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R&D kit installed

no tough guy here. just stating it how i see it. you guys are like some flaming homos. 1 minute you are fighting and the next your back in love with each other. i for 1 wouldn't give dave the time of day if he screwed me like is screwing you guys. good luck with getting your kits. i have heard now that you won't see them for at least 30 days
I actually had to laugh:D. The word is RETARD:eek:!!! You dumb.........well anyway;). Carry on.


550 park model is what i ride. wheres your balls guys. this dave takes your $$$ and carbs and disappears for a week. you still don't have your kit. you guys are mad at him. a bunch of threads are made. all of a sudden dave gets enough courage to get back on here and everyone that was mad are all of a sudden kissing his azz again. i think anyone that trusts dave again is a ratard.
so when your wife gets home sneak into her purse and get your balls back
Well Bludo,I for one have not bashed Dave or Jake from day 1. I took a leap of faith and in the end it will pay off. Sometimes things go wrong and it takes a little longer than you expect. I have stated my position with Jake in a private conversation that is nobodys business. He knows exactly where I stand and how I feel. I have also stated in a previous post on another thread that if I am the fool then go ahead and bash away and say I told you so,BUT until that happens I see absolutely no reason to complain on here until I get the kit and it sucks....then I will tell you exactly how I feel because I have tried it. I tried BossNoss and it sucked, I tried the Hyperlite sec and it rocked,but these are opinions based on my experiences...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU *****ING ABOUT ? You have absolutely nothing invested in this kit and you continuously bash the rest of us that are waiting. I think you are just a plain old angry person with nothing better to do.

Now, go play with your 550 like a good little boy! LOL
Blu Du, Hivoltage has a point, you don't have anything invested in this and rightfuly so are not entitled to take your "opinions" to the degree which you have stooped down to. For that matter you really aren't entitled to make a negative comment period in my opinion. I am rooting for Dave to get this sorted out as I am confident he has a good product. I was going to order his kit but I sold my machine and am buying a new M8 I find this chassis more comfortable. Good luck Dave and don't listen to these Jack a$$es, I mean honestly, who rides a 550 park model....oh yeah..my 14 year old cousin. At least buy a real sled if you want to play in the big boy forums Blu Du!!
Wow........seriously, WOW. This is hilarious. Sledrush, long time no ride with. Talked to Q about the install you guys did and was surprised in how he explained it vs. your description in the opening post of this thread. Other than that, how is the sled running now? We need to line up your TXP and my Dragon 7T. Hit me up, if the weather is right we are supposed to take the Diamond S guys down South this weekend .
However, I am in no way calling the situation hilarious, if anyone has indeed been ripped off or put out by not getting a turbo kit. I was merely referring to the thread itself. Please refrain from jumping my a$$.
Sledrush, still waiting for some of that video action against other turboed sleds.

Could you post? I'm still very interested in seeing how R&D turbos work. Thanks.
Sledrush, still waiting for some of that video action against other turboed sleds.

Could you post? I'm still very interested in seeing how R&D turbos work. Thanks.

Yea,been workin out of town too much lately.Hopefully will get a chance very soon to get to the snowies again.I havent even put 70 miles on it yet.:face-icon-small-froShould get to run it in crested Butte this coming weekend though.I will try to get some filming done and post it.
Wow........seriously, WOW. This is hilarious. Sledrush, long time no ride with. Talked to Q about the install you guys did and was surprised in how he explained it vs. your description in the opening post of this thread. Other than that, how is the sled running now? We need to line up your TXP and my Dragon 7T. Hit me up, if the weather is right we are supposed to take the Diamond S guys down South this weekend .

Don't get me wrong,there's not alot of room in there so the install is a little more tedious and finessful than installing one on a cat.We set up my carbs ourselves as Dave usually does this with the kit,so yea that took a bit more time than anticipated with the added step.As for riding,I should be done with this job this week or the beginning of next.After that i'm game.
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My point is that I feel bad for people waiting,kits are being delivered,and there's proof.I think everyone on here knows how people like you feel without the rude comments.I'm very sorry if I offended you.Theres just no point in ruining someone's post when they are trying to assure people that there is progress being made.Thats all.
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