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wolverines in mccall id

researchers want snowmobilers and skiers to report wolverines when out recreating which is even being co sponsored by the snowmobile asso. my view on this its a big mistake they will use any sighting against us, all it will take is one lost wolverine or fictitious report and we could be locked out of our areas. i have seen other gathered information used against the recreationist,fishing and logging. the gotta have a job biologist and tree huggers won't do us any favors with this info
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You'll just be doing their research for them without getting paid. . .
We have a Canadian Lynx endangered species problem here in Colorado. Fish and Game imported and tagged the cats and they are not doing well as their main diet is the horseshoe hare which is also the favorite meal of the coyote, the bobcat, eagle,mtn lion and wolves---nothing left over for the Lynx so the Lynx is endangered because of other predator's hunting skills.

However, F&G still wants to limit our access anyway. Word to the wise should be sufficient:(

The whole system sucks, what wolverine? I never saw a wolverine? Look the other way or run if you are in the presence of one.
If they find any then they will close the area to all motorized as a wolverine recovery area. There was a big scandal 10 or so years back where they were planting hairs from wolverines and trying to close areas. I don't remember where it was.
Don't say nothin' bout no wolverine or Lynx cat. I live on the other side of the hill from Jackson Hole and those jackoffs have been lookin' for a way to shut down the Palisaides since 1984.

They have just about killed High Mountain Heliskiiing and they can't wait to run off the sleds. The Yellowstone Coalition would like to boss everything from Bozeman to Afton, and that is just a start.

They are always skiing in and looking for Lynx or Wolverines (In our sled tracks of course).

Thier ulitmate goal is for no activity that has a motor.....Do not help them.
Winter recreationists are being asked to carry small GPS units so that researchers can track their movements. This will be compared with movements captured by nearby GPS collared wolverines. The purpose of the study is to help clarify the effects winter recreationists have on wolverine habitat. The Forest Service and Rocky Mountain Research Station in Missoula, MT are conducting the research. Partners are: Idaho State Snowmobile Association, Idaho Fish & Game, Payette, Boise & Sawtooth NF, University of Montana, and Round River Conservation Studies, the Central Idaho Recreation Coalition.

From the pamphlet being handed out with these GPS units: "Wolverines may be sensitive to human presence and direct disturbance, which may result in den abandonment or displacement from important habitat. However, how a wolverine population responds to human presense is not well understood."

"The research is intended to help us understand how we can maintain both winter recreation and wolverines. We chose to conduct our research in McCall area in order to learn from this co-existence."

Learn more at: http://www.forestcarnivores.org

Not sure how I feel about it....

OH, forgot to mention they are giving raffle tickets to participants. Prize is a backcountry snow package (pack, shovel, probe and beacon). Also, return you data recorder to the following and recieve a discount or freebie from the following businesses in McCall:

Hinson Power Sports - 10% off purchase
McCall Brewing Co - Free pint of beer
Gravity Sports - Free Goody
Carl's Cycle Sales - 10% off purchase
Salmon River Brewery - Free pint of beer

I did not participate in this study but a friend was given the opportunity to - I'm not so sure that I want too although I understand and respect the need to understand our impact on these animals, all animals for that matter, I'm just not so convinced that we are disturbing these animals but am afraid to give the wrong group any tid bit of info that will shut us out of even more land to recreate on.

What do wolverine tracks look like on snow? All I ever see are rabbit tracks and in areas that really dont even see sledders very often which would give animals more opportunity to travel over snow undisturbed.
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I e-mailed fish and game and this is what they said,

"The data loggers are recording x,y coordinates as you travel around - it is mapping your paths and recording the time. We are completely unable to link the many paths we collect across the sample of recreationist to any one person. All the paths are anonymous and, hopefully, representative of the recreationists using the area.

The data will be matched to similar fine-scale movement information we will obtain from GPS collared wolverines, and this will allow us to gain insights into any responses that wolverines may have to differing levels of recreation or recreation occurring in different habitats, or locations."

So basically, the data logger and the wolverine both have a time stamp record along with JPS cords. I will show the wolverine movement directly with the snowmobile/skier movement.
They planted Lynx hair on a barbed wire fence here in Colorado. After research, it was discovered that the hair came from a stuffed Lynx. I can't remember all the details but the green freaks got caught:beer;:beer;

F & G is also trying to hand out GPS here as well--no takers that we know of.

Anyone care to look at the obvious?

There will be data collected.

If you don't want anything to do with it then you can bet there are plenty of enviro-nazis that would be more than happy to gather it for you.

Who's data would you like to trust the future of your riding area to?????

One of our strongest arguments is that we care about and understand the environment - generally more so than those who proclaim to be its savior.
Sometimes you have to put your money where your mouth is if you ever expect to be taken seriously.

Acting like we have something to hide or being frightened into inaction is not exactly a successful strategy.
any data they receive will be used against us Ive seen it before a number of times, why make it easy for them they will do what they want anyway but not with my help.scared, frightened, nope just saying. kissing --- is not going to make any difference to them. hey do what you want, im just giving my view
They chose McCall to do the "study" because this is one area that has been fiercely protected by snowmobilers. There will be many people who manipulate the data with false sightings and this will only add weight to closing the area down. I have been riding in McCall for almost 20 years and have never seen a wolverine...I bet a bunch of earth muffins see a bunch this winter...just guessing...and I bet the data they report doesn't bode well for us...just saying.
And I'm blown away that any snowmobile association is supporting this...kills me...nail in our own coffin IMO. Oh, and the false Linx hair planting was done over off the East side of Lick Creek road in McCall...which is all closed by the way...and stayed closed even after the planting was later proven as fake. Just saying. :)
And I'm blown away that any snowmobile association is supporting this...kills me...nail in our own coffin IMO. Oh, and the false Linx hair planting was done over off the East side of Lick Creek road in McCall...which is all closed by the way...and stayed closed even after the planting was later proven as fake. Just saying. :)

The dickhead that lives in the first house past the Lick Crick parking lot is
%100 anti snowmobiling. He threatend to shoot us 2 years ago. Total prick greenie.
The two doccumented accounts that I am aware of for wolverine sightings in the Payette happend of all places within the Brundage Mountain permitted ski area. Go figure. I am a lifetime resident of this area and have never seen a wolverine. I am in the woods quite extensivly all over the forest both summer and winter and have never come accross one. Not to say they are not here but their numbers being so few tells me this is NOT a primary habitat for them. My family homesteaded here in the 1870's long before any major human impact. I've had many discussions with my great grand parents and what they and their parents saw back in the day. Yes they a wolf, yes they did see a linx or to but NEVER saw a wolverine or grizzly. I believe in the long run it will be bad for our sport, I'm not going to dizz ISSA for being a part of the study, it looks worse for us if we simply stuck our heads in the sand. At least with ISSA being involved there is a check as to the accuracey of the data being collected. Once all the data is collected I suspect ISSA and other groups to fight hard for us. Unfortunatly this is what we have to endure.
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