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Someone rode in the Brundage Ski Area This weekend

I had a meeting with the General manager or Brundage today and discovered someone rode there sleds in the ski area. They rode a work rode from the bottom all the way to the top. The only thing I could say was " You got to be F****** Kidding. He also told me that several people parked in the lower ski parking lot. So first things first, that parking lot is now owned by Brundage and is private property. He was not upset about the parking as the resort is not open however lets not poke a hornets nest and see if we get stung. Second thing I can not believe someone rode right in the middle of the ski area.COME ON PEOPLE, people like myself have worked our butts off trying to calm the waters up there. I don't care if you like Brundage or not, any violation of the boundry causes damage to our reputation that can't be repaired. COME ON PEOPLE in five minutes you can be far enough away from the resort that know one even knows you were there. This is not a good start to the season:
Some people just don't care about riding areas.

Every year in the Bighorns, there's people riding way off trail when it's still closed (off-trail opens Nov. 15th... same as it has forever.) and elk season is open. I'd like to catch some of those morons once.
We ride CO alot with buddies that have lived there for years. Never fails, we reach the boundaries and they have to cross to fug around. THEN on the way up & back they bitch about the controversy and areas they are losing. WTF??!
Quit being part of the problem.
We ride CO alot with buddies that have lived there for years. Never fails, we reach the boundaries and they have to cross to fug around. THEN on the way up & back they bitch about the controversy and areas they are losing. WTF??!
Quit being part of the problem.

I obey the boundaries, but the boundaries on Rabbit Ears are a load of crap. They keep changing. One year we were dropping off small cliffs and large boulders and the next year the "skiers" had moved the markers to enclose the very same drops and jumps! I guess that is what happens when the FS lets the ski club set the markers every winter!
Let's not get off topic here boys. THIS IS A SKI HILL. We are not talking markers getting moved.

Uhhhhhhhhhhh. That sucks! I use to get pssd when I'd see them just going inside the markers off the road............ THIS.. this just isn't cool.

Probably a nice little kick in YOUR gut, the guy who works tirelessly for these idiot's right to ride in the great Valley county. :( Sorry!

Maybe a buddy of theirs will read this and give them a nice butt chewin'??? Let's hope so.
I obey the boundaries, but the boundaries on Rabbit Ears are a load of crap. They keep changing. One year we were dropping off small cliffs and large boulders and the next year the "skiers" had moved the markers to enclose the very same drops and jumps! I guess that is what happens when the FS lets the ski club set the markers every winter!

Well move them back:D ;)
Aren't there signs up clearly stating no snowmobile parking in any of their parking lots? I thought I remembered some last year? And we always get funny looks when we drive through to drop our kids off at the daycare.

Like CG said, hopefully they get an ear full.
First off, the area is closed, no argument.

Did anyone go to the top to see if there were any ski tracks leaving the sled at the top of the hill? Might be out-of-control skiers buddying each other for an early run. Just a thought.

Whoever it was, I hope you catch them and ticket them.
Wow lots of angry folks here. I understand I lot of hard work goes in to keeping the sledder and skiers two happy groups, but there will be more snow and the tracks will be covered, not the end of the world!
unless it is ski season, it is just crown land! fair dinkem for any tax payer!
Its the same if you are a hunter, hiker, horse back rider, cross country skier, quader etc.
Who's to say it's not someone that is working to try and get all of our land closed down? The timing seems pretty suspiscious to me and I would not even put it past the greenies to pull something like this. Heck, I wouldn't put it past them to put tracks on many areas they want to get closed down just to cause controversy. If you think about it, they have a huge upper hand in that respect. And I know SEVERAL skiers who have a sled but don't give a chit about sledders...their goal is to close everything but the roads so they can get fresh tracks all day.
Said it too many times, WE'RE ARE WORST ENEMY.
I seriously doubt a greenie would ever ride a sled even if it was to frame us...but ya never know I guess.
Actually they're probably to dumb and weak to even get the thing started.
Those tracks on top were from the workers at the hill. The tracks in question came from the parking lot. Yes one year a couple of employees took a couple work sled for a ride but these were big track sleds not like used at the hill. The general manager was very cool about this incident but i caution everyone the president of Brundage is not cool about sleds in the ski area. JUST STAY THE HE** AWAY FROM THE SKI AREA. IT'S BAD JUJU!!!
when i went riding thursday on the trail on the border of the ski area by hartley meadowa there are no signs. There were tons of tracks going up toeards brundage but say someone is from out of town, how are the supposed to know if its off limmits when its not marked off right next to a snowmobile trail. I thinks it brundages/fs's faullt for not having adequate markings.
So, what you are saying here is I shouldn't go ripping up and down Main Street on Saturday nights. Go swing around on the chair lift in front of the web cam. Hang out in the yurt up top. Dang these ski areas are sure fun busters. I gave 3/4 of my life to those places and look how I'm treated. I'll try to keep my eyes open for those hooligans who are giving us skiers a bad name. Oh snowmobilers a bad name. Hey I love McCall, but after there little lake issue this past summer they can go f*ck themselves...:D just a little humor...
Yea the back side is unmarked right now because the signs were being redone so they should be up this weekend. also there is a change on the boundry on the back side. I am one of the few that have ripped Main street from top to bottom looking for a lost skier it was not that great. It just best for everyone to stay clear. It will cost us dearly if we don't. Please take my word for it I know more than most. It will cost us!!!
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