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Should Christians Support President Obama?


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Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
That seems like an arrogant statement to me or maybe just uneductated, I know foreign observers that do not think America is arrogant, some people yes, but isn't it the arrogant that call others arrogant. The humble don't make those statements.

Please list a few of these foreign observers that you know that do not think that both the US government as well as those residing in this once great country are no arrogant.


Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Red Lodge MT to North, CO
Please list a few of these foreign observers that you know that do not think that both the US government as well as those residing in this once great country are no arrogant.

See, thats a little better but still really, really general. As a whole, the US Gov is viewed by many as Arrogant, but to think something else is arrogant shows the lack of understanding. The big picture is we don't know anything and there is no one that does. There is a huge amount that do not think it is Arrogant, if you can't see that then me telling you isn't going to change anything. Just for a while consider I am right and actually believe it, that in turn will change your thinking and you will start to see what I am talking about faster and more clearer than you can imagine.
If you don't want to do that simple task then you prob shouldn't ask questions you don't really want the answer too.
I hope you take that in the right way i am not trying to offend and have to do things like this in my own mind to understand it, and it has never failed me weather I was closed minded or open minded I always get what I'm thinking.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Why shouldn't we be arrogant?
We are the best after all.

"One nation, under God"
If that offends you, then either move
or shut your damned mouth & live with it.

Our Christian fundamentals will not be dismantled.


Well-known member
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Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
Are we talking about the same thing? My premise is, the majority of common folk living on every continent other than North America have a less than favorable opinion of the US citizen. I am not saying this opinion is right of wrong but it is a common opinion never-the-less.
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polaris dude

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Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
yeah I used to play a game which had a majority game base in countries other than USA. It opened my eyes to how disliked we are and how everyone thinks we are a country of arrogant, ignorant, fat people. So naturally, I couldn't resist the urge to inform everyone that I was waay smarter than them, in way better shape than them, and way better informed than them :)


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2007
Billings Montana
Are we talking about the same thing? My premise is, the majority of common folk living on every continent other than North America have a less than favorable opinion of the US citizen. I am not saying this opinion is right of wrong but it is a common opinion never-the-less.

Piss on them all!!!! Let them see how arrogant we are when some piss ant dictator tries to take over their country and they come crawling to us for help. And as always we go help them out and save them from the piss ant dictator. And they don't even thank us and the next day they are calling us arrogant again. I say screw them all!!!!


Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Red Lodge MT to North, CO
If that is true why is there so many migrating to the US, our population is growing by huge amounts because of immigrants.
Stop watching the news, they are the real idiots. Just like whenever there is a disaster they find the biggest red neck hillbilly toothless fool they can to put on the camera. Its the same with this, they want to portray a certain aspect and there are idiots out there for the job.

One of my friends said to me once, (while working and laughing)

" Everyone likes me!... Everyone else is just jealous"

Now it takes a humble person and an achiever to understand the truth in what he said so it may offend some but those that get it realize what seems like the cockiest statement ever is actually humble and the truth.

So if its so bad why is our population growing instead of dropping.


Well-known member
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Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
$$$$$$$$ is what is attracting the immigrants, like flies to a big, fresh terd. Just cuz they come doesn't mean that it doesn 't stink.


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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
Christians can support who they want....thing is some "liberal" issues are very Christ like, just as some "conservative" are.

Your faith should very much be a part of your public and private life including politics.

And there is lots in the country to argue that it isn't so Christian....both sides of the aisle. Look at abortion and the death penalty for instance.....right wingers say it is wrong to kill a baby but they support the death penalty.....and left is opposite.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Red Lodge MT to North, CO
$$$$$$$$ is what is attracting the immigrants, like flies to a big, fresh terd. Just cuz they come doesn't mean that it doesn 't stink.

Believe what you will, I believe they want what we have and those that can't have it, bitch instead of getting off there arse and doing it. Jealous

Your example is like saying the protestors are the population and speak for the population when in fact the few that get heard are just that, very few.

Christians can support who they want....thing is some "liberal" issues are very Christ like, just as some "conservative" are.

Your faith should very much be a part of your public and private life including politics.

And there is lots in the country to argue that it isn't so Christian....both sides of the aisle. Look at abortion and the death penalty for instance.....right wingers say it is wrong to kill a baby but they support the death penalty.....and left is opposite.

The way I see it, christian belief should not in a way be part of politics.
Christian or any other belief should be the standard of your morals and then you stand on your morals in politics.
Religion/belief is what starts wars, separate it and use your morals for guidance.
That is what this country is founded on.


Well-known member
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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
Believe what you will, I believe they want what we have and those that can't have it, bitch instead of getting off there arse and doing it. Jealous

Your example is like saying the protestors are the population and speak for the population when in fact the few that get heard are just that, very few.

The way I see it, christian belief should not in a way be part of politics.
Christian or any other belief should be the standard of your morals and then you stand on your morals in politics.
Religion/belief is what starts wars, separate it and use your morals for guidance.
That is what this country is founded on.

Your beliefs ARE your politics. If you claim to be Christian but don't allow the teachings of Christ to affect your politics you are just a poser. Or any religion for that matter.


Well-known member
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Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
Believe what you will, I believe they want what we have and those that can't have it, bitch instead of getting off there arse and doing it. Jealous

Your example is like saying the protestors are the population and speak for the population when in fact the few that get heard are just that, very few.

What does that have to do with my statement? They come for money, period, end of story.


Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Red Lodge MT to North, CO
Your beliefs ARE your politics. If you claim to be Christian but don't allow the teachings of Christ to affect your politics you are just a poser. Or any religion for that matter.

My belief's set my are my morals so it is the same, but I am not going to bring up God to an atheist, thats just going to off track a discussion, but while doing so I will use my beliefs to make decisions, which are my morals.
Its a matter of proper Etiquette.

What does that have to do with my statement? They come for money, period, end of story.

No, its for the freedom (freedom of religion is part of that) if that had that where they where they wouldn't need to be here.


Well-known member
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Nov 17, 2009
Lead, SD & Idaho Falls, ID
No, its for the freedom (freedom of religion is part of that) if that had that where they where they wouldn't need to be here.

There is no freedom of religion in Mexico? Have you ever even been to Mexico? They come here to work, send their paycheck back to their family who go to the church of their choice weekly.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Red Lodge MT to North, CO
There is no freedom of religion in Mexico? Have you ever even been to Mexico? They come here to work, send their paycheck back to their family who go to the church of their choice weekly.

Believe what you want, we obviously do not agree. I will go off what I know, not saying your wrong just saying I believe my way, you believe your way.


Well-known member
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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
My belief's set my are my morals so it is the same, but I am not going to bring up God to an atheist, thats just going to off track a discussion, but while doing so I will use my beliefs to make decisions, which are my morals.
Its a matter of proper Etiquette.

No, its for the freedom (freedom of religion is part of that) if that had that where they where they wouldn't need to be here.

Again IF you BELIEVE in God and don't make him a part of every day, if you don't bring "it" up due to etiquette....then why do you believe?
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