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Norweigan Roll Call....Any Norske's here?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
As I Lay here chompin on Lefse I decided a tribute post to the old codgers of Norse tradition. Anyone remeber some of those old Jokebooks your dad or grandfather had? For those who don't have a clue about some of the norse terms like Snoose, Lefse, Uff Da, Lutefisk etc. I'll start out a description of what Uff Da means as printed on the back of Red Stanglands Uff Da Joke book.

The Meaning of "UFF DA"

"Uff Da" is not in the dictionary, but for many Scandinavians, It is an all-purpose expression covering a viriety of situations such as:

"Uff Da" is ....looking in the mirror and discovering...you're not getting better, you're just getting older.
"Uff Da" is ....trying to dance the polka to rock and roll music.
"Uff Da" is ....losing your wad of gum in the chicken yard.
"Uff Da" is ....eating hot soup when you've got a runny nose.
"Uff Da" is ....waking yourself up in church with your own snoring.
"Uff Da" is ....sneezing so hard that your false teeth end up in the bread plate.
"Uff Da" is ....walking way downtown and then trying to remember what you wanted.
"Uff Da" is ....getting swished in the facce with a cows wet tail.
"Uff Da" is ....trying to pour two buckets of manure into one bucket.
"Uff Da" is ....eating a delicious sandwich and then discovering the spread is cat food.
"Uff Da" is ....arriving late at a lutefisk supper and getting served minced ham instead.
"Uff Da" is ....when your two "steady" girlfriends find out about each other.
"Uff Da" is ....trying to look at yourself in the mirror January 1st.
"Uff Da" is ....looking in your rear view mirror and seeing flashing red lights.
"Uff Da" is ....the same as Charlie Brown's "Good Grief."
"Uff Da" is ....pushing the light switch and suddenly remembering you forgot to pay the electric bill.
"Uff Da" is ....opening up the latest real estate tax bill.
"Uff Da" is ....noticing non-Norwegians at a church dinner using lefse for a napkin.
"Uff Da" is ....watching what dogs do to lutefisk piled up in front of the butcher shop.
"Uff Da" is ....not being Scandinavian.


How many Norske's out there eh?
Dec 10, 2007
Yes but do you want to tell me your version...remember I have a short temper and I do not want to throw a potato at you...haha


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 28, 2005
Rapid City, SD
St. Patrick's Day is Celebrated on March 17th in commemoration of that historical figure's act of driving the Norwegians out of Ireland.

It Seem that centuries ago, many Norwegians came to Ireland to escape the bitterness of the Norwegian winters. Ireland was having a famine at the time and food was very scarce.

The Norwegians were eating almost all the fish caught in the sea, leaving the Irish with nothing but potatoes. St. Patrick, taking things into his own hands, decided the Norwegians had to go. Secretly, he organizedd the IRATRION (Irish Rupublic Army to RId Ireland of Norwegians). Irish members of IRATRION sabotaged all the power plants in hopes the fish the Norwegians kept in refridgerators would spoil, forcing the Norwegians to colder climate where their fish would keep. The fish spoiled, all right, but the Norwegians, as everyone knows, thrive on spoiled fish.

Faced with failure, the Irish sneaked into the Norwegians' fish storage caves in the dead of night and sprinkled the rotten fish with lye, hoping to poison the Norwegian Intruders. But, miraculously, the Norwegians thrived on this new concoction and dubbed the smell lye-soaked fish "Lutefisk."

Matters became even worse for the Irishmen when the Norwegians started taking over the Irish potato crop and started making lefse. Poor St. Patrick was at his wits end, and finally on March 17th, he blew his top and told the Norwegians to go to Hell, and it worked. Alll the Norwegians left Ireland and moved to Minnesota. :face-icon-small-hap
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