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Staff member
The success of the forums is due to its members and we recognize that. When it was started years ago we just wanted snowmobilers to have a place to hang out and share information and we are glad that we were able to provide that for all these years. We still want it to be a place to share information and have fun.

I know we at SnoWest have not been involved in the forums and that is due to a lack of time. We have deadlines to meet. We have other magazines and projects. We read the posts and keep track of what is going on and would liked to have had a presence on the forums. You have seen the large amount of time Christopher has spent on the forums. We just don’t have that luxury.

Times are changing. Print media is being replaced by digital content. Yes we do make decent money on the advertising on the web site but it also takes a great deal of money to run the site. Salaries, hardware, licensing, internet connectivity and on and on. We have done our best to keep the site free; we have asked for donations to which the response was very minimal. Our goal is pursuing this direction is more about content.

We have partnered with Christopher to manage the forums and take them in new directions. Most of what you have seen this far is added features. Some users like them some do not but they are not forced upon you. They can be turn on or off so it’s really not that big of a deal. New forums have been added and you can select what you want to see and what you don’t. We want to keep it customizable. Moderators have been added to each forum.

The big reason in converting to paid is to provide far more content. You have yet to see any of this. This is will be significant.

The forums have been very successful in building a community among snowmobilers but have largely neglected the vendors, retailers, techs, developers and a lot of other resources. There is a lot more information that can be shared.

I want the forums to remain fun; the jokes, the socializing and everything that has made it what it is. But what I don’t want is for them to become over-moderated. We will be going through a challenge with all this change but we wouldn’t do it if we didn’t think it was for the benefit of the forum and its members.

Christopher will represent SnoWest and Harris Publishing on the forums. He will give as presence which has been lacking. He will bring massive new content. And there is a lot more he will be bringing to the forums that he will share with you soon. We are open you to your suggestions and comments.

Chuck Harris
The success of the forums is due to its members and we recognize that......

I want the forums to remain fun; the jokes, the socializing and everything that has made it what it is. But what I don’t want is for them to become over-moderated....

We are open you to your suggestions and comments.

Chuck Harris

You wrote it sir, but it isn't happening quite that way. The comments and suggestions have been shoveled into an avalanche. And they've been buried faster than God makes snow.

I've been watching...have voiced prior (plenty of PM's) and have watched the content slow to a crawl. You efforts and dreams are there: but it won't ever happen without the people.

First, it ain't fun no more. But still watching.

It is over moderated. People as a whole really aren't that stupid (I can't believe I just said that...). The moving of threads, damn the torpedos, is plain irritating.

Thanks for the letter I guess, but my faith in the end result is falling quicker than I can type.

Mr Harris, thank you for coming on here and explaining yourself and that of harris publishing,I think if you would have done this in the first place...alot of this wouldnt be happening....As the owner of snowest.. We the paying (and unpaying for that matter) have some legitemate complaints/suggestions and ideas..yet they are totally disregarded by Christopher..We need you...you...you....to come talk to us..and work out something that works for all of us(including harris publishing, the mods, admins, and paying members and unpaying members....)..please help all of us stop the downward spiral snowest is on....thank you Mike
Mr. Harris,
The biggest thing for alot of us has been the way in which this "transition" has been handled. Had you come on here months ago and said much of what you just did, and that it was pure bussiness, most would have gladly paid up and accepted the changes. There have been so many smoke and mirrors, and out right lies that it has left many of us with a bad taste in our mouths. I have been on this site for many years and would hate to see it die off. And it is dying fast. Especially for the Alaska folks. Most have moved over to the other site. Not because we can't afford the fee or won't pay it. But because of the way in which this all has come down. Snowest has been home for along time for me, and I hope that you can find, or make the time to make this site what it once was again. If so, my money is yours. Take the time to follow some of the posts on your site.
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