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Riding in the little belts--thread retired

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Ken, when are they going to start grooming providing we have snow? I have to burn the chip out of my new ride. I took it to Lincoln for a week thought I could get the 10 hours on it but only got 3.1. Need to ride the roads for another 5-6 hours till it breaks in. Spur park is showing almost a foot. The bowls has nothing to report. We are suppose to have friends at the cabin this weekend so I might take a ride that way if nothing else then to drink beer!!
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I didn't make the last meeting but if I remember right the groomer can't start running til Dec.15 or so all depending on snow conditions.
I am look for some info on the closures, what areas are affected?
Also Fuzz mentioned places to rent at Forest green. Looking for some info on the rentals, contact names and numbers would be great.
thanks kev57
kev57- the place I mentioned earlier was a large house/lodge that had 4-5 bedrooms, couple of baths with large living/dining area and kitchen. An extended family (mom, dad, brothers and kids) from midWest had won a week stay and I showed them around one day.
There is/was a B&B up there too but it might be up for sale so dont know about status.
I'll try to get some info for you and get back to you.
Are you the guy I met at the parking lot last year?

Edit: Hey, I found the brochure on Montana Sunrise Lodge (I'll mark that on the calender...) They have even more rooms than I remembered. Check them out at www.montanasunriselodge.com

Just found out the B&B is no more.
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Fuzz, I did meet you in the parking lot at Kings Hill, do know if the riding areas will change much from last season?
Thanks for the info on the rental, already had checked out Montana Sunrise lodge, We are looking for a little smaller place to rent for a week in Feb09
kev, the only other places I know of close to Kings Hill would be Cubs Den in Monarch or Bob's in Neihart (motels) Otherwise White Sulpher Springs or Gt Falls. Check out www.snowtana.com for more info. Good luck, Fuzz.
Not sure what you are actually looking for in facilities but the Forest Service has a cabin right on the top of Kings Hill about 100' from the top parking area that they rent out over the internet. Has 3 bunk beds, power, cook stove, wood stove with your wood cut, utinsels and plates, fridge, outhouse, but no running water. Would have to check internet for availibility if interested. We stay there all the time. Great for night riding.
800poo any pack rats in that cabin? I have looked at that a couple times. Just wonderring how clean that place is. Probably good for guys but what if we have the ladies with us.
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800poo any pack rats in that cabin? I have looked at that a couple times. Just wonderring how clean that place is. Probably good for guys but what if we have the ladies with us.

Not that I have seen. The cabin is actually kept pretty clean. The forest service gives you a sheet to fill out how it was when you arrived and a list of what you are to clean when you leave. Basically sweep and mop floor (can melt snow on stove in buckets provided) and clean anything you use. My wife and friends wives have stayed there and there were no complaints, and my wife hates mice/rats. Was 40 below one nite last year in January when we stayed there...that was the bad side...good side was we had 3 feet of fresh powder that day...nite rode off and on, cabin stayed nice and warm. Was 20 above next morning and did not see anybody else around till about 1:00. Is not a bad place to stay at all. Can have 6 people stay and is $40.00 a nite plus booking fee as I recall.:D:D
Snotel shows about 6 inches of snow and the foothills are all white. Hopefully it will stay cool enough to start sticking. My throttle thumb is starting to twitch...
Cabins to rent

There are plenty of places to stay. White Sulpher Springs has several places. Probably a 20 mile drive to hit the trails. Bob's bar in Neihart has cabins or rooms also bar restaurant and hot tub. Cub's Den in Monarch also has a Motel with bar and restaurant.

The Forest Service also has several rental cabins including one on top of Kings Hill (available through the White Sulphur office) and a bunch of privately owned rental cabins at Checkerboard, MT (Solberg's Pine Valley Cabins)

FS rental cabins usually go for around $20-25 per night and the one on the district I am from can sleep about 8-10 people. If these cabins don't get utilized more they will not be renting them in the future.


Any new snow? How has hunting been up there?
I went up Tues. with Craig and we didn't see anything ( not even a deer ) until we got into the private land, We went from Jefferson to Weatherwax and over to Shidoo. There was maybe 6-8 inches out in the open and a little more were the sun didn't hit it but that was it.
Thanks Ken. Still no snow in Lincoln. I was up towards the bowls and will be up Beaver Creek this week. Have some buddies hunting up there.
I will be in the parking lot at 10 a.m. on Dec 1 ready to put some break-in miles on. See ya there.

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Fuzz, I will be there or we can hook up to save on gas. I need 7 hours yet to burn the chip out. I am getting it ready just got the new windshield and need to put her on. Got to mount a bag also. Got the new Simmons on her sold my old and only cost $40 difference not bad considerring I had those old ones at least 4 years. Still have a few ZX parts to sell but most of the good stuff is gone.
Looks like we are getting a pretty nice base up on the hill. According to George 16 inches last week. Sweet!!
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