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I have been quiet, but NOW YOU HAVE CROSSED THE LINE!!!

Hey summit, can't we agree to get along??

ABSOLUTELY! Just because we don't all agree with what's happened here, doesn't mean we have to bash eachother. We all have a common interest here (snowmobiling). Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's like they say, opinions are like a-holes. Everybody's got one! We will never ALL agree on EVERYTHING. That's just the way it is.

Any time a big change like this happens, there's gonna be people on both sides that need to vent. Nothing wrong with venting IMO, but sometimes it can get out of hand.

So, yeah, no problem agreeing to get along. Just had a couple of issues I needed to call out. They may have been blown up a little bigger than they needed to be with all that's gone on here the past couple weeks, but I think we've worked through them quite well. I'll even slap ya with some green!!! (Oops! Have to give you a raincheck on that one. I've given out too much rep today. I'll hit ya with some green when I'm able) :D
damn Marty, you need to ride:face-icon-small-sho:face-icon-small-ton

dont get wrapped up in this internet stuff...no future in it:face-icon-small-dis

call in sick this week and lets ride:face-icon-small-hap close to home, i know a spot:face-icon-small-hap
Here is some green for ya! :)

Ok, I checked under the User CP as suggested by Mag, and the only thing I found was ONE red rep:

02-23-2010 10:03 AM togwotee9 pay up

I'm really holding back right now, cause if I typed what I wanna type right now I would most certainly get banned.

So, my question here is how can ONE red rep completely wipe out my rep points and give me that many red bars!? :mad2:

AND is that fair for someone (A "paid" member) to go around handing out red because they think someone should pay!?? You don't see me running over to all the paid members pages handing out reds cause I don't agree that they paid do you? :mad2:


Ok, i'm gonna stop now before I lose control of my fingers!
damn Marty, you need to ride:face-icon-small-sho:face-icon-small-ton

dont get wrapped up in this internet stuff...no future in it:face-icon-small-dis

call in sick this week and lets ride:face-icon-small-hap close to home, i know a spot:face-icon-small-hap

That's a great idea Ray!! Just put some new parts in my clutch and need to test 'em out! I have no idea how the sled's gonna run with this new setup, so a close ride sounds like an excellent idea. Not real busy at work, so I could probably blow it off one day this week. Gimme a call! :cell: :D
Ok, I checked under the User CP as suggested by Mag, and the only thing I found was ONE red rep:

02-23-2010 10:03 AM togwotee9 pay up

I'm really holding back right now, cause if I typed what I wanna type right now I would most certainly get banned.

So, my question here is how can ONE red rep completely wipe out my rep points and give me that many red bars!? :mad2:

AND is that fair for someone (A "paid" member) to go around handing out red because they think someone should pay!?? You don't see me running over to all the paid members pages handing out reds cause I don't agree that they paid do you? :mad2:


Ok, i'm gonna stop now before I lose control of my fingers!

Pay up and you can give me red :playball: But my red sticks bigger than yours:D

and who cares if you post count goes up
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Remember when you could just come to this site, read a few things, contact a few friends and that was that?

Those were good times.

Now you gotta make sure everyone likes you otherwise they will tell on you for being a big poopy head and give you red dots.........scary!!!!!!!


OK... call me stupid.... but what do the red or green blocks mean?? What are they for? I have been trying to figure this out for a while.

If you have lot's and lot's of green it means you are cool. If you have lot's and lot's of red it means that you are lame. J/k.... really if you like somebody's post and it is helpful, informative, productive etc, etc, then you can give them positive reputation (green) by clicking on the little scales in the upper rt hand corner of their post and checking I approve. You can also give positive rep by hitting the thanks button, or by hitting the green thumbs up. If you disagree with a post because maybe it was accusatory, negative, hurtful, flat out wrong, etc, etc then you can give negative rep by clicking on the little scales and choosing I disapprove of this post. You can also leave negative rep by clicking on the red thumbs down. When you leave positive rep it puts green in bars and points to the users reputation. When you leave negative it's red and deducts points. The amount of rep you can give depends on how much you have been given. If you have 1 million rep points you can give 10% of that to others as positive rep. You can only give 5% in negative rep. You can see who has been giving you rep by clicking on the user cp and then clicking on control panel.

By the way Summitx you have rep!

If you have lot's and lot's of green it means you are cool. If you have lot's and lot's of red it means that you are lame. J/k.... really if you like somebody's post and it is helpful, informative, productive etc, etc, then you can give them positive reputation (green) by clicking on the little scales in the upper rt hand corner of their post and checking I approve. You can also give positive rep by hitting the thanks button, or by hitting the green thumbs up. If you disagree with a post because maybe it was accusatory, negative, hurtful, flat out wrong, etc, etc then you can give negative rep by clicking on the little scales and choosing I disapprove of this post. You can also leave negative rep by clicking on the red thumbs down. When you leave positive rep it puts green in bars and points to the users reputation. When you leave negative it's red and deducts points. The amount of rep you can give depends on how much you have been given. If you have 1 million rep points you can give 10% of that to others as positive rep. You can only give 5% in negative rep. You can see who has been giving you rep by clicking on the user cp and then clicking on control panel.

By the way Summitx you have rep!

This is starting to sound like the anual revisions to the income tax act. I remember striving for a gold star on my chart in ELEMENTRY school but that was a few yrs ago.
When this site changed to a pay site a couple weeks ago, I made a few comments and quietly "bowed out." Since then I have more or less become a lurker, handing out "Thanks" and "Rep" where I felt it was needed.

As of right now, I have a couple of issues.

Issue #1:

When I quit posting on 2/12/10, my post count was at 299. As of right now, 2/27/10, my posts are at 344 (345 after I post this). So, I would like to know why my post count is being fraudulently raised. Regardless of how you look at it, it's not right!

Why is it that every question has to be framed as an attack?

Your post count has increased because YOU HAVE BEEN POSTING THANKS!

Every single time you click on that button, you POST something to the forums.

Every post is counted.

So your post count keeps right on increasing.
Why is it that every question has to be framed as an attack?

Your post count has increased because YOU HAVE BEEN POSTING THANKS!

Every single time you click on that button, you POST something to the forums.

Every post is counted.

So your post count keeps right on increasing.

Newsflash Chris!!

Up until I posted this thread, I had not posted since 2/12/10!! Between 2/12 and 2/27 (When I posted this thread), My post count went up by 45 posts. So, NO I WAS NOT POSTING! THANKS!!
Every single time you click on that button, you POST something to the forums.

Every post is counted.

So your post count keeps right on increasing.

this is new information to me, seems dumb, rep is dumb

IMO, good and bad numbers need to come from sled related topics....everything else is hog piss!!!!

that's right, i said hog piss!!:face-icon-small-hap
Newsflash Chris!!

Up until I posted this thread, I had not posted since 2/12/10!! Between 2/12 and 2/27 (When I posted this thread), My post count went up by 45 posts. So, NO I WAS NOT POSTING! THANKS!!

I think what he is saying is you have been "thanking" people. Clicking "thanks" adds to the post count.....at least that's how I am understanding it..???
I think what he is saying is you have been "thanking" people. Clicking "thanks" adds to the post count.....at least that's how I am understanding it..???

holy crap, I think you are right about that. Man, you sure need to pay attention with the wording on that one. I blew right threw it.

Lets see I am at 5689 right now as of this post. I will click on thanks for winter brew and see what happens.

Holy crap, man you are right!!

I gave thanks to winter brew and the guy below and my post count went up by 2.

Mystery solved folks. Please unbunch panties now....

Oh, the great conspiracy of moderators inflating post counts to increase numbers.

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