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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Truth be told, I am glad Trump is trying to work with N Korea.

I appreciate you giving credit to our great President Trump.
And let's not forget that in 1994, clinton gave North Korea 2 nuclear reactors along with 5 billion dollars. Let's remember to thank that bastard as well.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I appreciate you giving credit to our great President Trump.
And let's not forget that in 1994, clinton gave North Korea 2 nuclear reactors along with 5 billion dollars. Let's remember to thank that bastard as well.
While you're at it, you may want to remember that in the Clinton administration was the last time N Korea was holding a dialogue with us. And the last time Nuclear inspectors were allowed in N Korea.

The whole Nuclear debate is silly if you ask me. Its science. If a country wants to be nuclear & has the resources to figure it out, who are we, or Russia, or England, or India, or Israel, or any other Nuclear nation to come in and say "no you can't!" Outright Hypocrisy. Especially considering we are still the only nation who ever actually used a nuke on another country. And as far as nuclear Non-proliferation - Trump withdrew us from a REAGAN era treaty with Russia so we can start building up our arsenal to wipe humanity from the earth again. And he withdrew us from the Iran agreement (which according to everyone but the Trump administration, Iran is STILL abiding by, even after our withdrawal - which is more than can be said of N Korea, or of Trumps progress with Kim Jong Un.)

black z

Well-known member
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Feb 2, 2014
While you're at it, you may want to remember that in the Clinton administration was the last time N Korea was holding a dialogue with us. And the last time Nuclear inspectors were allowed in N Korea.

The whole Nuclear debate is silly if you ask me. Its science. If a country wants to be nuclear & has the resources to figure it out, who are we, or Russia, or England, or India, or Israel, or any other Nuclear nation to come in and say "no you can't!" Outright Hypocrisy. Especially considering we are still the only nation who ever actually used a nuke on another country. And as far as nuclear Non-proliferation - Trump withdrew us from a REAGAN era treaty with Russia so we can start building up our arsenal to wipe humanity from the earth again. And he withdrew us from the Iran agreement (which according to everyone but the Trump administration, Iran is STILL abiding by, even after our withdrawal - which is more than can be said of N Korea, or of Trumps progress with Kim Jong Un.)

You think it's a good idea that dictator led nations like NK possess nukes because countries like the USA have them? Even though the USA has multiple checks and balances before the "nuke buttons" can be pushed? Dude, you can't be this stupid

black z

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 2, 2014
While you're at it, you may want to remember that in the Clinton administration was the last time N Korea was holding a dialogue with us. And the last time Nuclear inspectors were allowed in N Korea.

The whole Nuclear debate is silly if you ask me. Its science. If a country wants to be nuclear & has the resources to figure it out, who are we, or Russia, or England, or India, or Israel, or any other Nuclear nation to come in and say "no you can't!" Outright Hypocrisy. Especially considering we are still the only nation who ever actually used a nuke on another country. And as far as nuclear Non-proliferation - Trump withdrew us from a REAGAN era treaty with Russia so we can start building up our arsenal to wipe humanity from the earth again. And he withdrew us from the Iran agreement (which according to everyone but the Trump administration, Iran is STILL abiding by, even after our withdrawal - which is more than can be said of N Korea, or of Trumps progress with Kim Jong Un.)

Are you nuts? Iran has never been compliant. Care to tell me why your buddy Obama sent over 1 BILLION in CASH to Iran, one of the top terrorist sponsors in the world, and why ISIS raged under Obama and was basically decimated in less than 2 years under Trump's leadership?

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
You think it's a good idea that dictator led nations like NK possess nukes because countries like the USA have them? Even though the USA has multiple checks and balances before the "nuke buttons" can be pushed? Dude, you can't be this stupid

Actually, there are NO checks on the presidential power to launch a Nuke. The President was supposed to BE the check on the power to launch a nuke. Read up on it. And, honestly, I don't really care that much if N Korea has a nuke. If they were to actually launch one, we would reduce them to molten slag & they know it.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Are you nuts? Iran has never been compliant. Care to tell me why your buddy Obama sent over 1 BILLION in CASH to Iran, one of the top terrorist sponsors in the world, and why ISIS raged under Obama and was basically decimated in less than 2 years under Trump's leadership?
Also, the 1 billion in cash was actually Loan forgiveness. Iran has owed us a billion since the late 70's & Obama expunged the debt. We didn't send them any money. That's right wing pundits talking. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know, but considering all of the pilots involved in 9/11 were of Saudi birth, our biggest & longest ally in the middle east, I don't see how Iran is more or less than the other side of the same coin. The Saudi Regime & the Wahhabism they practice is responsible for more Islamic Deaths than any other regime or group in the area. I say pull us out of the middle east & let them sort themselves out. Kudos to Rand Paul for introducing legislation to end a nearly 20 year old futile war in Afghanistan. And Kudos to Trump for starting to get us out of Syria before it turns into another debacle like Iraq or Afghanistan.
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Watching the ridiculousness of so many of the Democrats in the US. Unbelievable that so many of these self serving , wanna be famous , idealistic morons ,actually believe they are working in the best interests of Americans . Partisan politics has become the biggest stumbling block in moving the country forward, and how they can rationalize and justify their actions is mind blowing.
Trump is the President , like it or not, deal with it. If the country wants him out , the majority of voters, he won’t get back in, problem solved. But while he is there, all these attention seeking dummies seem to want to do is swim upstream , devite all their time to attacking him and yapping about impeachment and his past and his character, while ignoring the actual issues they swore an oath to work to improve. Grandstanding and tv clips seem to be the priority, just disgusting. So many of them seem to be able to convince themselves that they know best, the system has failed , and that somehow working to stop any and everything the Trump administration attempts to do, is somehow serving to make America a better place for everyone. With all his defects and past transgressions, it’s ironic that Trump is almost coming across as the reasonable one , who is actually working every day to do as he said he was gonna do.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I agree partisan politics is what is killing the country. I do sometimes wish there were a few more "idealistic morons" on the right as well though. Rand Paul is about it. The driving principal in Washington has become increasingly on both sides "Oppose the Opposition" instead of attempting to get anything done. If you can't find some common place to agree on an issue, set it aside for now & work on something that you can find some kind of common ground on.

If politicians driving principals were, in fact, principals, instead of just obstructionism on both sides, we'd be able to move forward at some kind of pace at least.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Watching the ridiculousness of so many of the Democrats in the US. Unbelievable that so many of these self serving , wanna be famous , idealistic morons ,actually believe they are working in the best interests of Americans . Partisan politics has become the biggest stumbling block in moving the country forward, and how they can rationalize and justify their actions is mind blowing.
Trump is the President , like it or not, deal with it. If the country wants him out , the majority of voters, he won’t get back in, problem solved. But while he is there, all these attention seeking dummies seem to want to do is swim upstream , devite all their time to attacking him and yapping about impeachment and his past and his character, while ignoring the actual issues they swore an oath to work to improve. Grandstanding and tv clips seem to be the priority, just disgusting. So many of them seem to be able to convince themselves that they know best, the system has failed , and that somehow working to stop any and everything the Trump administration attempts to do, is somehow serving to make America a better place for everyone. With all his defects and past transgressions, it’s ironic that Trump is almost coming across as the reasonable one , who is actually working every day to do as he said he was gonna do.

Watching Republicans complain about Democrat obstructionism is hilarious.

Don't get me wrong, I think much of the current obstruction going on is stupid. Some I agree with, because the people doing it are legitimately listening to the people that elected them.

Our government isn't a "winner-take-all" system. You don't just have to go along with the President. That's the beauty of the separated powers.

Most of the rest of your post seems like wild projection, and is equally hilarious.
who is actually working every day to do as he said he was gonna do.

Trump has spent twice as much time at (his own) golf courses in his first 2 years than Obama did in his. Trump repeatedly complained about Obama spending time playing golf.

Grandstanding and tv clips seem to be the priority, just disgusting.
You've seen Trump, right?

So many of them seem to be able to convince themselves that they know best, the system has failed
That's literally the platform Trump ran on, isn't it?

And now a budget that will increase the debt by $10 Trillion over the next decade. I thought he was going to eliminate the debt?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Watching Republicans complain about Democrat obstructionism is hilarious.

Don't get me wrong, I think much of the current obstruction going on is stupid. Some I agree with, because the people doing it are legitimately listening to the people that elected them.

Our government isn't a "winner-take-all" system. You don't just have to go along with the President. That's the beauty of the separated powers.

Most of the rest of your post seems like wild projection, and is equally hilarious.

Trump has spent twice as much time at (his own) golf courses in his first 2 years than Obama did in his. Trump repeatedly complained about Obama spending time playing golf.

You've seen Trump, right?

That's literally the platform Trump ran on, isn't it?

And now a budget that will increase the debt by $10 Trillion over the next decade. I thought he was going to eliminate the debt?

We all have a right to an opinion and to share iT, good for you . But your opinion to me is in one ear and out the other, cause unfortunately , after listening to your rambling self absorbed, self professed superiority , on everything , to me you are now just noise. But keep spouting and condescending, there’s always new aquaintenances that you can bamboozle with your “published “Junk science and ability to only see the facts that serve your goofy contrary narrative.
You have a good day now !


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
You have a good day now !

I'm with you there.

Edit: I was going to delete the italic section below, but decided to leave it anyway. It doesn't really apply to this thread, but I have a hard time separating them sometimes.

I know most here aren't listening. Mafesto is a troll, many others have their heads in the sand. I'm just trying to show that there are many honest people just doing their jobs, who know what they are doing better than those of us sitting at home. I get annoyed when lay people think they know my job better than I do. I think most people do. These people know their jobs, and they overwhelmingly come to the same conclusions that humans are causing the temperature of the world to increase.

I've presented numbers, papers, studies, none of it has been my opinion.

Just information out there for people to read and make up their own minds about.

I'm sorry for getting frustrated and being condescending.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
Ya just had to go and hurt my feeling again. You dadgummed half peckered butt monkey.

I’m thinking your pecker/ butt/ monkey comment could get you banned!!

Wonder what ol Idahocatman would have to say if he was immortal and lived through all of the earths ice ages and warm ages???

All of his special writings and publishing and SCIENCE!!!!!

Tell me catman. Where are the records of the earths past several THOUSAND YEARS !!?
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
It’s really humorous to read about what SCIENCE tells us is FACT. Beings there wasn’t anyone around to even try to document what SCIENCE says it was/is. This is even before there was a human life on this planet. But because of SCIENCE, it’s all considered FACTS!

It’s all bull crap. To call SCIENCE a actual fact is pure trash, considering you learn earths CREATION IN SCIENCE CLASS but yet it’s based on PURE SPECULATION. No one was there, NO ONE!!!

unless you believe in God!

He was there. But no one likes to hear that GOD created earth. Because if they admit that, SCIENCE wouldn’t be so accurate.
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turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I'm with you there.

Edit: I was going to delete the italic section below, but decided to leave it anyway. It doesn't really apply to this thread, but I have a hard time separating them sometimes.

I know most here aren't listening. Mafesto is a troll, many others have their heads in the sand. I'm just trying to show that there are many honest people just doing their jobs, who know what they are doing better than those of us sitting at home. I get annoyed when lay people think they know my job better than I do. I think most people do. These people know their jobs, and they overwhelmingly come to the same conclusions that humans are causing the temperature of the world to increase.

I've presented numbers, papers, studies, none of it has been my opinion.

Just information out there for people to read and make up their own minds about.

I'm sorry for getting frustrated and being condescending.

Wow. The true colors come out. To think you are a moderator boggles my mind with that statement. Just because someone doesn't believe what you believe makes them a troll? Don't ride what you ride and there a troll.Just so you know, if you believe everything that you've heard, read, or been told you are as stupid as the person that wrote it or said it. Those are words to live by. How do you know they are honest. Did you read that too. Don't be so gullible. Everything in this ole world is corrupt. Including your precious science. As long as the almighty dollar means what it does, it always will be. Don't feel bad. My sister in law was just as bad when Obama was running. She thought because the debates were on TV that they had to be true. She also believed everything she seen on the internet. People can't think for themselves anymore. All you have to do is repeat something over and over and people will believe it. A good portion believe it because everyone else believes it. No idea why. They just know it has to be. Have to be on the in crowd. Nothing else matters. What a failure schools, college and journalism have done for our kids.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Wow. The true colors come out. To think you are a moderator boggles my mind with that statement. Just because someone doesn't believe what you believe makes them a troll? Don't ride what you ride and there a troll.Just so you know, if you believe everything that you've heard, read, or been told you are as stupid as the person that wrote it or said it. Those are words to live by. How do you know they are honest. Did you read that too. Don't be so gullible. Everything in this ole world is corrupt. Including your precious science. As long as the almighty dollar means what it does, it always will be. Don't feel bad. My sister in law was just as bad when Obama was running. She thought because the debates were on TV that they had to be true. She also believed everything she seen on the internet. People can't think for themselves anymore. All you have to do is repeat something over and over and people will believe it. A good portion believe it because everyone else believes it. No idea why. They just know it has to be. Have to be on the in crowd. Nothing else matters. What a failure schools, college and journalism have done for our kids.

In defense of IDCantman, he knows part of my vestment in this thread is for entertainment sake. He (& anyone else) can call me names. I'm a grown up, and my little feelings don't get hurt. Just as my calling him a name was simply in jest. If we sink to reprimanding one another for harmless name calling, this forum is indeed doomed.

And oh yeah, one more thing.... Global warming statistics is fake science. We're smart enough to not fall for that.
Wait a minute, that's a whole different thread.
Trump is still your President.
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