It is never easy. We still have 5 Goldens, 2 original,3 rescue. Just not the same still. Rue is not there..the six pack is not complete.

Sorry man..I know it hurts like a sledgehammer. You have a lot to give another in the future!
We had to put are oldest dog down on December 8. Took the day off hoping to get her to eat or drink with no luck. My wife's sister saved her from a pound in Tennessee the day she was going scheduled to be killed. I always called her are Tennessee mutt because no one could tell what she was.( A mix of hound and australian shepherd). I'm very sorry for your loss and under stand the coming home. I still expect to see her on the couch or her bed when I get home. Some times I think I see her in the corner of my eye when I walk by. All of are pets (now 2) are rescued pets they have the best characters. My best Eric
sorry maf, and I am a springer lover. always had one since I was born 39 yrs ago. I now have the best dog I ever had and she is about 7 and slowing down alittle bit. still active but I can tell she is sore after a days hunting. I dread the day when I have to put her down
Tough deal man! sorry for your loss. I've lost a lot of people in my life and few where as difficult and losing some of the dogs I've said goodbye to.
Tough deal man! sorry for your loss. I've lost a lot of people in my life and few where as difficult and losing some of the dogs I've said goodbye to.

Funny you say that.
I was telling my wife that I was feeling guilty because this has been much worse that burying family or friends. (including one of my best friends when he was only 17)

I don't know if I'm right, but for me it's hard because she couldn't understand why the one she trusted the most, ordered her execution.

It makes me want to be a good Christian, because if I do not get into Heaven, I will never be able to see my old friend again.
Funny you say that.
I was telling my wife that I was feeling guilty because this has been much worse that burying family or friends. (including one of my best friends when he was only 17)

I don't know if I'm right, but for me it's hard because she couldn't understand why the one she trusted the most, ordered her execution.

It makes me want to be a good Christian, because if I do not get into Heaven, I will never be able to see my old friend again.

She would have done the same for you. Man and beast alike want to go with dignity . Allowing suffering to continue is far more cruel.
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