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How about our great President!!!

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Aug 30, 2011
According to fox news anyway. Nothing wrong with making $90k a month. Ivanka made millions it patents that were on hold until her daddy became president so if Biden is guilt becasue he daddy got him the job so Is ivanka. But that is somehow always overlooked by trumpsters
This isn’t even a comparison.
Ivanka has her own trademarks mostly in clothing, many she had befroe Trumps presidency.
Hunter Biden was “hired” as an “energy consultant” (even though he has zero related experience) while his daddy was VP. During this time the Ukraine was trying to expose corruption in their country, bring in the Ukrainian prosecuter that found this disgusting abuse of power....what did daddy Joe biden do.... he said “fire that bogus prosecutor or i will not grant the billion dollars in aide to the ukraine.” So they fired him to get the aide.
Obama just looked they other way.
Jan 15, 2010
But, but, but that doesn't fit his narrative.
Actually, I did say that if there’s something there they should investigate-thru the proper channels... if Biden or for that matter Hillary are such criminals then bring it on properly, stop spewing lies and go after them LEGALLY...

c’mon, you guys really think Donny is all of the sudden on a crusade against corruption and the only people he happens to target are the clintons and the Bidens?

The whole point is that Donny lies constantly and expects you to believe whatever he says. That’s the basis for his success, nothing else. “I’ve done more than any other president”... yea right, anyone with a grade 7 education and an open mind knows that’s bullish!t too but y’all keep eating it up. No wall,no Mexico paying for any wall, no infrastructure, no healthcare, no real trade deals...

Really, enlighten me-what’s so great about the mango messiah other than him making it ok to be an arrogant racist a-hole? I honestly don’t see how even a semi intelligent human could follow that LYING clown, I’d love to know...
Jan 15, 2010
This isn’t even a comparison.
Ivanka has her own trademarks mostly in clothing, many she had befroe Trumps presidency.
Hunter Biden was “hired” as an “energy consultant” (even though he has zero related experience) while his daddy was VP. During this time the Ukraine was trying to expose corruption in their country, bring in the Ukrainian prosecuter that found this disgusting abuse of power....what did daddy Joe biden do.... he said “fire that bogus prosecutor or i will not grant the billion dollars in aide to the ukraine.” So they fired him to get the aide.
Obama just looked they other way.
You really need to look at other news sources beyond the far right wing...

And if you actually think Donny, Jared, Ivanka and the rest aren’t profiting yuge off this then maybe you’d like to bid on the 600 miles of new wall if Mafesto turns it down.


Most handsome
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Actually, I did say that if there’s something there they should investigate-thru the proper channels... if Biden or for that matter Hillary are such criminals then bring it on properly, stop spewing lies and go after them LEGALLY...

c’mon, you guys really think Donny is all of the sudden on a crusade against corruption and the only people he happens to target are the clintons and the Bidens?

The whole point is that Donny lies constantly and expects you to believe whatever he says. That’s the basis for his success, nothing else. “I’ve done more than any other president”... yea right, anyone with a grade 7 education and an open mind knows that’s bullish!t too but y’all keep eating it up. No wall,no Mexico paying for any wall, no infrastructure, no healthcare, no real trade deals...

Really, enlighten me-what’s so great about the mango messiah other than him making it ok to be an arrogant racist a-hole? I honestly don’t see how even a semi intelligent human could follow that LYING clown, I’d love to know...

Can u post some links to the sites you get your information?
Actual Trade deal data. Not anything from the news media.. i will read it.

Obamacare ruined healthcare for middle class....i know for a fact that it has financially hurt everyone i know.(maybe "hurt" is not the appropriate word)
The poor have always had free healthcare....so, who actually benefited? INS?

Our unemployment is down.

The wall is slowly being built.... Mexico is not going to pay for it directly for sure...

I honestly do not know if he has done more or less than previous presidents....
If u listen to that and base ur life decisions of statements like that.... u need to change that mindset, U will be much happier.
Choose ur battles. Statements like that .... take it or leave it.... doesn't effect anything in life... lots of people say things to make themselves look or feel better... when people do that, if it doesn't hurt anyone, i don't care and let them feel good about themselves. It doesn't effect my life.

I honestly think Donald has done a lot of good for this country. I also think he could be better at a lot if things..... nobody is perfect..

I am not Republican or Democrat, i am for the best person. Right now, our Democrats have disgraced themselves... there are seriously a lot of weirdos! Mr Schiff.... what the hell is that guy doing in office? He shouldn't have authority over any person in any field...he seems like a smart person but he obviously thinks he is above and better than most people... we are all equal and should be treated that way.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
You really need to look at other news sources beyond the far right wing...
JTK, watch both these reports in their entirety, this should help to alleviate your trump derangement syndrome.
ABC news: biden sidesteps questions about sons foreign work

RT news: Biden made Ukraine fire top prosecutor investigating sons firm


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Really, enlighten me-what’s so great about the mango messiah other than him making it ok to be an arrogant racist a-hole? I honestly don’t see how even a semi intelligent human could follow that LYING clown, I’d love to know...

Wow! aren't we the mighty one behind the keyboard?
How do you feel justified in mouthing off about racism? That's a very serious allegation. One which many minorities would refute. Just curious what factual evidence of racism you have? And why so many people of different colors don't have this same information?

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Don't forget that he is worse than hitler too. That is one of my all time favorites.
As far as intelligence, I remember someone saying we should embrace China and use them for all their cheap stuff.
Jan 15, 2010
Wow! aren't we the mighty one behind the keyboard?
How do you feel justified in mouthing off about racism? That's a very serious allegation. One which many minorities would refute. Just curious what factual evidence of racism you have? And why so many people of different colors don't have this same information?
“There’s good people on both sides”... djt.

If you don’t think racism is alive and well in Murica and is expanding under Donny then you need to open your eyes. Sure it goes both ways, but it sure as heck isn’t improving.
Jan 15, 2010
JTK, watch both these reports in their entirety, this should help to alleviate your trump derangement syndrome.
ABC news: biden sidesteps questions about sons foreign work

RT news: Biden made Ukraine fire top prosecutor investigating sons firm

How many times do I have to say it-if Biden did something bad then stop whining about it and investigate it thru the proper channels. Same with Hillary. Bring it, it’s not rocket science, especially when you are the head of the executive branch . Spewing BS without backing it up thru the proper process makes it just that-BS.

Also, whether Biden is guilty or not does not justify Donny asking another government to interfere in the election process.
Jan 15, 2010
Can u post some links to the sites you get your information?
Actual Trade deal data. Not anything from the news media.. i will read it.

Obamacare ruined healthcare for middle class....i know for a fact that it has financially hurt everyone i know.(maybe "hurt" is not the appropriate word)
The poor have always had free healthcare....so, who actually benefited? INS?

Our unemployment is down.

The wall is slowly being built.... Mexico is not going to pay for it directly for sure...

I honestly do not know if he has done more or less than previous presidents....
If u listen to that and base ur life decisions of statements like that.... u need to change that mindset, U will be much happier.
Choose ur battles. Statements like that .... take it or leave it.... doesn't effect anything in life... lots of people say things to make themselves look or feel better... when people do that, if it doesn't hurt anyone, i don't care and let them feel good about themselves. It doesn't effect my life.

I honestly think Donald has done a lot of good for this country. I also think he could be better at a lot if things..... nobody is perfect..

I am not Republican or Democrat, i am for the best person. Right now, our Democrats have disgraced themselves... there are seriously a lot of weirdos! Mr Schiff.... what the hell is that guy doing in office? He shouldn't have authority over any person in any field...he seems like a smart person but he obviously thinks he is above and better than most people... we are all equal and should be treated that way.

Sent it
Hard to post actual trade deal data when there haven’t been any... nafta 2.0-no big changes, opened up the Quebec dairy industry and called it the greatest deal ever. And still not ratified.

How much wall has actually been built vs old sections repaired that were previously budgeted?? Not freakin much.

Unemployment down-sure is considering Donny said it was actually close to 40% a month before the election and then suddenly a couple months later it was the greatest lowest bestest it’s ever ever been.

Complain all ya want about Obamacare, Donny sure has made giant steps towards implementing the greatest most beautiful healthcare plan ever conceived that he had totally figured out on day 1.

Done a lot of good eh, sure threw some key allies under the bus today and again showed that his word and due to his position the word of the USA doesn’t mean squat anymore...

Not saying the dems are the best ever, but anyone in power who claims “great and unequaled wisdom” shouldn’t be in charge of anything.
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