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Polaris Engines Made in Mexico

Monte... SwissAuto is the parent company for Weber engines which are/have been used in the FST sleds. They employ 30 people and are strong in R&D for Powersports engines.

Weber is a fairly large german machine house that also assembles the FS/FST engine. Swissauto invented the MPE 750 and sold rights to Polaris. Swissauto also develped a kickass kart engine that got homologated. They then made a 250 single kart engine when the twin wouldn't lose to 125 smokers. They also make turbo maps for KKK for german auto OEMs. But, Swissauto does not own Weber. But, if Polaris pays them a few more million, they would have a good down payment. :face-icon-small-ton
Read this. Some of you are so quick to throw anything you can under the bus that hauls your favorite rhetoric. That's another symptom of the problem.

1. Jobs are moving out of WI to MN and IA, eventually some may move to Mex, but don't be surprised if others from MN and IA eventually go south. But, the operations in Mex are not even designed, yet.

2. This is as much a WI issue as a Polaris issue. The WI gov, a socialist by the name of Doyle, is crushing WI businesses with crazy taxes, environmental regs, and handcuffs. Ironically, MANY of these same displaced workers voted for the socialist, you get what you give. Sound familar, just like DC? Politics have real consequences.

3. Not every corp is successful in Mex, some come back, ain't heaven there, either. American workers can make some amazing product when the conditions are right.

4. So many of you want a $6k US new hyper sled and complain about the price of new sleds. Polaris has gotten their collective arses handed to them in the snow products, they lose on every sled, and it's not exec bonuses doing it. Walmart employs the same business model through their vendors - how many of you shop there? Lots, I'd suspect. If you do, you have no right to complain about what's happening here. If you don't, you can say anything you want, at least you walk your talk.

5. These corps are in the business to make money. It's a form of managed capitalism. You want socialist central planning, you ain't gonna be sled'in on public property for long. It's life in the 21st century, and those that figure out how to adapt will overcome and thrive. It's what has made this country the greatest in history. Figure out how to be part of the solution.
Yeah, there are quite a few write ups on the purchase. Here is a quick one. I was just pointing out that Polaris already has overseas interest. I believe they still have some stock in KTM as well.

Hey Reg2view, I refuse to shop at WalMart. :thumb: I bet it has been 8 years or more. Lol
You do make some very good points. However, :usa: I dissagree strongly with CEO wages among many of the nations larger companies. Not that I don't believe people should be allowed to make a good wage, but there are limits. There comes a point where that wage is nothing more than taking advantage of your customer. There is fair and there is stealing, cheating, call it whatever you like.
It would take me at least 20 years to even come close to making 1 mill. We are simply paying way to much for their products. I'm under the belief that even the best most talented individuals could live a very luxurious lifestyle making $500,000 per year without taking advantage of those around them or doing business with them.
When Wells Fargo was bailed and commissioned to help the general homeowner, what happened. While foreclosures were at an all time high the CEO gave himself a 9 million dollar raise. He made 18.5 mill last year.
Both the CEO and President of Polaris made over 1.5 mill just in base salary each. Enough to have properly taken care of all the faulty sleds over the last 3 years themselves. Many of which still do not function properly. That is stealing!
Sorry to be off topic, and this is just my opinion, but I don't see how these types of people deserve their wages. They are not earning it, they are just simply taking. It is GREED. I'm just to idealistic. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up one day and people are going be good to one another. I keep thinking that they will treat others as they wish to be treated and people will start to do the right thing. In reality I know this will never happen, in fact I see us getting worse every year. We will push the person next to us into moving traffic if we can take his penny. We have become such a self centered society that other people no longer matter. Only the almighty dollar and most are willing to do what ever it takes to get more. Even if it means taking advantage of our own brother. Uhg, now I'm depressed. Sorry.
I don't think Im missing the facts. The Liberty snowmobile engine is made in
Oseola right. That is the plant they are closing right. We here in Wisconsin
are going to loose 500+ workers at that plant. The snow engines are going to be made in Mexico. I feel very hurt but not suprized. Polaris is doing what they are. Just my feelings. I will never buy another new polaris product again.I also understand they do not care about me, but if 10000 or more people felt as strong about it as I do.That would affect them.I know where other sled are built.I accept that. They never boosted about made in the U.S.A. Thanks life will go on just fine but not on a new polaris.

WRONG... It says NOTHING about the snowmobile engines moving to Mexico... It says they will be realigned to Roseau... It says it right in the press release article...
They still believe the Liberty engines will be built in Mexico, dumbazzes. :face-icon-small-con

Everyone also seems to have forgot that up until the 97.5-98 Model year snowmobiles Almost all of Polaris's snowmobile motors were manufactured by a division of Fugi Heavy Industries... No one had a problem buying sleds then.
The impossible dream?

Every time I read one of these threads I get depressed. Although it is a small segment, I believe the forum may represent a good cross-section. From what I have seen, here is what is expected out of a mountain snowmobile.

1. Made in the USA
2. Cost about $3500 brand new
3. Never have any mechanical issues
4. Weigh 400 lbs full of fluids
5. Have 180 hp stock

I am using some exaggeration here of course, but I have seen threads alluding to the above statements. Seems the American consumer can be a tough one to please. I wish that I had the solutions to the many problems that seem to plague this industry. I suppose if I did I wouldn't be sitting here typing my opinion on an internet sled forum.
Marv1:They still believe the Liberty engines will be built in Mexico, dumbazzes

Marv... I'm not sure how to read this.

1) You believe that the Liberty engines will remain made in the USA and you are poking fun at the people that belive that they will be made in Mexico?

2) You believe that the Liberty engines will be made in Mexico and you are poking fun at the people that believe that they will be made in the USA?

If it is number 2... Help me to see where this info is coming from that is contrary to what Polaris is directly stating?

Polaris Industries:
Polaris snowmobile assembly will remain in our Roseau, MN facility, and assembly of the Liberty engine will be moved there.

This allows us to have all snowmobile manufacturing and assembly in one location; it’s still an American made snowmobile.
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What are your thoughts.Thanks
I will never buy another new polaris product again. Let Mexico support them.

i understand your anger but put it where it belongs, that would be your goverment and sometimes unions, if you owned or ran a buissness it would soon be clear who is forcing some of your decisions
I can't, and won't defend excessive C-level compensation. I'm not the envious sort, and strongly believe that my lot in life is my responsibility, and if I don't like it, it's up to me, and not 'da Man' to change it. If they can get it legally and legit, they can have it, it's not up to me to take it away.

After dealing with hundreds of private co.s, and literally thousands of execs over the past 30 years I recognized this: The vast amount of real wealth in this country comes from building/owning private enterprise, competing in the marketplace of products and ideas, not being a public co CEO or working for da Man. No place on earth, so far, where this can be done better than in the USA. Yep, bad things happen to good people, some are born into it,but the difference between being comfortable workin for da Man, and financially independent, are the little things, ambitions, decisions, sacrifices, and tradeoffs that accumulate over decades or a lifetime. It's these successful people who pay the vast majority of taxes in the US, purchase the premium products that provide high wages for our craftsmen, and also donate tremendous monies to charities. Just the way it is while our feet walk the earth.
i know few people from SwissAuto,

All i can say is those people are doing R&D and they know what they do. they produce more r&d power with less then 15 people then rotax with 100.

Weber and Wenko (swissAuto) are working very close together, and weber is making good 4stroke engines.

my 2 cent about Polaris and Mexico

Polaris: Capitalism/shareholders/stock exchange are really complicated things.
Mexico: i think they can put a ATV together like American worker, but for 80% less money.

Tijuana :beer;:beer; and all the drunken babes. F*** i can't remember my visit there.

Monte... SwissAuto is the R&D company for Weber engines which are/have been used in the FST sleds. They employ 30 people and are strong in R&D for Powersports engines. Polaris purchased a section of this company... for what... they aren't saying yet. :face-icon-small-sho
I see the kool aide drinkers are quick to defend.

Glad I quit buying their garbage 4 years ago.

BTW, YES, I will pay more for a US made product, and do it as often as possible. The mexican president has made it quite clear that he does not like the US and I say we hit him where it hurts.

I think now is the time for the manufacturers to take a stand and stay in the country.
The Mexican attitude towards our govt DOES stink.

Those who want to boycott Polaris snowmobile over the recent changes... ask yourself this...

Which brand do you ride?

The Canadian Brand that has their engines made in Europe?

The USA brand that has their engines made in Japan?

The Japanese Brand that has components from all over, including the USA and builds in the USA?

The USA brand that makes their Sleds and engines in the USA?

BTW... all of them use Japanese electronics. (wink)

By boycotting a company that builds their sleds and motors in the USA... you will actually be "hitting" the USA worker where it hurts when they loose their job in Roseau.

The koolaid drinkers are the ones that think that they they can demand a less expensive product, have it be higher quality AND be made only in the USA.... All while meeting the Corporate obligation of maximizing profit for their shareholders.

If you are going to boycott Polaris SNOWMOBILES because they opened a NON-SNOWMOBILE facility in Mexico.. then I guess you are going to have to sell your Chevrolet/Ford/Dodge Truck as well since you would be hard pressed to find one that has been built completely in the USA for a long time.

I think that the decision to keep the Polaris Snowmobile component and assembly production within the USA borders was a BIG plus for the snowmobile building employees as well as the consumers in the USA.
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I'm with you WFO. Just wait Mountainhorse if Mexico works for them everything they can will be built there. For a company that bragged about being built USA. they sold us out. I'm done with them they do not care about me but if 10000 people felt the same way as I did then they might care.Thank You
I see the kool aide drinkers are quick to defend.

Glad I quit buying their garbage 4 years ago.

BTW, YES, I will pay more for a US made product, and do it as often as possible. The mexican president has made it quite clear that he does not like the US and I say we hit him where it hurts.

I think now is the time for the manufacturers to take a stand and stay in the country.

this is an interesting comment since you say you will buy a US made product as often as possible....yet 4 years ago you bailed on the only US made sled???

When consumers "bail" on US companies, it reduces their sales/profits, and forces them to compete with the more progressive global companies.

Consumers who "bail" are part of the problem...and have no room to complain when their job is shipped across the border.
this is an interesting comment since you say you will buy a US made product as often as possible....yet 4 years ago you bailed on the only US made sled???

When consumers "bail" on US companies, it reduces their sales/profits, and forces them to compete with the more progressive global companies.

Consumers who "bail" are part of the problem...and have no room to complain when their job is shipped across the border.

I think you hit the nail on the head here. Global being the important part. Lets take a step back and look at the big picture. The world is becoming less and less this country or that country and more a complete functioning entity. Earth.
We all have an effect on each other. America is barely America anymore. Thanks to our our fearless leader of spending and debt China could be considered majority share holder of the US.
The problem if you want to call it that is balance. America for example is consuming more than it is producing. We are consumers. For us it is getting worse. For reasons out of our control it is not feasible for most companies to produce in the US.
Now look at other countries. They may be producing more than they consume. Profit and wages haven't caught up to where they are enjoying the luxuries that many American's do. Their society is structured differently. We have more opportunities than they do. Many of them are happy to even get a paycheck. We feel we deserve one. They are willing to do what ever they can to put food on the table. We are willing to collect unemployment. If you think this is going to get better any time soon. I feel you may be in for a rude awakening. American companies are going to continue to move more and more manufacturing overseas. It will be the only way for those American companies to survive. Not having to pay health care, benefits, social security, and tax after tax in the US eases a large financial strain on many companies. Not to mention paying just a fraction of the wage it takes here.
Import export import export. It is the global economy. lt isn't just America that participates. Most countries do it to some extent. In a perfect world we would all produce and consume equally. We obviously are not there yet.
I know on principle none of us like this. Reality is that this is how life is going to be. Even American Companies doing manufacturing in America are often times using materials made in foreign countries.
Sorry for the off topic book.
I see the kool aide drinkers are quick to defend.

Glad I quit buying their garbage 4 years ago.

BTW, YES, I will pay more for a US made product, and do it as often as possible. The mexican president has made it quite clear that he does not like the US and I say we hit him where it hurts.

I think now is the time for the manufacturers to take a stand and stay in the country.
sooooo who's the kool aide drinkers:face-icon-small-blu
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