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Swing and a Miss - GOP allows Obama care to thrive

go high fast

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May 7, 2008
Missoula MT
you've got to be kidding me. I feel duped! Guarantee issue coverage, health insurance exchanges, premium subsidies , Mandated benefits and much much more all survive. I can't wait to hear the details on open enrollment periods, medical loss ratio provisions and other parts.

The ramifications here are huge folks. Should this bill survive in anything that closely resembles its current format you will now have government healthcare and regulation of the private insurance industry endorsed by both parties of government. Just think about that for a moment. That this happened on trumps watch in which the GOP controls all three houses of government is unimaginable. Once again my hopes and dreams for my children are dashed.

I am going to bed early tonight in the hopes that I wake up early and this was a complete dream/nightmare.

What a freaking mess.

Complete BS!
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black z

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Feb 2, 2014
With President Trump saying:

"nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated,"

Does this surprise you?

With this, the POTUS has admitted that he really did not have a grasp of the situation with all of those tweets and campaign promises....

I pray for my country.


It is scary, self employed here, my insurance has went up over 300% over the past 3 years and I am a completely healthy 32 year old male, haven't even been to the Dr in over 2 years.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Without the promise of repealing osamacare, Trump would not have won the election.
Now the backpeddling is a betrayal.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
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Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
you've got to be kidding me. I feel duped! Guarantee issue coverage, health insurance exchanges, premium subsidies , Mandated benefits and much much more all survive. I can't wait to hear the details on open enrollment periods, medical loss ratio provisions and other parts.

The ramifications here are huge folks. Should this bill survive in anything that closely resembles its current format you will now have government healthcare and regulation of the private insurance industry endorsed by both parties of government. Just think about that for a moment. That this happened on trumps watch in which the GOP controls all three houses of government is unimaginable. Once again my hopes and dreams for my children are dashed.

I am going to bed early tonight in the hopes that I wake up early and this was a complete dream/nightmare.

What a freaking mess.

Complete BS!

BTW, Obamacare WAS a conservative plan. Patterned off Romneycare, which was inspired by ideas from the Heritage Foundation...

Without the promise of repealing osamacare, Trump would not have won the election.
Now the backpeddling is a betrayal.

Maybe the media telling you Trump was lying to you the whole time had a point?


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
GHF.... sounds like 'TrumpCare' is dead, for now, anyway... Check out Sen. Tom Cottons Twitter feed this AM.

I hope they DO take the time to refine it... Health care for all Americans remains as a much needed program, and I agree with Cotton that it should not be rushed through.

The GOP has set their sights on a replacement for the ACA (ObamaCare) ... I'm VERY confident they WILL do it.

I'm hoping that a well thought out one is the fruit of their labor.... There is NO rush to put in a bad replacement IMO.

As it reads for the new bill, the local and state governments will bear the brunt costs as low income, working class people are not well supported by this bill and will result to emergency room and county hospital visits just like they were before the ACA.

I've heard some say.. "just repeal the ACA"... but without a viable replacement... Our country will be worse for it.


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Mar 5, 2011
Keep supporting the two party system

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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
The president, vice president, 535 members of congress, all have excellent health coverage. Why can't we, the tax payer that pay for their health coverage have what they have?

Build a great wall, health plan that covers everybody, it will be great. Increased military spending, increased veterans benefits, rebuild our infrastructure, more border guards and police, and slash taxes. Wow!

My Canadian buddy and I have a bridge over Lake of the Woods for sale, real cheap. Excellent walleye fishing. Please, no phone calls, Obama has my phone tapped. Sick! PM if interested.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Wow for an Washington outsider he sure knows how to play the game doesn't he. I promise to make all your dreams come true if you vote for me and then once elected he does exactly what his record shows that he does. Looking out for number "1" Nothing wrong with that at all. except in the fine print on the application for the job it stipulates that you will be the voice of people not just yourself. I have a feeling that Sean Spicer will be starting every news conference from here on out with When President Trump said/tweeted/snapchatted/blogged/email/etc.... what he really means is.... As he did today when senators started to challenge Pres. Trump for proof of "Wiretapping" notice i used quotes there so i can change what i meant at some later time.


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
You have to admit he is a smart man.

I mean, he knows more than the generals do.

He knew about the terrorist attack in Sweden when Sweden didn't even know about it.

And of course his staff broke the news about the Bowling Green Massacre, and still the media (evil doers) haven't reported it.

Ah yes, and then the Trump tower phone tap. Stupid FBI still does not know anything about that.

He said during the campaign he will not cut SS, Medicare, or Medicaid. Now the Donald Care as he calls it will cut $337 billion to Medicaid over ten years?

All 50 governors are shaking in their boots about the thought of that.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
The people that loose with the new GOP bill are low and middle income people.... the big winners are the 1%'rs.

The GOP bill still has the mandate.... and the 'back door' tactics are not in our countries best interest.

If this bill goes through, IMO, it will be a disaster for most people that I know besides my wealthiest clients... who, by the way, will get more "health care" tax credit than they pay in to the system.... (aka welfare).... hmm.

Most people that voted for DJT will see their health care costs rise drastically... NOT decrease. DJT himself is working hard NOT to put his name on this Budget Bill change to the ACA.

I you think you are disenfranchised by the ACA.... you're in for bad news if this new plan is implemented.

Libtard is a term that is bandied around... and quite often justified.... But this, to me...IMO...is the worst "Contard" plan in recent times.

Ryan Does not want a repeal, at all... and there are good reasons for this that hurt the Trump voters the most.... even according to FoxNews.

If trump does not veto this bill... as POTUS, DJT is breaking his biggest promise he made to the American people.

And if you think al of this is just "hot air" from Liberals fighting the change... look for information on this from MANY sources outside of your normal channels.... and see what the consensus is.


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I have lost a lot of respect for Ryan recently. Seems like another party loyal butt kisser. Anyway, I have nothing to do with Obama care. But about 18 months ago my premiums went up 30%. I doubt it will go down.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I need some help here guys. We are no longer suppose to be worried or talking about the Russian influence in the 2016 election and the ties it has with Trump's advisors because of the breaking news that Obama committed a felony by wiretapped "THE Donald" in Trump Tower prior to the election Right? Here is were it gets a little confusing for me. Now that there doesn't seem to be any proof of "wiretapping" news breaks about the plans for healthcare reform which seems to be causing quite a commotion in Washington for some reason. But just now The White House somehow leaked a partial tax return from "THE Donald" that shows how much he paid in taxes 12 years ago. Are we not suppose to stop worrying and bickering about the healthcare reform now and start bickering that he did not pay his fair share of Taxes? I think we are suppose to, but i am not sure. Help me out here what do you guys think?


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The government simply should not be in the health care business, period, no matter which party is in charge.

How can involving tens of thousands of paper pushers make any system more efficient?


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Are we not suppose to stop worrying and bickering about the healthcare reform now and start bickering that he did not pay his fair share of Taxes?

What's your definition of fair share?
$38 million is alot of money to pay in taxes.
Aprox 24% is far higher than many millionaires /billionaires paid.
Warren Buffet paid around 17%
Bernie Sandars, the guy who nearly won the Democrat nomination running on a "we need to tax the rich" platform paid around 13%

So using this information to make President Trump look bad just backfired on you.

In fact, this so called leak may have been leaked by one of Trump's people on his own behalf.
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Well-known member
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Mar 18, 2009
Winsted, MN


Well-known member
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Mar 18, 2009
Winsted, MN
Ahh yes, his taxes. Lets focus on that. A friend of mine said he couldn't vote for a guy that doesn't pay his taxes. All I said was....and you trust and really think Clintons books are on the up and up! :face-icon-small-dis


Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
What's your definition of fair share?
$38 million is alot of money to pay in taxes.
Aprox 24% is far higher than many millionaires /billionaires paid.
Warren Buffet paid around 17%
Bernie Sandars, the guy who nearly won the Democrat nomination running on a "we need to tax the rich" platform paid around 13%

So using this information to make President Trump look bad just backfired on you.

In fact, this so called leak may have been leaked by one of Trump's people on his own behalf.

Do you actually think the leak came from anyone else Mafesto? I don't need to try to make President Trump look bad he does a fine job making himself look like a complete idiot. The point i was trying to make, which obviously I did not make very apparent, was Pres. Trump released two pages of his Tax return to distract everyone from the fact that, even though the past 8 years, the Republicans tried repeal and destroy the Affordable Care Act The Republicans don't have any sort of plan to implement in its place. Wow!! who knew that was going to happen.
Action= Russian Influence
Distraction from Trump = Wiretapping
Action= Health care debacle
Distraction from Trump = Release two pages of his 2005 tax return that have no information on it but makes it look like he is a good guy and pays his taxes.
Action = Next failure
Distraction from Trump = Please hold for next tweet
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