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Don't Blow Out the Spot



Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
Pemberton, BC

Two facts for you: Secret Spots are sacred

  1. If you’re one of the people who asks “Where’s this?” in the comments of a social media post, you kinda suck.
  2. If you’re posting photos of a hallowed spot on social media and you say exactly where it is, you’re actually the worst. You are ruining our secret spots.
Of course, there’s a line to be drawn. And that line is fuzzy, drawn in grey paint and exceptionally tricky to see.
Translation: it’s up to you to figure that **** out. Don’t blow out the secret spot
For instance, you don’t need to be sneaky and say “Whistler Mountain” when you’re standing on top of Second Peak on The Chief (or vice versa). These are places with paved parking lots, signs on the highway and a well-established spot within the circuit of BC tourism.
But let’s say you head up to___________for the day and come home with an epic ‘grammer (read: Instagram photo), one that’s bound to blow up your phone and make you feel like a ****ing champ.
Do everyone a favour, let them figure out for themselves where that secret spot may be.
It’s part of the fun, right?
<figure id="attachment_52841" style="width: 1024px" class="wp-caption aligncenter">
<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Whistler Mountains’s Ruby Bowl is one of the most Instagrammed runs around. Photo: Jesse Lieberthal</figcaption></figure>Is Social Media Ruining Our Secret Spots?

At its best, social media can stoke people up and inspire them to get outside and get after it. At its worst, social media can be responsible for the piles of broken glass that you find at your favourite swimming hole. Or the mogul fields in the couloirs of Blackcomb’s immediate backcountry.
Tipping Point at Joffre Lakes

CBC wrote a hard-hitting piece of journalism in the summer that posed the even more hard-hitting question, “Has social media ruined hiking?”
The piece was prompted by an amateur video that showed a line-up of parked cars stretching a couple kilometres along the highway from the traditional Joffre lakes parking lot.
The spot, as they say, had been blown out. And yes, social media is partially to blame. And yes, for all the hundreds of lemmings who decided to go up Joffre Lakes that day, the experience was compromised. But if they’d just gone a little further up the road and/or been more creative with their objective, the age-old act of “hiking” would not have been “ruined”.
Some Places Can’t Be Blown Out

Cobra Crack

There are certain places in the lore of Sea to Sky recreation that are impossible to blow out on account of sheer difficulty. Squamish’s Cobra Crack, for instance, is a local 5.14(+) climbing route that roughly 0.1% of the world’s climbers will even consider tackling. And even if someone names the spot, you still have to wander through the forest to find the thing.
<figure id="attachment_54123" style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">This is how you look after sending Burgers and Fries. Photo: Hotaches Films /Randall Coll</figcaption></figure>Atwell Peak

There’s also the lines that local Squamish resident Trevor Hunt likes to ski off of Mount Atwell, the Leviathan beast of a peak that sits at the north end of town. The story goes that when he skied the Georgian Express, he had to eat his own arm while bushwacking back to the highway afterwards.
<figure id="attachment_54122" style="width: 1073px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Upper Paul Ridge…Photo: Trevor Hunt</figcaption></figure>I’m no social media expert, but I’m pretty sure that your average Instagram user isn’t about to go to such great lengths to get their daily ‘grammer. And aside from the unfortunate (and completely untrue) story about the arm, I’d say Trevor had a great day out there.
Social media didn’t ruin ****.
The Local Chugach Range

There’s another hallowed Squamish locale that’s been receiving a lot of attention lately, and rightly so. It’s a sprawling headwall of spines, couloirs, ice, rock and snow that looks like a southern-reaching tentacle of Alaska’s Chugach range. Everybody knows where it is. But with the Squamish River fending off advances from the valley floor, the zone is approached most sensibly via helicopter. And while the spot itself would be tricky to blow out entirely, the hut that accommodates would-be extremists blows out after roughly 12 ppl get in there.
Don’t Be That Guy- Tips For Social Sharing Secret Spots

So what do I propose in response to all this?
Creativity, misdirection and just the right touch of sarcasm.
Let’s say you’re standing at the top of Mount_____________ in the zone I was just talking about, consider calling it “Ruby Bowl” or maybe even “Revelstoke Mountain Resort”.
Those who know will think it’s funny. Those who don’t will drive east. Or maybe they’ll look a little harder at the WB trail map. Realistically though, they’ll probably just do a little homework and figure it for themselves. But like I said earlier, that’s part of the fun.
<figure id="attachment_52135" style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption aligncenter">
<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">This little spot is easy to find. Just exit onto Centennial Way from Highway 99 and look for a sign that says Brennan Park Leisure Centre.</figcaption></figure>We’ve all got a responsibility to keep the sacred sacred. There’s nothing wrong with getting people jazzed. Just try not to provide a roadmap to the goods.
And the next time you feel compelled to ask, “Where’s this?” on someone’s social media post:
1. Do it in a private message.
2. Ask your cousin’s buddy, Daryl, where that photo of his buddy Daryl was taken.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2013
There's a big difference between telling people exactly where you were, and giving them an idea of what region/area/direction/elevation/etc you were, especially when it comes to snow. Most people are looking at the conditions for the general region, not looking to score internet points.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Agreed with Inspector on this one. Never looking for turn by turn directions but a general idea besides "the mountains" is nice. I love finding new spots and showned new spots by fellow sledheads. Never one to keep people out.


Active member
Premium Member
Oct 22, 2015
Bellingham WA
This post is what's wrong with my beloved sport today


Two facts for you: Secret Spots are sacred

  1. If you’re one of the people who asks “Where’s this?” in the comments of a social media post, you kinda suck.
  2. If you’re posting photos of a hallowed spot on social media and you say exactly where it is, you’re actually the worst. You are ruining our secret spots.
Of course, there’s a line to be drawn. And that line is fuzzy, drawn in grey paint and exceptionally tricky to see.
Translation: it’s up to you to figure that **** out. Don’t blow out the secret spot
For instance, you don’t need to be sneaky and say “Whistler Mountain” when you’re standing on top of Second Peak on The Chief (or vice versa). These are places with paved parking lots, signs on the highway and a well-established spot within the circuit of BC tourism.
But let’s say you head up to___________for the day and come home with an epic ‘grammer (read: Instagram photo), one that’s bound to blow up your phone and make you feel like a ****ing champ.
Do everyone a favour, let them figure out for themselves where that secret spot may be.
It’s part of the fun, right?
<figure id="attachment_52841" style="width: 1024px" class="wp-caption aligncenter">
<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Whistler Mountains’s Ruby Bowl is one of the most Instagrammed runs around. Photo: Jesse Lieberthal</figcaption></figure>Is Social Media Ruining Our Secret Spots?

At its best, social media can stoke people up and inspire them to get outside and get after it. At its worst, social media can be responsible for the piles of broken glass that you find at your favourite swimming hole. Or the mogul fields in the couloirs of Blackcomb’s immediate backcountry.
Tipping Point at Joffre Lakes

CBC wrote a hard-hitting piece of journalism in the summer that posed the even more hard-hitting question, “Has social media ruined hiking?”
The piece was prompted by an amateur video that showed a line-up of parked cars stretching a couple kilometres along the highway from the traditional Joffre lakes parking lot.
The spot, as they say, had been blown out. And yes, social media is partially to blame. And yes, for all the hundreds of lemmings who decided to go up Joffre Lakes that day, the experience was compromised. But if they’d just gone a little further up the road and/or been more creative with their objective, the age-old act of “hiking” would not have been “ruined”.
Some Places Can’t Be Blown Out

Cobra Crack

There are certain places in the lore of Sea to Sky recreation that are impossible to blow out on account of sheer difficulty. Squamish’s Cobra Crack, for instance, is a local 5.14(+) climbing route that roughly 0.1% of the world’s climbers will even consider tackling. And even if someone names the spot, you still have to wander through the forest to find the thing.
<figure id="attachment_54123" style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">This is how you look after sending Burgers and Fries. Photo: Hotaches Films /Randall Coll</figcaption></figure>Atwell Peak

There’s also the lines that local Squamish resident Trevor Hunt likes to ski off of Mount Atwell, the Leviathan beast of a peak that sits at the north end of town. The story goes that when he skied the Georgian Express, he had to eat his own arm while bushwacking back to the highway afterwards.
<figure id="attachment_54122" style="width: 1073px" class="wp-caption aligncenter"><figcaption class="wp-caption-text">Upper Paul Ridge…Photo: Trevor Hunt</figcaption></figure>I’m no social media expert, but I’m pretty sure that your average Instagram user isn’t about to go to such great lengths to get their daily ‘grammer. And aside from the unfortunate (and completely untrue) story about the arm, I’d say Trevor had a great day out there.
Social media didn’t ruin ****.
The Local Chugach Range

There’s another hallowed Squamish locale that’s been receiving a lot of attention lately, and rightly so. It’s a sprawling headwall of spines, couloirs, ice, rock and snow that looks like a southern-reaching tentacle of Alaska’s Chugach range. Everybody knows where it is. But with the Squamish River fending off advances from the valley floor, the zone is approached most sensibly via helicopter. And while the spot itself would be tricky to blow out entirely, the hut that accommodates would-be extremists blows out after roughly 12 ppl get in there.
Don’t Be That Guy- Tips For Social Sharing Secret Spots

So what do I propose in response to all this?
Creativity, misdirection and just the right touch of sarcasm.
Let’s say you’re standing at the top of Mount_____________ in the zone I was just talking about, consider calling it “Ruby Bowl” or maybe even “Revelstoke Mountain Resort”.
Those who know will think it’s funny. Those who don’t will drive east. Or maybe they’ll look a little harder at the WB trail map. Realistically though, they’ll probably just do a little homework and figure it for themselves. But like I said earlier, that’s part of the fun.
<figure id="attachment_52135" style="width: 800px" class="wp-caption aligncenter">
<figcaption class="wp-caption-text">This little spot is easy to find. Just exit onto Centennial Way from Highway 99 and look for a sign that says Brennan Park Leisure Centre.</figcaption></figure>We’ve all got a responsibility to keep the sacred sacred. There’s nothing wrong with getting people jazzed. Just try not to provide a roadmap to the goods.
And the next time you feel compelled to ask, “Where’s this?” on someone’s social media post:
1. Do it in a private message.
2. Ask your cousin’s buddy, Daryl, where that photo of his buddy Daryl was taken.

This to me is exactly the problem with elitist idiots thinking they own the back country. It's fun and it is supposed to foster community. I sled with my favorite people and if that means trying to find a new spot for a weekend to check out to meet new people Awesome. I love showing people around my back yard. I hate the secret bull****, its for all- you want to be a dick about it thats fine you the ******* I do not want to meet in the backcountry.
Dec 22, 2008
This to me is exactly the problem with elitist idiots thinking they own the back country. It's fun and it is supposed to foster community. I sled with my favorite people and if that means trying to find a new spot for a weekend to check out to meet new people Awesome. I love showing people around my back yard. I hate the secret bull****, its for all- you want to be a dick about it thats fine you the ******* I do not want to meet in the backcountry.

Some spots can be tracked out by 2 sleds in half a day, its not fun to roll in to those spots and find 20 sleds. I wont say where I went exactly but I will give a general area and help people find their way in and show them around if they are on the trail in or they ask in the parking lot. But I would never construct a giant billboard saying exactly where Im at. #narnia


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 16, 2013
central 509
This to me is exactly the problem with elitist idiots thinking they own the back country. It's fun and it is supposed to foster community. I sled with my favorite people and if that means trying to find a new spot for a weekend to check out to meet new people Awesome. I love showing people around my back yard. I hate the secret bull****, its for all- you want to be a dick about it thats fine you the ******* I do not want to meet in the backcountry.

Just stick to the trail buddy you will meet lot of exciting people there. I've spent years finding areas that nobody goes to so when we have no new snow for 2 - 3 week its nice to know I can go there and get fresh and not run into you and your 10 friends. Its just assinine that you expect people to just take you to there favorite spot or draw you a map so you don't have to do the work . If your incapable of exploring stay on the trail and do the meet and greet.:face-icon-small-dis


Active member
Nov 26, 2007
Greenwater WA
I never have figured that out why people have to tell the world about their cool place . And I didn't know that riding in the back country comes with an obligation to foster community ?
And as far as elitest what ever you called us ...scew you !


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
Pemberton, BC
I spend a lot of time in the off season scoping new places to ride.. hiking, dirt biking, and scouring maps. Try it, you might find a few hidden honey holes that you don't want to just give away to every slack on the internet to beat you up there next time.



Mar 13, 2004
Lake Cle Elum, WA
I've ridden dirt bikes and sleds in Kittitas county for 45 years.....It's been the School of Hard Knocks and thousands of miles. I can name at least 5 times, I have had to lead Sheriff Search/Rescue deputies in via the best route. A few times, it's meant someone got found and didn't die........

Sometimes I show a club member a good riding area, AND:

The next week, he's back with 15 friends from the King County area and I don't even get a call......These days, I run under the radar.........


Moderator: Premium Member
Nov 26, 2008
sorry.. totally douchey post..

yeah, I agree, let people go figure it out on their own, I don't share my spots.. but coming on here acting like an authority to how those "secret stashes" should be figured out is f'n corny... telling anyone how to go about their own business and how they want to share anything or not is douchey.. what ever happened to "mind your own f'n biz.."

I remember messages from you yrs ago asking me where we ride to get snowboard/ski runs and wanting to tag along.. REALLY??? and you're telling people not to tell.. pfffft.. hipocrit.. busted..



Well-known member
Aug 5, 2013
Pemberton, BC
sorry.. totally douchey post..

I remember messages from you yrs ago asking me where we ride to get snowboard/ski runs and wanting to tag along.. REALLY??? and you're telling people not to tell.. pfffft.. hipocrit.. busted..


I have taken people that have msgd me to all the places I ride.. I just dont throw it out in the open on the internet. Apparently you didnt even read the link


Forum Expert
Lifetime Membership
Aug 28, 2013
Snohomish, WA
I'm with Lush bomb on this one. This has to be the douchiest post I've ever seen. Don't post pictures if you're think you're some kind of elitist where you have places that no one else goes. I could care less if anyone follows me to where I ride. It's all public land so whoever is good enough to get there more power to you. If you want to ride where other people don't ride I suggest you take days off during the week.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 7, 2007
Too many people on ?, and the stock equipment has gotten so good. The worst is adventure bike/duel sport riders who post GPS routes.


Moderator: Premium Member
Nov 26, 2008
I have taken people that have msgd me to all the places I ride.. I just dont throw it out in the open on the internet. Apparently you didnt even read the link

good for you. you blew out the spot.. then they took their friends and so on...

and I didn't need to click the link, you copied and pasted the whole page here, saved us some bandwidth.. :face-icon-small-con

still douchey.. unless you're Canadian i guess..
May 21, 2010
Glacier, WA
I experienced first hand the negative impacts of trip reports, magazine articles, etc on the Baker ski hill. Power days turned to powder hour turned to super aggro powder run. The backcountry became overrun by folks that couldn't ski but were following trip reports. I found myself becoming jaded doing what I loved so I decided to walk away.

In my early sled access days I would tell new comers "no trip reports" in the zones visited only by a few. They understood and respected the ethic of not exploting a limited resource they earned.

Forced change is sometimes best so I am fortunate this led me to explore. I have vast knowledge of Revelstoke, Sicamous, Valemont, The Kootenays, The Cocq, Sea to Sky Corridor. Proximity to BC is the best part of the north cascades.

As a low mark tree whore we usually don't see many folks even on busiest of days. If we do see someone they usually ask "how did you find this place we never see anybody here and please don't tell anyone about it".

Of course not; it is common sense.
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